In the Boruto world, Kawaki is a character whose role has shifted between ally and adversary, reflecting the complexity of his motivations and inner struggles. In the Two Blue Vortex manga, the story focuses more on Kawaki, particularly his care for Himawari Uzumaki.
Kawaki's decision to fight for Himawari, despite his main goal of confronting Boruto, suggests that the manga may be setting up a significant twist involving his character in the upcoming issues.
Kawaki's character arc explores themes of loyalty, protection, and sacrifice. His actions, often driven by a deep sense of duty towards those he cares for, reveal layers of his personality and hint at his potential. The manga writers have crafted a compelling character journey for Kawaki, keeping readers invested in his development.
Boruto: Kawaki's dedication to protecting the ones he values
Kawaki decided to keep Himawari safe rather than chase after Boruto in chapter 10 of the Two Blue Vortex manga. This shows that his priorities are changing. Kawaki has been trying to catch Boruto because he fears losing Naruto and Momoshiki is a threat.
However, in this chapter, Kawaki's actions suggest that he values and cares about the people close to him more now. The fact that he put aside his original goal to protect Himawari shows how attached he has become to the people he cares for.
Looking back at Kawaki's past battles, it's clear that he often succeeds when fighting to protect someone important to him. For example, he won against Isshiki and Borushiki when fighting to save Naruto. However, he failed against Boruto when his goal was to defeat him to get to Momoshiki.
This pattern indicates that Kawaki's determination to shield his loved ones could be the key to his future victories. His drive to keep those he cares about safe seems to give him an extra edge in battle.
The potential twist: Kawaki's newfound strength
Kawaki chose to keep Himawari safe in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex chapter 10. This choice could lead to something big in the next chapters. In the past, when Kawaki had to protect someone, he unlocked new strong powers. For example, he used a new technique to defeat Isshiki. He also got back and upgraded his Karma. This shows Kawaki can get stronger when he needs to protect someone.
Because of this, it is possible that Kawaki, wanting to protect Himawari, could give him another power boost. He could team up with Boruto to protect her. He could sacrifice himself to keep her safe, or he could fully unleash his Karma abilities with a big horn like Isshiki's.
No matter what happens, the next chapters of the manga series could have a big twist that changes Kawaki's role in the story. His choice to put Himawari's safety first may cause something huge to happen, which could greatly impact the whole series.
Final thoughts
The upcoming chapters of the Two Blue Vortex manga may showcase Kawaki fighting to protect Himawari, which could unfold an intriguing storyline. His willingness to prioritize her safety over his own goals suggests a growing bond and a desire to safeguard those he cares for, even if it means facing significant challenges.
Considering Kawaki's past experiences, where he unlocked new abilities in desperate situations to protect his loved ones, this latest development could lead to a major twist that could change the course of the manga. Readers can anticipate witnessing the unfolding of this captivating narrative and the potential transformations it may bring about for both Kawaki and the overall story.
Related links:
- Boruto's Karma trio and their attitudes towards the power may signify their philosophical ideals
- Boruto's character growth is engaging because it's so different from Naruto's, and fans who say it's boring are wrong
- Naruto may have played a key role in Himawari receiving Kurama