Giant robots in anime, particularly the mecha genre, tend to be iconic for many reasons. Whether it's a transformation sequence like Voltron/Golion being formed from many different individual robotic animals/cars, or a massive defender like the Big O, all of them have become iconic staples of anime in one way or another.
There are many reasons why giant robots are considered a dominant aspect of anime, sometimes it's the weapons, other times it's the designs and pilots, while others owe their iconic status to merchandise sold. This list will indulge in chronicling 10 different types of iconic giant robots in mecha anime that're more famous than their pilots.
Disclaimer: This will contain spoilers for all the anime mentioned. The opinions expressed therein are solely those of the author.
Gundam, Gurren Lagann, Gunbuster, and 7 other giant robots more famous than their pilots in mecha anime
1) Voltron/Golion (Voltron: Defender of the Universe/Beast King Golion)
Voltron is the american adaptation of Beast King GoLion and many mecha anime featuring combining elements owe their existence to it. The titular character is considered the Defender of the Universe and comprises of five giant sentient robotic lions that fuse into one giant robot. Voltron was called into service multiple times against the Galra Empire, devastating their giant monsters in every encounter.
The armaments on the giant robot include a massive sword capable of slicing through massive warships and armadas with ease, a large shoulder-mounted cannon, and in some versions, a shield that forms from the wings. Additionally, it’s capable of interplanetary travel, entering different atmospheres, and surviving extreme temperatures. The most iconic part of the giant robot is the transformation sequence when the five lions come together as one.
2) Gundams and Zakus (Mobile Suit Gundam franchise)

Out of all the variants of giant robots that came after Mobile Suit Gundam, nothing has eclipsed the RX-78-2/RX-78-02 Gundam, aka the original Gundam, which is the counterpart of MS-06F Zaku II. They are respectively piloted by Amuro Ray and antagonist Char Aznable, showing off their impressive combat prowess in many instances. Though the pilots are usually impressive, they're usually overshadowed by the giant due to the popularity of Gundam model kits.
Char Aznable's performance in the Battle of Loum saw most of the Federation warships destroyed. Meanwhile, Amuro’s performance usually leaves many Zaku's carcasses on the battlefield. Both have particle cannons, and beam melee weapons: the Gundam has a lightsaber-esque beam saber, and the Zaku has an energy axe. The technologically superior Gundam usually wins out when they clash, owing to a speed advantage the Zaku's lack.
3) Gurren Lagann (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

Gurren Lagann from the anime of the same name is a combination of the top Gurren and bottom Lagann and is a former beastman robot powered by spiral power. What this means in practice is that the giant robot is powered by emotions of spiral beings or humans. This enables it to access over-the-top weaponry like giant drills.
The giant drill is used as an iconic finishing move to break an enemy mech and destroy anything in its path. In its super mode, this giant robot gained cosmic power to combat the collective intelligence of The Anti-Spiral. The two threw around black holes, planets, and even used galaxies as their platforms before the Anti-Spiral was finally defeated.
4) The SDF-1 (Robotech/Macross)
Standing taller than most giant robots on this list at over 3,000 feet high, the Super Dimensional Fortress 1 is more than just a giant robot. It's a large crashed alien ship that Earth repurposed into its own city in Super Dimension Fortress Macross, aka Robotech. The massive robot is capable of housing hundreds, if not thousands, of people and has an impressive array of weaponry on its side.
Though it isn't as impressive as an energy sword, the massive SDF-1's armaments include massive guns capable of wiping out entire fleets alongside an array of other defenses like missile launchers. The only drawback to using the massive guns is that it drains all the power from the gigantic mecha and takes time to power back up. It would serve as humanity's second home for many years, especially when fleeing the tyrannical Zentradi empire.
5) Evangelion Units 1 & 2 (Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise)

