Lyco Reco café is open for business now that Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 has come out. The episode, titled Another Day, Another Dollar, was released worldwide a few hours ago to continue the intriguing story of Chisato and Takina’s war against Majima and Robota.
Last week’s episode focused on Chisato and Maki’s past, while further developing the world of the series further. We also learned that Majima may be related to Chisato in an unexpected manner.
This week’s episode revealed a lot more about the Alan Institute, as well as setting up the events that will drive the future of the series.
Continue reading to learn more about the highlights of Lycoris Recoil episode 8, as well as what this week’s events can mean for the series in the future.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Lycoris Recoil Episode 8. Sportskeeda does not claim ownership of any media used in the article unless otherwise specified.
Chisato is in danger after being kidnapped in Lycoris Recoil Episode 8
A quick recap of the last episode
Lycoris Recoil Episode 7 showed the advancements of Majima and Robota’s plans. They already have the attention of the Lycoris agents, as well as a backdoor to the D.A.’s serves, which means they will soon commence their attack. We also learned that Chisato was saved by Yoshi, a member of the Alan Institute who wants Chisato to fulfill her mission to kill.
Financial expertise
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 starts with Yoshi talking to his assistant Himegama. He revealed that the Alan Institute believes talent to be an innate gift from God. As they spoke, Himegama was preparing for a mission involving Chisato.
As this happened, the members of Lyco Reco café were going over the finances of the establishment, as they were losing money with each new adventure.
After the intro, we were shown a montage of Takina doing her best to keep the café’s expenses to a minimum. She prevented Chisato from using too many bullets, Mizuki from wasting power and Kurumi from breaking plates.
Later that day, when a client was refusing to pay, Takina and Chisato used their skills as Lycoris agents to force them to give them the money they were owed.
Business is booming
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 continues after Takina came up with a new dessert with an odd shape that makes people want to come to the café. Due to this, Lyco Reco’s team is making more money than ever, with customers coming in and out of the establishment nonstop. Because of the massive amount of clients, Kurumi joined the café as a waitress for the first time.
While the girls were working, Dr. Yamagishi called to talk to her about her physical exam. Chisato told the Dr. that she would not be able to attend that day since the café was extremely busy. The doctor told her new assistant, Himegama, that Chisato would not be coming to the exam.
Over the next few days, the girls took any kind of job that was offered to them, from teaching Japanese classes to looking after children during Halloween. This made them an insane amount of money, allowing them to install new upgrades to the café. Once they were done working, Chisato tried to ignore Dr. Yamagishi once more, but Takina forced her to take her physical exam.
The next day, Takina found out what her cakes were being compared to on the internet and tried to make them disappear from the menu. She was interrupted when Dr. Yamagishi called to complain about Chisato’s absence once again.
However, it was revealed that Chisato was unable to make it to her appointment because she was being held hostage by Majima.
The Radio Tower incident
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 continued after Chisato answered Takina’s call, telling her everything was alright. Majima, who was not there to kill her, started to talk to her about a movie they both enjoyed. Still, the main reason for his visit was to talk to Chisato about the first time they met, during the Radio Tower incident.
Majima, who was apparently gifted with superhuman hearing by the Alan Institute, was one of the terrorists trying to destroy the radio tower. Thanks to his hearing, Majima was able to tell his comrades about the Lycoris agents’ positions, which made it easy for the criminals to kill the girls.
Yet, a small girl was able to take all the terrorists down without receiving a single shot, Chisato. Seeing that they were defeated, Majima’s boss ordered him to detonate the tower with them inside. Chisato was offended by the way Majima made her seem like a monster, to which Majima replied that she was indeed one.
Before leaving, Majima revealed to Chisato that he was also saved by the Alan Institute, warning her about their true intentions with her. As he was leaving, Takina was arriving to Chisato’s apartment, so she tried to kill Majima as soon as she saw him. Nevertheless, Majima proved to be much better than Takina and escaped without much effort.
Chisato’s heart
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 went on to show that Chisato and Takina went to Lyco Reco café after what happened with Majima. Chisato revealed to the rest of the café staff that Majima was also an Alan Child, which surprised everyone there, including Mika.
Later that night, Takina spoke to Chisato, trying to make her feel better about Yoshi’s sudden disappearance. Takina made Chisato promise her that she would go to the doctor’s appointment the next day, to which Chisato agreed, but not before revealing that she is scared of needles.
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 ended with Chisato being drugged by Himegama, who was still acting as a nurse. The mysterious woman commenced a procedure involving Chisato’s heart. Takina, who realized something was wrong, went running out of the café looking for her partner.
Final thoughts

Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 was extremely insightful for fans of the series. Not only was the Radio Tower Incident finally revealed in its entirety, but we also learned more about the enigmatic Alan Institute.
No matter how much Chisato wants to believe the people of the institute, especially Yoshi, are good, it seems like they have their own agenda to follow.
Himegama’s sudden procedure on Chisato’s heart will obviously have major repercussions for the series, although we have no idea as of yet about what these could be. While Takina is on her way to Chisato’s location, it seems unlikely that she will arrive in time to save her.

The series seems to be heading towards the end of the first arc, which will probably revolve around Chisato’s mission as an Alan Child. After all the questions left by Lycoris Recoil Episode 8, we can only hope that next week’s episode will bring some answers for fans of the series.