Japanese manga series Frieren: Beyond Journey's End was created by Tsukasa Abe and writer Kanehito Yamada. Set in a fantasy world, the story centres on Frieren, an elven magician, who sets out to find her former ally Himmel, whose Hero Party slew the Demon King by travelling to the afterlife. Here is a complete list of all the characters who serve their own distinctive purpose throughout the series.
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End prominent characters
Frieren is the main character and protagonist of the series. She was the Hero Party's Mage and went on a ten-year quest to defeat the Demon King with Himmel the Hero, Eisen the Warrior, and Heiter the Priest. Following Himmel's death, Frieren set off on an adventure with Fern and Stark to see Aureole and have another conversation with Himmel.
A formidable youthful sorceress, Fern serves as Frieren's apprentice. She is a war orphan from a southern nation who lost her parents. Before Heiter saved her, she was going to leap off a cliff to end her life.
Stark is a human warrior. He ran away and became Eisen's apprentice after demons attacked his village. He went to join Frieren's party as their vanguard, per Eisen's orders.
A priest named Sein hails from a little community in the Alt Woods. Frieren, having seen his potential, briefly joined her organisation in an attempt to get back in touch with his childhood friend Gorilla.
Demon King
The Demon King Commanded the Demon King Army. Relatively little is now known about him, despite his significance in the universe. He had all the demons' loyalty, demons are alone, emotionless animals.
Other characters
Here is a list of other characters and their description:
Character | Description |
Himmel | Himmel was the Hero of the Hero Party. He serves as the catalyst for the main plot of the series, as Frieren desires to learn more about Humans following his death from old age. |
Heiter | Heiter was the alcohol-loving priest of the Hero Party. He finally rose to the position of bishop after returning to the Holy City of Strahl following the dissolution of the Hero Party. |
Goddess of Creation | The Goddess of Creation is a figure that was seen in mythical times. Many people today revere her even though she hasn't been seen in a long time. It is thought that she created the world and possesses omniscience and omnipotence. |
Eisen | Eisen, a dwarf, was a previous warrior with Frieren, Himmel, Heiter, and the other members of the Hero Party that defeated the Demon King. |
Flamme | Flamme was a human magician who served as Frieren's mentor. She appears in contemporary magical chronicles and is revered as a Great Mage from ancient times. |
Qual | Qual was a fearsome Demon during the Demon King's rule known by several names, including the Elder Sage of Corruption. |
Aura | Aura, alias Aura the Guillotine, is a direct disciple of the Demon King and one of the Seven Sages of Destruction. |
Lügner | Lügner was a demon who served Aura the Guillotine. |
Linie | Linie is a demon working for Aura the Guillotine. |
Draht | Draht was a demon who served Aura the Guillotine. |
Garf Granat | Graf Granat, who is perpetually at war with Aura the Guillotine, is the ruler of Graf Granat's Domain, a fortified city located in the Northern Lands. |
Kraft | Kraft is older than Frieren, an Elf, a former Warrior, and a Monk. |
Gorilla | Warrior Gorilla had aspirations of going on an adventure and becoming a renowned hero. |
Lawine | Lawine is a third-class magician. |
Kanne | Kanne is a third-class magician. |
Übel | Übel is a first-class magician. |
Land | Land is a former second-class magician. |
Wirbel | Wirbel is a former second-class magician. |
Scharf | Scharf is a third-class magician. |
Ehre | Ehre is a second-class magician. |
Denken | Denken is a first-class magician and an Imperial. |
Richter | Richter is a second-class magician. |
Laufen | Laufen is a third-class magician. |
Genau | Genau is a first-class magician. He is the proctor for the First-Class Mage Exam in Äußerst's first phase. |
Edel | Edel is a second-class magician. She is specialised in Hypnosis magic. |
Blei | Blei is a magician. He participates in the first-class magician exam. |
Dünste | Dünste is a magician who participates in the first-class magician exam. |
Ton | Ton is a magician who participates in the first-class magician exam. |
Länge | Länge is a magician who participates in the first-class magician exam. |
Sense | First-Class Mage Exam proctor Sense is a first-class mage who oversees the second round of the test. |
Methode | Methode is a first-class magician who participates in the first-class magician exam. |
Lernen | Lernen is a superior magician as a trainee of the Great Mage Serie. |
Falsch | Falsch is a first-class magician. He is the one who announces the format of the third stage of the exam and assesses the applicants with Sense for the First-Class Mage Exam on the sidelines before the start of the first stage. |
Serie | Serie is an elven magician renowned for her extensive magical knowledge. |
Hero of the South | Before Himmel and Frieren met, the Hero of the South fought for humanity on the front lines against the demons. He was the strongest guy alive. |
Schlacht | The demon Schlacht, also referred to as the Omniscient Schlacht, was supposedly the Demon King's confidant. |
Böse | Böse was one of the Seven Sages of Destruction, also referred to as Böse the Immortal. |
Revolte | Revolte is a demon general who goes by the name Divine Revolte. |
Macht | One of the Demon King's Seven Sages of Destruction, Macht (also called Macht of the Golden Land) is a demon with the most strength. |
Solitär | One of Macht's acquaintances, Solitär, also referred to as the Nameless Great Demon, is a Greater Demon who studies living things, including humans. |
Grausam | Grausam, who went by Grausam the Miraculous, was one of the Demon King's Seven Sages of Destruction. |
Glück | Glück was the feudal lord of the Fortified City of Weise. |
Tot | Tot is a Greater Demon that goes by the name Saint of the End. She's creating a curse that will spread across the entire world. |
Rivale | Rivale is a Greater Demon who goes by the name Bloody God of War. |
Kanone | Kanone is the vice-captain of the Empire's Magic Special Forces, Demon. |
Neu | Neu is a Magic Special Forces member of the Empire. |
Löwe | Löwe holds the position of Governor-General of the Lorbeer Domain in the northernmost region of the Empire. |
Fräse | Fräse is the Captain of the Empire's Magic Special Forces. Over fifty years have passed since she joined the Magic Special Forces. |
FAQs on Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End characters
A. Frieren is the main character in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End.
A. Frieren was close to Himmel, who had feelings for her which confirmed as the show progressed.
A. Frieren is the oldest character in Frieren. She is an elf who has lived past 1000 years.