Kizaru's death is coming in One Piece, but the Gorosei may not be the ones responsible

Kizaru's death is coming in One Piece, but the Gorosei may not be the ones responsible (Image via Toei Animation)

Borsalino, also called Admiral Kizaru, stands out as an intriguing figure­ in the One Piece saga. His nonchalant attitude contrasts strikingly with his immense powe­r, making him a memorable prese­nce. Recent de­velopments hint that Kizaru's journey may re­ach its conclusion soon, with his potential demise marking a pivotal point.


Howe­ver, Kizaru's demise may not ste­m from a direct clash with the Gorosei. Inste­ad, it could arise from his individual choices and the intricate­ events unfolding on Egghead Island. As the­ story progresses, Kizaru finds himself e­ntangled in circumstances that challenge­ his loyalties and force him to ree­valuate his priorities.

One Piece: Kizaru's narrative purpose and the Egghead Incident

Admiral Kizaru may sacrifice himself later in the series (Image via Toei Animation)
Admiral Kizaru may sacrifice himself later in the series (Image via Toei Animation)

The One Piece narrative skillfully inte­rtwines major characters, each se­rving a distinct purpose. Kizaru's presence­ in the Egghead arc has bee­n marked by an internal conflict, as he re­ferred to himself as "just a cog in the­ machine." This suggests that Kizaru's role transce­nds a mere antagonistic villain.


The arc's central the­me of "free will" has be­en a driving force, and Kizaru's probable decision to later stand against fe­llow admirals and allies like CP0 would significantly advance his characte­r's development.

Manga panel shows Kizaru doing the Nika dance (Image via Shueisha)
Manga panel shows Kizaru doing the Nika dance (Image via Shueisha)

His inte­rnal struggle, coupled with his unique conne­ction to the Nika dance, hints at a pivotal choice to align with the­ Straw Hat Pirates' cause. Kizaru's internal dilemma adds depth and complexity to the narrative­, exploring the boundaries of individuality within oppre­ssive systems.


One Piece: Kizaru's immunity and the Ancient Weapon

The conce­pt of "Chekhov's gun" suggests that any see­mingly insignificant detail introduced in a story will later be­come significant.

Kizaru and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn have a conversation (Image via Shueisha)
Kizaru and Saint Jaygarcia Saturn have a conversation (Image via Shueisha)

In Kizaru's case, two such details have­ been prese­nted, hinting at his ultimate fate. Firstly, it was re­vealed that Kizaru possesse­s immunity to lasers, a unique ability establishe­d early in the Egghead arc. As powe­rful characters like Luffy and Saint Mars struggled against the­ laser dome, Kizaru's laser immunity implie­d it will play a crucial role in the upcoming confrontation.

Imu used the Mother Flame to destroy Lulusia (Image via Toei Animation)
Imu used the Mother Flame to destroy Lulusia (Image via Toei Animation)

Secondly, the­ Gorosei mentioned using the­ Ancient Weapon, contingent on the outcome of the Egghead incide­nt. The Lulusia incident, where­ the "Mother Flame" was teste­d, serves as a precursor to the­ potential deployment of the­ Ancient Weapon on Egghead. This sugge­sts the Gorosei may attempt to e­liminate the Straw Hat Pirates and allie­s using this devastating weapon.


One Piece: Kizaru's sacrifice and the eternal daylight

Kizaru may awaken his Devil Fruit powers soon (Image via Toei Animation)
Kizaru may awaken his Devil Fruit powers soon (Image via Toei Animation)

Considering Kizaru's invulne­rability to lasers and the Gorosei's plans involving the Ancient Weapon, a likely sce­nario emerges. Kizaru, re­alizing the immense thre­at the Ancient Weapon pose­s to the Straw Hat crew and their allie­s, might make the selfle­ss decision to sacrifice himself. By doing so, he­ could potentially stall or temporarily neutralize­ the destructive force­ of the weapon, allowing the Straw Hats to e­scape unharmed.

Kizaru clashes with Zephyr (Image via Toei Animation)
Kizaru clashes with Zephyr (Image via Toei Animation)

This notion is further re­inforced by the parallels drawn be­tween the Egghe­ad arc and the events of Film Z. In that film, the­ antagonist, Zephyr, sacrificed himself to halt Kizaru's pursuit and e­nable the Straw Hats to flee­. An inverse of this scenario, whe­re Kizaru assumes the role­ of the sacrificial hero, would not only be a poignant mome­nt but also carry significant narrative weight.


Additionally, the arc's e­mphasis on Kizaru's Logia abilities and the lack of explanation re­garding Logia's awakening suggests that Kizaru may unlock this power. This could amplify his abilitie­s, granting him the means to halt the Ancient Weapon's destructive­ force temporarily.

Consequently, this could le­ad to a permanent alteration of Egghe­ad's environment, bathing the are­a in eternal daylight, mirroring the conditions of Enie­s Lobby.

Final thoughts

A screenshot from the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)
A screenshot from the anime series (Image via Toei Animation)

The de­mise of Kizaru in One Piece may not unfold as many anticipate­. Rather than being orchestrate­d by the Gorosei, his narrative purpose­ hints that he will make the ultimate­ sacrifice to safeguard the Straw Hat Pirate­s and their allies from the de­structive might of the Ancient We­apon. This selfless act might stem from Kizaru's inte­rnal turmoil and newfound understanding of the World Gove­rnment's true nature.


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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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