Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 was officially released on Saturday, May 11, 2024, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the highly anticipated Spring 2024 anime series. Excitingly, the series continued to impress, even in the midst of what was a relatively uneventful episode.
However, Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 saw Kafka Hibino successfully enter the Kaiju Defense Force as a cadet and also set up his first mission. Likewise, fans are expecting Kafka and the talking humanoid Kaiju seen in the previous episode to run into each other on this first mission.
Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 sees Kafka take the first steps towards standing next to Mina
Brief episode recap

Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 began with Kafka Hibino back at his day job, freaking out because he’s scared about the exam results, likewise blaming Reno Ichikawa for encouraging him.
The two then both got their results from the Kaiju Defense Force, opening them together at work. The focus then shifted to a branch headquarters of the Kaiju Defense Force, where several of the passing examinees were seen fraternizing.
Kikoru Shinomiya then entered, while Ichikawa formally introduced himself to Iharu Furuhashi. He began speaking about Kafka’s status but was interrupted by the arrival of Mina Ashiro which marked the start of the entrance ceremony. Kikoru was asked to give a speech as the top performer in the new class, while Mina praised her for defeating the revived Honju and limiting casualties greatly.
However, Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 saw her think that Kafka deserved to hear those words and not her, also wanting answers from him regarding his humanoid Kaiju form.
At that moment, Kafka entered in uniform, revealing that he had passed in the end. However, a flashback began which saw Kafka initially slated for failure by those who make such decisions.

Just as Mina was seemingly about to say something disputing this, Soshiro Hoshina volunteered to take Kafka under his wing.
He pointed out that while he’s not a great candidate on paper, his intelligence and the support role he played showed that he’s a great fit for the Defense Force, in addition to how funny he is. Likewise, Kafka was not only enrolled as a cadet, but enrolled as one in the Third Division under Mina and Hoshina’s direct supervision.
Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 then saw Mina congratulate those who passed the exam, while adding that Kaiju have become even more dangerous in recent years. She attributes this latest incident of the test Kaiju coming to life as evidence of this, clearly inspiring Kafka enough for him to call her by her first name out loud and say he’ll be standing next to her soon. That obviously earns him the awkward looks of everyone in the room, leading him to realize what he did.
Mina clearly wanted to say something in response but steeled herself and acted as an officer by punishing him. Hoshina tried making a joke about it but was struck by the fact that Mina was actually smiling at those words.
Kafka got to work on his 100 push ups, while Hoshina mused on the fact that they got the 9.8 magnitude Kaiju alert at the same time when Kafka’s vitals stopped coming in.

Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 saw Hoshina reveal he clearly knows something is going on with or unique about Kafka and is likewise determined to find out what that is.
Kafka, meanwhile, finished his 100 push ups, earning him applause from the crowd. Kikoru then approached him and said they need to talk, getting both him and Ichikawa to go with her and discuss the origins of his powers.
Kafka suggested just telling the Defense Force, but Kikoru recommended against this, chiefly because it would stop him from being an officer, if not outright kill him. She also adds that numbered Kaiju are used to create special weapons when defeated, which could also happen to him if his secret is revealed. He likewise begged Kikoru to keep his secret, to which she agreed, but promised to kill him if he’s a Kaiju who intends to harm humankind.
Kaiju No. 8 episode saw Kafka say he’s counting on her if that happens, as the scene switched to Kafka and co’s first training exercise focused on target practice. Each of them ran through a course individually and had their times and unleashed combat power recorded. Hoshina was observing from above, commenting on how much Ichikawa has improved.
While the others were shown to be competing about their scores, Kafka was shown celebrating a sox-and-a-half minute runtime and 1% unleashed combat power.
However, Hoshina rained on his parade by saying he’ll be fired in three months if he doesn’t improve. He was also shown to be happy that competition was brewing among them.
Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 then saw Kafka and Ichikawa hit the bath with others, where the competitive spirits continued to come out. Kafka then thought how long it had been since he’d done anything like this, as focus shifted to Kikoru and the girls walking in on Mina in the laundry room, where Kikoru and Mina discussed the latter’s training habits.
The men, meanwhile, were discussing why they joined up in the Defense Force, with everyone giving different reasons, but citing Ashiro as either inspiration or a goal to reach.
A confused Kafka asks Ichikawa to explain, not realizing how much of an inspiration she was. Kafka then revealed his relationship with Mina, earning the ire and jealousy of the others. Kafka tried to leave the bath, but the others wouldn’t let him until he finished the story.
Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 then saw a training montage play out, highlighting the recruits’ next few days, ending with Kafka being up late studying one night.
As he thought about how he needed to work twice as hard as everyone, Hoshina appeared and told him sleep is important too. They then discussed Kafka’s relationship with Mina, with Kafka even saying he’s coming for Hoshina’s spot as vice-captain.
However, Hoshina said that he wouldn’t let that happen before departing after telling Kafka to lock up the library in two hours. He then advised not getting too close to the others, since they could die at any time.
At that moment, a Kaiju alert rang out, marking the start of Kafka and co’s first mission as the episode ended.
In review
While uneventful, Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 rewards viewers with many “feel good” and funny moments, one of the most notable being the reveal of Kafka passing the entrance exam. That continues well into the episode, which heavily leans on comedy in a way earlier installments hadn’t.
The episode also does a great job of further developing previously introduced side characters, with the most notable example from this episode being Iharu Furuhashi.
Likewise, the setup of Kafka and Hoshina’s rivalry is also welcome, especially considering the full context of their relationship from Hoshina’s point of view.
In summation
While mundane, Kaiju No. 8 episode 5 is a promising episode which shows signs of the series being able to have a long and prosperous future given how multifaceted it is.
By excelling in areas beyond action and sakuga, the series is given real depth which is palpable even to the most casual of viewers.
Related links
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