Made in Abyss Season 2, “The Golden City of the Scorching Sun,” is all set to continue the adventures of Riko, Reg, and Nanachi. The three friends have accomplished their goal of reaching the sixth layer of the Abyss called the “Capital of the Unreturned.” The first episode of the series introduced Vueko and her group, who embarked on the journey to reach the Abyss and discover the Golden City.
Made in Abyss Season 2 Episode 2 is titled “Capital of the Unreturned,” which will cover the Ilblu Arc from the original manga chapters. This article will briefly explain Episode 2 of Made in Abyss by dividing it into three narratives.
Made in Abyss Season 2 Episode 2 highlights
Made in Abyss Season 2 Episode 2 - The adventure begins
Riko got so lost with everything in the sixth layer that she could have almost killed herself if it wasn’t for Reg’s extendable arms saving the former from falling into a giant pit. Although the sixth layer is an uncanny utopia, Riko, Reg, and Nanachi must be careful with each step they take.
The gang crossed their paths with several mystical creatures comprised of both identified and unidentified beasts like Turbinid-Dragon and Mizoujack. According to Bestiary, Turbinid Dragons are dangerous, so the gang moved on to Mizoujack, who live near geothermal vents and are completely harmless.
Reg wanted to know how Mizoujack’s meat tastes, but Riko explained that their freshly laid eggs are even better. Riko and Reg were amused by the Mizoujack’s eggs, but Nanachi, on the other hand, was having second thoughts, as the eggs seemed like they were about to hatch.
Made in Abyss Season 2 Episode 2 - The horrors of the sixth layer
Out of the blue, giant lava bubbles started exploding in the air, creating a huge lava shower. Somehow, Riko, Reg, and Nanachi managed to escape with the eggs they found. Nanachi was scared by what happened back there, but Riko, on the other hand, was overwhelmed as if she had seen a unicorn.
Riko boiled the eggs, but the things inside were still moving. Riko started mashing the stuff inside the eggs to make them more palatable. Nanachi was reluctant to eat at first, but Riko’s cooking skills made the hideous-looking food more appealing and delicious.
Riko wanted to send a message, but it didn’t work out pretty well, as the pesky flying creatures stopped the balloon from even reaching the top of the sixth layer.
Made in Abyss Season 2 Episode 2 - Prushka gets stolen
Nanachi found some strange drawings in the picture she sketched moments ago, and also, Riko couldn’t find Prushka. Somehow, the thief snuck into their camp and managed to avoid alerting Reg by getting caught in his extendable arms trap. Riko, Reg, and Nanachi trailed the clues laid behind as if the thief wanted them to follow.
Riko and her gang located the place where the trails led, which turned out to be a huge bone of an unidentified creature. The gang somehow built up their courage and got inside the place. Later, they ran into bizarre-looking creatures who seemed like they had been waiting for Riko and her gang for a long time.
Episode 3 of Made in Abyss Season 2 premieres July 20.
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