A few hours ago, Lycoris Recoil episode 13 was released, giving fans a chance to see the final adventure Chisato and Takina were a part of in this first season. The only enemy standing between Tokyo’s peaceful existing state of affairs and chaos is Majima, who is determined to achieve his goals no matter the cost.
Last week’s episode showed our heroines teaming up to defeat Majima, Yoshimatsu, and the Lilybell. Lycoris Recoil episode 13, titled Recoil of Lycoris, focused on Chisato’s final battle with Majima, as well as Mika’s attempts to keep his daughter alive. Continue reading to learn more about the highlights of this final exciting adventure.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for Lycoris Recoil episode 13.
Mika made the ultimate sacrifice for Chisato in Lycoris Recoil episode 13
What happened in the last episode?

Lycoris Recoil episode 12 started with Chisato and Takina defeating Majima in a fight. With the terrorist restrained, the girls went to find Yoshimatsu, who revealed he was trying to force Chisato to kill someone. Takina tried to kill Yoshi to obtain a heart that could save Chisato. The girls then went to save the Lycoris from their male counterparts, the Lilybell. The episode ended with Majima appearing again.
Majima’s last stand

Lycoris Recoil episode 13 started at the D.A. headquarters where the director was overseeing the evacuation of the Lycoris. Far from there, inside the elevator of the radio tower, Takina, Erika and Fuki were trying to keep Sakura alive, who was revealed to have been shot by Majima. Fuki contacted the command center and asked for assistance.
Before the girls could arrive at the bottom floor where the medic team waited for them, the elevator stopped and the whole tower’s power system was shut down. As this was happening, Majima approached Chisato at the top of the radio tower. The man revealed to Chisato that he implanted bombs in the radio tower, prompting the blonde girl to mock him for his unoriginality.

Majima took out his gun to shoot Chisato, only to be hit by several rubber bullets from Chisato’s gun. Smiling, the green-haired man ran at the girl and started choking her. Chisato noticed that the man was wearing expensive clothes, once again proving that Yoshimatsu and Majima were working together.
Back in the elevator, Fuki and her team received orders to use the remaining emergency power to go down the tower. The brunette wanted to stay and detain Majima but the director refused. The elevator started going down, as the girls wanted to save Sakura. However, Takina stayed behind to go save her best friend.
Break time

Lycoris Recoil episode 13 continued inside the radio tower, with Chisato and Majima still fighting to the death. The man mocked the blonde Lycoris for her lack of skill with a gun, saying that Takina was better. Chisato tried to keep up the fight until her artificial heart started failing her, which concerned both the girl and Majima.
The green-haired man told Chisato they needed to take a break as he did not want to fight against a weakened opponent. The two started talking about the reason why Majima decided to become a terrorist. He explained that he was trying to keep a balance, killing and destroying the people who were in charge. Chisato was confused because Majima truly believed he was doing the right thing.

As the pair spoke, Yoshimatsu and Himegama were still looking for a way out of the old radio tower. In front of them appeared an angry Mika, who asked Yoshimatsu if her assistant was the woman who attacked Chisato. Himegama tried to kill Mika but was completely overpowered and defeated in seconds. It was revealed that Mika’s leg was repaired somehow.
Chisato’s lesson

Lycoris Recoil episode 13 proceeded with Mika and Yoshimatsu having a talk about Chisato and the artificial heart she needed. The Alan Institute worker assured Mika that he indeed had the heart their daughter needed to survive. With tears in his eyes, Mika had to kill his partner to save Chisato’s life.
Back in the radio tower, Chisato and Majima were still talking and sharing drinks. The blonde girl explained to the terrorist that she wanted to help as many people as possible in order to be happy. To achieve this goal, she wanted the world to stay the same, as it made her and her precious people happy. Majima laughed before the two started preparing to fight again.

Their battle commenced once more, although Chisato was not focused on the battle. Instead, the girl wanted to take Majima’s phone away and stop the timer before the bombs exploded. The terrorist was disappointed, as he expected Chisato to take him more seriously as an opponent.
Moments before Majima killed her, Chisato threw herself and the terrorist towards the glass on the floor of the tower. The blonde girl started shooting at the man, causing the glass below them to start cracking. Before falling down the tower, Majima had one last flashback to the time he met Chisato. Fortunately for the blonde girl, Takina arrived in time to save her.
The new status quo

Lycoris Recoil episode 13 went on to show how the city recovered some time after the radio tower incident. Fuki and Sakura were seen buying some juices and talking about the advertisements for the new Lycoris Crisis attraction. Meanwhile, the Lycoris and Lilybell directors were talking about the missing guns that Majima spread throughout the city. The green-haired man was revealed to still be alive.
The episode cut to Lyco Reco café, where Mitsuki and Mika were having a casual conversation. Silent Jin was seen speaking with Kurumi, who wanted to annoy the man as much as possible. Fuki and Sakura entered the café and asked for a Chisato special, prompting the customers to ask where the girl could have gone. When Fuki asked Mika where Takina was, the man replied that she had a job.
Where is Chisato?

Lycoris Recoil episode 13 continued with Takina running through the jungle chasing her target. The girl started shooting at her target, who retaliated with a weapon of their own. Both Takina and her target ended up being captured by strings. It was then revealed that Takina was looking for Chisato, who was not dead after all.
The girls started talking, and Takina revealed that they found her thanks to a photo of one of their recurring customers in which she appeared. Chisato told her partner that when she awoke in the hospital, she believed her death would be imminent, so she fled to keep her friends from being sad.

After the blonde was done talking, Takina revealed to her friend that Mika obtained another artificial heart from Yoshi, who left behind a gift for Chisato. Back in Lyco Reco café, Mika was hiding Yoshi’s suitcase in the storage room. Kurumi asked if the man was still going to pretend he needed his cane, to which Mika told her to never speak about the issue.

Far from the café, Chisato could be seen throwing her Alan Institute necklace into the sea. Takina arrived to speak with her partner, prompting the blonde to pick her up. The girls fell into the water, which greatly annoyed Takina. Chisato was unsure of what to do, so Takina told her to just go back to the café. Instead, Chisato announced that she would go to Hawaii.
Months later, the staff of Lyco Reco café could be seen working inside a food truck in Hawaii. The D.A. director called and asked to speak with Mika, to which Chisato replied that they could not help her because they were not in Japan. Lycoris Recoil episode 13 ended with Chisato and Takina ready to help a local with a problem.
Final thoughts

Lycoris Recoil episode 13 marks the end of this amazing and exciting adventure. Chisato was saved, Majima was temporarily defeated, and the Lyco Reco team has reunited. The ending was extremely wholesome and worked perfectly to give our characters a proper ending, at least until a new season is confirmed.
There are still many mysteries to be taken care of, like how Majima survived and what his next move could be. For now, it is time to say goodbye to the unique and charming cast of Lycoris Recoil, hoping we can get to see them again someday in the future.