After the cliffhanger fans were left with last week, it is finally time for Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 to provide the answers we've been waiting for. This week’s episode, titled What’s done is done, focuses on the somber news Chisato and her friends received after Yoshi’s move last week.
The last episode ended with Himegama performing a strange procedure involving Chisato’s artificial heart. This time, the mystery of said procedure was finally revealed, as well as many important details about Chisato’s past. Continue reading to learn about the most significant events in Lycoris Recoil Episode 9.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Lycoris Recoil Episode 9. Sportskeeda does not claim ownership of any media used in the article unless otherwise specified.
Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 finally revealed Chisato’s connection to the Alan Institute
What happened last time?
Lycoris Recoil Episode 8 focused on giving fans a deeper understanding of the lore of the series. Majima and Chisato had an interesting conversation about the Alan Institute’s goals, as well as their shared history. Yoshi also made his first move by sending his assistant to kidnap and reprogram Chisato’s heart.
Two months left
Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 started with Himegama still working on Chisato’s heart. However, she was unable to complete the procedure as Takina arrived just in time to scare her away from the scene. Takina tried to wake Chisato up, but the latter was not responding at all.
After the intro, we were presented with Chisato floating around inside a strange liquid, only to be woken up by a doctor and her friends. Doctor Yamagishi revealed to Chisato and the rest of the Lyco Reco café's staff that Himegama destroyed Chisato’s battery. The blonde girl's battery had only two months left before it would run out and cause her to pass away.
Takina became frantic at the idea of losing her best friend and tried to go hunt Himegama down. Chisato stopped her before she could step outside the hospital room, telling her she never had much time left anyway. The next day, Chisato was acting like nothing had changed, although Takina was extremely saddened and distant towards her.
D.A.’s anti-Majima plan
Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 continued with Chisato and Mizuki heading to the D.A.’s headquarters. Chisato was asked by the director herself to have a meeting, something that bothered the girl to no end. She let her frustrations out by shooting at some delinquents that were bothering Mizuki while she drove.
Once inside the director’s office, Chisato was given back the camera she had lost before, with the director admitting having taken it. The red-haired woman asked Chisato to return to the D.A. once more, telling her they would soon begin an attack against Majima. Chisato ignored the director, proclaiming that only if Takina was allowed back would she consider returning.
The next day, Fuki and Sakura visited Lyco Reco café to give Takina a letter from the director, asking her to return to the D.A. Still, Takina was not happy about this news, which concerned Sakura and Fuki.
Takina’s grief
Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 went on to show Chisato and Takina moments after they captured a group of criminals. Takina was distracted, allowing one of the perpetrators to flee, prompting Chisato to pursue him. Takina begged Chisato to stop running, as that would drain her battery faster, only to be ignored by Chisato.
Far from there, inside Lyco Reco café, Kurumi and Mika were talking about Chisato’s health. Kurumi had been looking for any information concerning the Alan Institute but was unable to find anything. As they talked, Takina arrived at the café just in time to hear Mika narrate the events of how Chisato was saved. Elsewhere, Chisato looked at the photos contained in her old camera.
Chisato’s artificial heart.
Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 continued with Mika telling Kurumi about how Chisato was saved ten years prior to the start of the series. Even as a small girl, Chisato was the best Lycoris agent in existence. Sadly, she had a heart disease that would kill her in less than six months. Yoshi saw the talent she possessed and told Mika that he would help Chisato survive.
He showed Mika the artificial heart he created with the aid of the Alan Institute, although he warned Mika about its being imperfect. Even if Chisato had her real heart replaced by an artificial one, she would only survive up until adulthood. Back in the present, Kurumi was shocked to learn that Mika used to think of Chisato as only a weapon.
Mika continued narrating the story, explaining that he stopped thinking about Chisato as a tool when Yoshi asked him to take care of her. On the day of Chisato’s operation, the little girl met Yoshi, who she called her savior. Chisato promised Yoshi that she would someday become a savior as well.
After the operation was successful, Chisato received a present from Yoshi, which contained a gun and an Alan Institute necklace. Chisato, who believed her mission was to help others, thought of the weapon as a gift to protect innocents. Ironically, her desire to save people was the reason why Yoshi wanted her dead, as he wanted her to kill as many people as possible.
The mission to save Chisato
Moments after Mika finished telling Kurumi his story in Lycoris Recoil Episode 9, Takina revealed herself by stating out loud that their chance to save Chisato depended on Majima's capture. Kurumi agreed with Takina, as it was exponentially easier to track Majima than Yoshi.
Takina decided to return to the D.A. to aid in their efforts to capture Majima, believing this would be their best chance at saving Chisato. Takina was not ready to tell Chisato her decision yet, but promised she would do it soon.
While our heroes came up with a plan to capture Majima, the terrorist, infiltrated Robota’s apartment to ask him about Yoshi. Robota, who was being threatened by Majima, revealed that Yoshi is an agent of the Alana Institute and has helped Chisato in the past. Majima was happy with Robota’s answer and told the hacker that he had a new plan.
Chisato’s day out
Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 continued the next day, with Takina telling Chisato about the outing she planned for her. Takina planned the day to visit most of Chisato’s favorite places together. The girls had tons of fun, even though Takina’s plan to go to the aquarium was thwarted.
Later that day, Takina took Chisato to a small park to tell her about her return to the D.A. Chisato was ecstatic about Takina finally being reinstated as a Lycoris agent, telling her she supported her decision. The two girls had their last moments together before parting ways, at least for now.
Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 ended with Majima ambushing Yoshi and Himegama while they were driving. The terrorist mocked Yoshi by calling him by Chisato’s nickname before the screen went black.
Final thoughts

Lycoris Recoil Episode 9 was an extremely emotional and heart-wrenching episode from start to finish. Learning about Chisato’s past was something fans had been expecting for a while, although nothing could have prepared them for the context in which they learned about it.
The pain felt by the members of Lyco Reco café is also felt by fans, who are pleading for Chisato to be saved somehow. The scene in which the girls say goodbye to each other was also incredibly hard to bear for many fans of the series.
It is almost a certainty that the next episode will finally begin the final arc of this first season. Majima just kidnapped Yoshi. Takina is getting ready to capture the terrorist, and Chisato is still unaware of her friend's plans to save her. Fans will have to wait another week before learning what will happen to Chisato and co. after the events of Lycoris Recoil Episode 9.