Attack on Titan's final episode, titled The Final Chapters (Part 2), was released on Sunday, November 5, 2023, at 12 AM JST in Japan. It marked the conclusion of the anime adaptation of Hajime Isayama's immensely popular manga series.
While the original ending was quite controversial, it appears that MAPPA made some changes that resulted in a more positive finale. The mangaka himself was actively involved in the process, contributing rough drafts for this pivotal episode.
Attack on Titan first premiered in 2013 and, since then, has been released in several segments. Season 4, the last season, has been divided into three parts, the first two of which began in 2020 and 2022, respectively.
The series follows Eren Jaeger and his friends Mikasa Ackermann and Armin Arlelt, whose lives were changed when a Colossal Titan appeared, destroying their hometown and killing Eren's mother. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin then joined the Scout Regiment, an elite organization of warriors that combats Titans, vowing to take revenge.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers.
Attack on Titan's final episode changes Armin's dialogue
One of the most poignant scenes in the Attack on Titan manga occurs when Eren tells Armin that it is time for them to part, and he will temporarily erase his memories of their conversation. After their final fight, Eren promises that Armin will remember their conversation.
Armin, in response, presents Eren with a seashell and expresses his gratitude for bearing the burden of the world's hatred for the sake of Paradis. The two hug for one last time, and Eren conveys to Armin that, although he is uncertain about what will transpire after his death, he has full confidence that his friend will do whatever is necessary to save humanity.
In the manga, Armin thanks Eren and promises to not let his transgressions go to waste. However, in Attack on Titan's final episode, this heartfelt moment is changed to, "Let's go to hell together."
This change, while still emotionally charged, resonated more positively with the viewers. Both renditions of the scene convey deep emotions and the bond between Eren and Armin, but the anime's choice has been received more favorably by the audience.
How have fans reacted to the change in Attack on Titan's final episode?
The change in Attack on Titan's final episode has garnered a highly positive response from viewers, who have expressed their appreciation on the social media platform X. Some readers have specifically noted that the change has made Eren's tone more acknowledging rather than justificatory.
While most viewers have loved the change, there are a few who do not agree with it.
It is worth mentioning that many have argued that the original manga dialogue was a mistranslation, making this alteration a necessary one.
The finale of Attack on Titan has been a delight to many. Currently, it is one of the finest dark fantasy anime and is likely to be remembered as such in the years to come.