These hybrid mecha and Angels are all iconic for their abilities and appearances across Neon Genesis Evangelion and the reboot Rebuild movies. While EVA Unit 1, with its purple color scheme and spindly appearance, is the giant robot across NGE and Rebuild, Unit 2 likewise deserves a spot. The remarkable thing about them is their abilities and armaments while in combat.
The two iconic units are mechanized versions of the monstrous Angels. As a result, they possess rage states that they can unlock when the need arises. Unit 2, Asuka's unit, is iconic for going feral and attacking like a rabid gorilla, while Shinji's Unit 1 is capable of biting into and rending even the most sturdy Angel into an exploding mess. Aside from this, they have large cannons and protective AT Fields that can parry and survive nearly any attack.
6) Knightmare Frames (Code Geass)
While not as technically in the same weight class as many of the above giant robots, Code Geass' Knightmare Frames still warrant a mention as they are arguably the quickest of the mechs featured here. Invented by the Holy Brittanian Empire during the invasion of Japan, these war machines feature numerous interface systems like keyboards, joysticks, and even full views of battlefields, depending on the unit.
The iconic armaments of these giant robots include wire-launched missiles and other projectiles used to pin opponents down and either gun them down with large cannons or slice them with swords. The armor is only as good as the pilot, as many of Lelouch and Kallen's opponents find out the hard way. That being said, the Knightmare Frames tend to take priority for some fans over the characters.
7) The Big O (Big O)

One of the heaviest mecha in terms of its lack of speed, the giant robot known as The Big O from the anime of the name is the protector of Paradigm City. It's movement speed is related to the pilot's reaction time and is usually linked remotely to Roger Smith's watch. This means it can be summoned from mostly anywhere, piloted remotely, and still reach Smith to help him.
The Big O is a land-based unit, so many of its weapons reflect this. Aside from long-range laser eyes, the upper chest houses six machine gun barrels and a massive cannon from its chest. Its signature attack is the Sudden Impact, a large punch aided by retracting pressurized pistols inside the arms and being able to blow through three skyscrapers. The Final Stage is a chest cannon capable of destroying the entire city and its protective dome in one shot, though it later hinders Big O via power loss.
8) Mazinger Z (Mazinger Z)

The titular and progenitor of the Super Robot genre, Mazinger Z was created following the creation of Super Alloy Z to combat the nefarious Dr. Hell and his Mechanical Beasts. The mech was invented by Dr. Kabuto and passed on to his grandson Koji Kabuto as he, along with assistance from Sayaka Yumi and others, fought back Dr. Hell's evil creations.
Mazinger may not have energy blades, but it has more than enough arms to protect itself and humanity. From rocket punches to acid, Mazinger has quite a few unconventional weapons in its arsenal. There's a flamethrower capable of firing flames over 30,000 degrees Celsius (or 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit) out of a chest cavity that's hotter than the Sun, and even ice beams that are -180 degrees Celsius (about -292 Fahrenheit).
9) Gunbuster (Gunbuster)

A mighty mech capable of fighting off space monsters, Gunbuster is a giant mech that's a combination of Buster Machine 1 and 2. It's considered powerful and large, so much so that it requires two people to operate. In this case, it's the main characters, Noriko Takaya and Kazumi Amano, controlling the movements and technical aspects, respectively.
Because it is made for space combat, the titular Gunbuster's attacks concentrate on movement and agility. The attacks includes missile barrages, beam lasers, homing lasers, and even using a shield. All of the attacks are loudly announced, which is typical of 80s mecha anime, and all are devastating, whether against giant monsters or massive fleets of ships.
10) Gridman (Gridman franchise)

To put Gridman into perspective, he's a sentient giant robot. While most others have some degree of sentience (The Eva units, Voltron's lions), Gridman has his own intelligence. Being one of the many giant robots that were called to defend the Computer World and the real world, Gridman stands between sentient viruses, giant monsters, and the forces of evil and the rest of humanity.
In most appearances, he also looks and generally talks like a tokusatsu/super sentai character, which adds to the fun of the character. His weapons tend to be a series of energy beams, a beam saber, and a beam used to undo damage to an entire city, and healing beams in his true form. Gridman includes many giant robot staples plus a few more additions, like being sentient.
This has been a list of 10 iconic mecha anime giant robots that are more famous than their pilots or characters in general. Much of this popularity and iconic status has a lot to do with the various merchandise that giant robots have, but the shows usually have some impact with repeated usage of the mecha.
In other words, seeing the giant robots in action is what most people tune into mecha anime to see. If there are any that were missed, readers are encouraged to write about them in the comments.