Konosuba season 3 episode 1 was officially released on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, bringing with it the exciting continuation of the series’ story following the 2019 canon film. Likewise, the premiere installment of season 3 returned to the series’ roots, filled with all sorts of comedy and chaos that came at fans nonstop.
However, Konosuba season 3 episode 1 also looked to the future in terms of its plot setup, especially with the installment’s closing reveal regarding Kazuma’s summons. While Darkness seems anxious about whatever’s to come, the rest of the party seems excited, as do eager fans who can’t wait to see what’s next in the smash-hit isekai series.
Konosuba season 3 episode 1 sets up Kazuma for a date with royalty
Brief episode recap

Konosuba season 3 episode 1 began with protagonist Kazuma Sato writing a letter to his parents explaining everything that’s happened to him throughout the first two seasons and the canon film. Several women in the adventurer’s guild approached him to beg him to marry them. Among the women was Sylvia, who was considered dead after the film’s events.
This prompted the reveal that Kazuma was just dreaming, waking up screaming as a result. The next morning, Darkness, Aqua, and Megumin were discussing the alcohol they got from the Crimson Demon Village, with Darkness saying she threw the bottles out since they were empty. Aqua then asked Kazuma if he drank it, but he ignored her as he stared out the window and muttered about the weather.
Konosuba season 3 episode 1 then saw him suddenly scream, bringing him back to reality where he revealed he had no idea what Aqua was talking about. The group then went to the adventurer’s guild, where they ate and drank their fill due to the reward they got from the Crimson Demon Village.

Kazuma then revealed he was considering joining “the faith,” saying that there was a time when he thought his life’s “springtime” had come during the course of events of the canon film. However, the traumatic events that happened during the canon film caused him to realize this wasn’t the case, prompting Aqua to attempt to comfort him with words from the Axis faith, which he immediately rejected.
Konosuba season 3 episode 1 then saw Kazuma declare his intent to become a monk and leave adventuring behind, prompting some words of encouragement from another adventurer. However, Kazuma was unfazed, asking the guild receptionist for directions to a monk shrine. As he left, he hilariously revealed he always had a crush on her.
Darkness, Aqua, and Megumin followed him, with the former two discussing whether or not he was serious. Megumin, meanwhile, was remembering what was supposed to be her final explosion spell were it not for Kazuma’s disregard of her request to invest her skill points elsewhere.

Konosuba season 3 episode 1 saw Megumin call this immature nonsense, saying they needed to calmly assess their situation. However, Kazuma instantly shut her down, teasing her to the point where she launched an explosion spell at a nearby mountain. However, with her explosion magic now more powerful than ever, the attack was essentially the size of a city.
Later that night, Kazuma said no one was carrying her tomorrow since she used her magic unnecessarily. Kazuma then discussed how he’d keep watch since he’s used to all-nighters, prompting him to describe the adventures he would get into in video games. While Darkness and Megumin bought it at first, Aqua called him out for not revealing he was talking about video games.
Konosube season 3 episode 1 then saw Darkness and Aqua go to bed while Kazuma and Megumin discussed whether the former had ever considered going home. She then asked him what his parents would think about him joining the faith, clearly trying to steer him away from his current decision. She added that she thought it’d be nice if things could stay as they were for them, holding his hand as she said so. This caused Kazuma to question if she wanted him to make a move.
However, Megumin fell asleep before he could respond, and the group continued their journey the next day until they ran into an injured stranger. Kazuma called it a monster in disguise since his enemy detection was going crazy. He also pointed out that the adventurer’s guild had put out a hit on a monster that matched their current situation.
Konosuba season 3 episode 1 saw the others enthralled by the “girl” while Kazuma continued trying to kill her. However, even he eventually faltered, especially as the “girl” continued talking to them about her hopes and dreams. The group then left her behind, but Kazuma raced back to ask her not to hurt anyone else who came on the path.
He began attributing his decision to become a monk to fate, thinking he’d bring the girl food every day once he was a monk. However, he saw the monster’s true personality and desires as he approached, watching from afar in secret as she practiced the monologue she had just given him and the others. Kazuma then revealed himself and yelled at her before returning to the others, saying he had changed his mind about becoming a monk.
Konosuba season 3 episode 1 then saw Aqua notice and recognize a mallet Kazuma had picked up off the body of the monster’s last victim. Gold coins spilled out as they fought over it, causing the group to happily head home richer than they were. Upon arriving home, they ran into Chris, who commented on how cheery they all seemed.
However, after she left them, it was revealed that she stole the magic mallet from them, deeply upsetting Kazuma. A visitor then appeared at their house, revealed to be Hagen, the butler from Darkness’ family. He revealed that Darkness’ family was about to lose their standing, handing her a letter that shocked her. The episode ended with the reveal that Kazuma was requested to attend a dinner with Iris, the first princess of the Kingdom of Belzerg, which upset Darkness.
In review
Konosuba season 3 episode 1 is a fantastic first installment, diving right back into the format and humor that fans most commonly associate with the series. The installment also does a great job of furthering overarching plotlines and setting up future ones, as seen with Kazuma and Megumin’s campfire discussion and Kazuma’s royal summons, respectively.
The first installment also does a great job of making the most of every second it has, which is something that the isekai anime series has been heavily praised for in the past. While it may seem repetitive to say, it’s worth emphasizing that the release does a great job of getting right back into the typical pacing and approach seen from the series in past television seasons.
In summation
Overall, Konosuba season 3 episode 1 is an exciting and hilarious installment that sets up an exciting overarching plotline for the third season. Fans will likely get more details on the third season’s overall plot once Kazuma meets with Princess Iris, with her most likely summoning him to ask him to take on yet another enemy.
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