The Naruto manga began serialization in 1999 and concluded in 2017. Recently, it marked its 25th anniversary with a post from the anime's official X (formerly Twitter) account, but this singular post managed to bring out many fans' frustrations regarding a past project that was almost abandoned. The series was supposed to receive four special episodes in celebration of its 20th anniversary, with a release date set for September 2023.
The episodes were never released and went completely unaddressed until a recent Q&A session was held in May 2024. Many fans have now expressed frustration that the 20th anniversary special project is still nowhere to be seen, despite the series now reaching its 25th anniversary.
Naruto fans lament the absence of the 4 episodes
The Naruto manga marked its 25th anniversary on September 21, 2024. While almost the entire fandom pondered the series' significance and overwhelming impact on the perception of anime, they also recalled the four special episodes that were supposed to be released in September 2023 as part of a 20th-anniversary special project.
Although many fans have expressed that there might have been some production problems, the silence regarding this issue has angered a substantial part of the fandom. The four special episodes were arguably one of the most anticipated media related to the series, adding to the frustration caused by their absence and the complete lack of information surrounding them.
Fan reactions to the original post
Many Naruto fans responded well to the anniversary by reminiscing about the series' glory and the impact it has had on the overall perception of anime and its mainstream popularity.
However, many other fans also mentioned how the 20th-anniversary project, which was supposed to include four remade Naruto episodes, has not been released yet, and no news regarding its status has been revealed, despite an entire year passing since its release date in September 2023. Additionally, many fans are simply asking for a status update on the four special episodes.
"Them 4 episodes better coming too." One fan said.
"20th anniversay 4 episodes update? 🙂" Another fan said.
Other fans have expressed that the 20th-anniversary episodes, which have not been released yet, might just be released during the 25th anniversary, which itself is seen as absurd. Meanwhile, many other fans have voiced their fixation on the four special episodes.
"20th anniversary episodes coming out on the 25th anniversary aint no way bro 😭😭😭😭" One fan wrote.
"When the 4 episodes? 💀😭," Another fan wrote.
Ichiro Ishikawa last mentioned the four special episodes of Naruto in a Q&A session held on May 21, 2024. It was revealed that the anime’s 20th anniversary special project would be released sometime in 2024, coinciding with the series' 25th anniversary.
The series is also a collaboration with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. It is possible that both of these releases will reignite the anime fandom’s love for the series.
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