The upcoming anime Metallic Rouge has generated excitement globally. Created by acclaimed studio Bones, it uniquely fuses action, adventure, and mecha genres. It explores a world where humans and androids collaborate on a Mars mission led by Rouge Redstar and Naomi Orthmann.
Bones' animation legacy ensures a visually striking experience. The creative prowess of director Motonobu Hori and a seasoned team elevates expectations for a captivating narrative. Fans eagerly await immersing in Metallic Rouge's engaging characters, relationships, moral dilemmas, and visually stunning journey, promising a standout anime addition.
Episode 1 of Metallic Rouge will air on January 10, 2024, at 8 pm JST
Metallic Rouge's first episode premieres on January 10, 2024, at 8 PM JST. Note that the exact airing time may vary depending on your location. Kindly refer to the broadcast schedule below for different time zones:
Where to watch the Metallic Rouge anime series
Viewers can watch the thrilling exploits of Metallic Rouge through various platforms depending on their location. Japanese audiences can see the show on Fuji TV's Ultra programming. International fans outside Asia can stream the series on Crunchyroll. By obtaining the licensing rights, Crunchyroll makes this much-waited anime accessible for enthusiasts globally to enjoy this anime.
The release of an English-dubbed version adds to the thrill for fans. This alternate format lets enthusiasts enjoy the series in another way. To watch all episodes and seamlessly switch to English audio, viewers can use the user-friendly website or handy Crunchyroll application on various devices.
Plot overview of the anime series
In a futuristic world, advanced androids live alongside humans. The story centers on Rouge Redstar, a female android, and Naomi Orthmann, her human companion. Together, they embark on a vital mission to Mars seeking to stop the Immortal Nine - a band of nine rogue androids who endanger the government and fragile coexistence between humans and androids.
Rouge and Naomi embark on a journey into the depths of Mars, confronting challenges and barriers along the way. Their exploration reveals secrets about the enigmatic Immortal Nine, causing the adventurers to examine the lines dividing humans and AIs.
The team behind the anime series
This highly anticipated anime series is produced by the renowned Studio Bones, celebrated for its exceptional work. Motonobu Hori directs, with chief supervisor and series composer Yutaka Izubuchi. Toshizo Nemoto handles the screenplay, and Toshihiro Kawamoto has done the character design. The music comes from composers Taisei Iwasaki, Yuma Yamaguchi, and Towa Tei.
Final thoughts
As Metallic Rouge prepares to make its debut, anime fans across the globe are eagerly looking forward to the release of the first episode on January 10, 2024. With an intriguing storyline that offers a glimpse into a futuristic world, stunning visuals brought to life by a talented creative team, and exclusive availability on the popular anime streaming platform Crunchyroll, this new series has generated substantial buzz and high expectations within the anime community.
Many enthusiasts are fascinated by the premise of the show, which revolves around a fierce female protagonist battling corruption in a dystopian city. The vivid cyberpunk-inspired setting aims to transport viewers into an immersive experience filled with action and intrigue.