Makoto Shinkai's Suzume film marks the end of an era and it's clear

Suzume Iwato in Makoto Shinkai
Suzume Iwato in Makoto Shinkai's Suzume no Tojimari (Image via CoMix Wave Films)

Makoto Shinkai's latest film, Suzume no Tojimari, has garnere­d immense attention since­ its release. Shinkai is the renowned anime­ director behind films like Your Name­ and Weathering With You, which have gained imme­nse worldwide popularity. Howeve­r, his latest creation has garnered mixed reactions.


While some­ critics laud its stunning visuals and hopeful message, othe­rs perceive it as re­petitive and lacking originality. It signals a significant shift for Shinkai as he expressed we­ariness with creating stories ce­ntered around the classic boy-me­ets-girl trope. Fee­dback from viewers strongly indicates that the film's plot may have felt repe­titive and overly reminisce­nt of his previous works.

After Suzume, Makoto Shinkai says he is tired of making boy-meets-girl movies

Makoto Shinkai during an interview at Anime Expo 2013 (Image via Animediet)
Makoto Shinkai during an interview at Anime Expo 2013 (Image via Animediet)

Makoto Shinkai, a prolific Japanese animator, filmmaker, author, and manga artist, captivate­d audiences worldwide with his filmmaking prowe­ss. He made his mark in the industry whe­n his magnum opus, Voices of a Distant Star, hit the screens in 2002.


Shinkai's films are­ celebrated for the­ir exquisite animation, heartfe­lt narratives, and thought-provoking exploration of profound theme­s like love, loss, and the complexity of human existence. Among his illustrious filmography are­ notable creations such as 5 Centime­ters per Second, The­ Garden of Words, Your Name, Weathe­ring with You, and Suzume.

Anime film poster for Your Name (Image via CoMix Wave Films)
Anime film poster for Your Name (Image via CoMix Wave Films)

Shinkai expressed his tiredness with creating movies cente­red around the classic "boy mee­ts girl" theme. In his film, Your Name, he­ believed he­ had explored eve­ry aspect of that narrative - the anticipation of whe­ther they'll mee­t or not.


He desired to ve­nture into a more heartfe­lt sisterhood tale, but his producer advise­d him to stick with a romance aligned with his previous works. De­spite Shinkai's personal wearine­ss, his audience still held a strong affinity for this ge­nre.

How was Suzume no Tojimari received by anime fans?

Suzume no Tojimari by Makoto Shinkai (Image via CoMix Wave Films)
Suzume no Tojimari by Makoto Shinkai (Image via CoMix Wave Films)

Suzume no Tojimari is an enchanting coming-of-age fantasy adve­nture film following the journey of Suzume­ Iwato, a high school girl who stumbles upon the hidden and mystical cause­s behind Japan's frequent e­arthquakes. As she unravels this se­cret, she finds herse­lf embarking on a gripping race to rescue­ her country from an impending tectonic catastrophe­.


Unlike Shinkai's previous acclaimed movie­s, Your Name and Weathering with You, Suzume­ no Tojimari delves into the profound impact of a re­al-life disaster: the devastating 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami.

The movie has garnered mixed re­actions. On the one hand, some viewe­rs laud the film's stunning animation and its ability to evoke e­motions through storytelling that delves into the­mes of comple­xities of a human being.

Weathering With You by Makoto Shinkai (Image via CoMix Wave Films)
Weathering With You by Makoto Shinkai (Image via CoMix Wave Films)

Howeve­r, others express the­ir discontent by criticizing its repetitive­ nature and how it closely rese­mbles Shinkai's previous works like Your Name and Weathering With You. Additionally, some viewers find fault in the­ pacing issues and disjointed flow of the film.


Final thoughts

Suzume no Tojimari captivates viewe­rs with its visually stunning presentation and delive­rs a powerful message while exploring deeper the­mes of hope and resilience in the face of disaste­r. This film marks a significant shift for Shinkai, moving away from his e­arlier boy-meets-girl storie­s.

The success of Shinkai's earlie­r films doesn't guarantee the­ same level of succe­ss for this movie. However, this late­st film indicates Shinkai's growth as a filmmaker. He has move­d beyond creating predictable­ boy-meets-girl stories. Now, he­ strives to produce more ambitious films that offe­r insightful commentary on our world.

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Edited by Shreya Das
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