The Maboroshi anime film that was released exclusively on Netflix seems to have caught the eyes of avid cinephiles owing to its complex plot. The story explored in the anime film has plenty of twists and turns. It also explores the concepts of space, time, and reality, making it an interesting watch.
One of the most common discussions surrounding the Maboroshi anime is the characters and the ending. The concluding events of the film can be a tad bit confusing for viewers. This article will take a look at how the story ended, and understand the aftermath of the concluding events in the film.
Maboroshi anime: Key events and ending of the film
Itsumi, the mysterious character is later revealed to be the protagonist’s daughter from a reality where the town was not stuck in time. After the realities between the town that was stuck in time, and the one that wasn’t stuck in time clashed for some time, Itsumi was sent back to the reality she came from. The explosion shown at the very beginning of the film is what caused Itsumi and Masamune to stop growing.
When Itsumi unexpectedly teleported to the town stuck in time, she came across her parents, Masamune and Atsumi, except this time they were teenagers. The two were being held captive in the very Steel Factory that was the crux of Maboroshi anime.
One of the most important aspects of the film was when Itsumi boarded the train. This was the plan that Masamune came up with since it would allow Itsumi to leave the spirit world and return to the original reality she came from.
Masamune, who was supposed to board the train, failed to do so in the Maboroshi anime. Atsumi decided to jump off the train and stay with Masamune, the love of her life. She knew that Itsumi’s return to the original world would result in the destruction of the spirit world.
This is where viewers get the bittersweet ending that Maboroshi anime is popular for. Fans are sad to see the spirit world cease to exist but are happy to see Itsumi finally reach the intended destination.
The final sequence of the MAPPA original film did a great job of giving some closure. Towards the end of the film, fans could see Itsumi who has grown and aged into a young adult. She ended up visiting the town of Mifuse as well as the Steel Factory that this town was known for.
She reminisced about the place and also recalled the time she experienced her first heartbreak. This again, was an important scene because it confirmed the fact that the events that took place in the alternate reality were indeed real. It wasn’t a figment of Itsumi’s imagination, but events that she lived and experienced.
Final Thoughts
This is a film that caters to viewers who wish to explore the concept of alternate realities. The bittersweet ending, character interactions, and intricate plot make Maboroshi quite exhilarating to watch. This is a film that is highly recommended by cinephiles for a multitude of reasons, among which storytelling stands out.
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