Eiichiro Oda’s Monsters anime recently released a trailer, which gave fans some insight into the animation and art style. It is one of the most anticipated shows for fans of the One Piece series since it is an adaptation of a one-shot that was written by the same creator. The one-shot was released during the '90s, and since then, all of his one-shot pieces have been compiled.
While the fanbase was largely excited, netizens also shared their opinions about the preview. It was a bit of a mixed reaction because, on the one hand, there are diehard fans who would watch anything made by Eiichiro Oda.
On the other hand, many fans were objective about the animation and were not impressed. The subpar animation was pointed out by plenty of netizens, with one of them stating the preview "looks like a slideshow."
Fans don't seem pleased with the animation quality of Monsters anime
One of the things about anime fans is that they don't hold back when they’re criticizing shows, even if they're their favorite series. The Monsters anime is no exception to this. Fans weren’t particularly happy with how the animation turned out. Given that the show is set in the One Piece world, fans anticipated animation of a similar quality. Fans appeared to have very high expectations.
One particular fan even stated that the preview video looked like a “slideshow." It appears that the fan in question wasn’t pleased with the animation since it seemed a little choppy. It lacked the fluidity that most big-budget anime titles usually feature. In this case, the movements didn’t feel as smooth as fans expected them to be.
Another set of comments that could be seen concerning the Monsters anime preview video revolved around the overall production quality. A huge number of netizens stated that the preview video looked like fan animation.
The overall production quality was compared to that of content creators on platforms like X and YouTube, who take on projects with little to no funding. It is pretty brutal feedback for the animators, and the majority of the fanbase seemed disappointed.
However, there was a sizable section of the fanbase that was incredibly excited about Eiichiro Oda’s Monsters anime. While they acknowledged the subpar animation, they believed that the anime would have good-quality content that would keep the audience engaged.
Final thoughts
Fans are certainly quite harsh on the animators, and they have criticized the production company without holding back. However, it is important to note that the preview video is not usually an accurate representation of the finished work.
There is no doubt that the animation quality is subpar, as seen in the preview video. However, only time will tell whether or not the Monsters anime will turn out to be better than what is shown to fans at this moment.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.