The character called Luffy D Monkey from One Piece has had many fights, but not all of them are memorable. Luffy's most underrated fights are a fairly large topic to handle in terms of the scale in which they derive from.
Additionally, it is not customary to include them unless it is a singular boss battle. The least talked about fights will be discussed in no particular order. Luffy's most underrated fights will be listed below.
Battling is what makes a pirate at the end of the day, if one truly could consider it as such. It is a bane and a balm to their existence. It is almost as important as treasure hunting.
Note: The article solely reflects the author's opinions.
Luffy's 10 underwhelming fights in One Piece are against Cracker, Chin Jao, Don Kreiger and more
1) Cracker
Considered one of the most infamous fights in One Piece to this day, Luffy’s fight with Cracker is not taken as seriously as others. Cracker’s method of trying to destroy Luffy by using delectable treats is foiled once Nami causes rain to soften them up so that Luffy has an easier time of consuming them.
It is underwhelming by the fact that fans did not seem to care much for it. Cracker is regarded as a joke and fans would rather see Luffy battle someone who is more intimidating than a baker.
2) Foxy
Luffy’s fight with Foxy could be considered unconventional in all the right ways. Foxy’s arc in the anime is described as long and tedious, but it actually served to show Luffy’s more savvy side in the face of unusual challenges.
A hoodwink and a liar, Foxy strives off of trickery and deceit despite his appearance and cannot be easily trusted. Foxy manipulated several challenges and got the upper hand when the crew let their guard down while Luffy slowly lost more of his crew mates.
At this point, one would assume that Luffy is just a senseless child who has gotten in way over his head, but once he brings Foxy down to his level, it’s a fairly easy victory.
It is underwhelming for the fact that many fans did not care for this arc as it did not progress the plot in any way. The main complaint is that it is too long, and clearly inferior to other more humorous episodes.
3) Chinjao
Chinjao is another unusual case, but it's not that unusual once the nature of the show is understood. A former pirate with a bit of a temper, his age does nothing to stop him being a supposed powerhouse. His most memorable encounter with Luffy took place at the colosseum.
He swore vengeance against Luffy for the crimes of his grandfather and vowed to destroy him, no matter the cost or even for his lack of morality. His pride was forcibly removed and with it, all sense of dignity, at least in his eyes.
Once Luffy accidentally restored his head during their fight, Chinjao’s pride suddenly returned as he saw the debt no longer needed to be repaid. Overall it was a fun fight in the realm of One Piece.
4) Caesar
While not exactly underrated, Luffy clearly outshone Caesar in the most humiliating of ways for this mad man. Despite his Devil Fruit classifying him as a Logia, the Straw Hat Captain persevered despite his shortcomings.
A dreadful scientist by nature, Caesar seemed to suck all the air from the room during the fight, causing Luffy to have a difficult time breathing, but he managed to strike him despite the discomfort. One Piece showed that Luffy wouldn't give up despite the consequences. He quickly defeated him and Caesar was utterly demolished.
Caesar's ambition is akin to a whirlpool. He experiments and extracts from his victims to satisfy his cravings. His fight is not cared for as much since he isn't such a big player in the grand scheme of things.
5) Don Kreig
An incredibly arrogant and infamous pirate, Don Krieg was thought to be the most powerful in terms of the show. His greatest weakness was undermining an ambitious young man, but who could blame him at this point?
His defeat stemmed from him not being vigilant enough, and it showed when he was taken out by one humiliating punch. It was total humiliation on his part, and even his men confessed that they had never seen him get taken down. This was the moment when One Piece really established itself.
His fight was underrated as it did not hold any notable stakes. His spikes were a false sense of alarm as Luffy is rubber and even the porcupine cloak he wore was another fake out.
6) Blueno

Blueno is more of a mystery, in the short term. His battle with Luffy is nothing more than a glorified beatdown than anything else. It is not truly the same as the others, as he holds his ground. Perhaps Blueno is the proudest of them all, as when Luffy is about to activate his Third Gear, Blueno’s smirk vanishes as he collapses on the hard ground. It was this precise moment that truly enhanced the scene and showed the extent of his personality.
One Piece usually enhances a character's flaws while they're in mortal danger. Battles usually express one’s true motivations or personalities, and while Luffy showed determination, Blueno reflected the same back.
It's even more underwhelming for the fact that it isn't much of a fight at all really. Blueno stood there for most of it and was easily beaten. It could be described as boring.
7) Hannyabal
Despite his outward appearance, he seems to have some pretty solid morals, and is opposed to all pirates regardless of their affiliation. He is the Luffy of his own One Piece in the end. He states as much to Luffy at the start of their battle. They both carry similar ambitions in that they will fight for what they believe in, no matter the cost.
In a way, it is a stark contrast to what Luffy could have been if the circumstances of the world were different. This fight holds meaning as when Hannyabal gets knocked down, he grabs Luffy’s ankle in a desperate attempt to persevere. In that moment, one can tell that his ambitions are true.
Hannyabal's attacks were not nearly as smooth as one would think, though he did put up a bit of a fight. This fight is underwhelming as it isn't important in the grand scheme of the arc in general.
8) Wyper
A hothead to the bone, this antagonist aims to blast Luffy to pieces in a battle of pure strength and maneuver. Luffy seemed to struggle in this fight even though he dodged most of his attacks. There was something in Wyper’s eyes that seemed to scream out that he shall be the one to end Luffy. Wyper gave him no time to recuperate before he was back blasting him. Luffy truly had to think on his feet to avoid that onslaught. This One Piece character was intimidating and never lowered his weapon.
This character cared nothing for the world in general, so he trampled over those who got in his way. His fight is underwhelming in the sense that he was just a step to overcome, since he was just a mere antagonist.
9) Arlong

Arlong was a strange sea creature who had embedded his fangs in Luffy’s neck until he escaped by breaking his nose. What is significant about this ordeal is that Luffy works through the pain and declares to him that he will destroy everything these sea creatures have wrought.
It is this act of heroism that truly shows his dedication to his friends and the fact that he will go through physical harm for them, no matter the cost, even if it kills him. Arlong is an interesting character in One Piece in the fact that he helped Luffy show his dedication to his friendships.
This is an underrated fight in the sense that Arlong and his crew were mere obstacles to show how far Luffy would go for his comrades. Arlong was the standard antagonist who added nothing more to the table.
10) Bellamy
Bellamy is another man of arrogance who underestimated the Straw Hat Captain. It seems that he did not want One Piece as he had other hopes and dreams to fulfill, so he focused on expanding his villainy.
During his fight with Luffy he bounced around in supersonic speed while mocking him. The young pirate's expression subtly changed to one of absolute rage and this was the moment he channeled his anger purely into his attack and utterly defeated Bellamy.
In conclusion, One Piece is an anime that prioritizes dreams and ambitions, though not all are the same. It has a clear code in the way it handles its tone and structure, even as far back as chapter 1. It's a structure of patience and humility, no matter the circumstances.