In the world of Jujutsu Kaisen where sorcerers and cursed spirits collide, Kasumi Miwa is an unexpectedly unassuming and hardworking sorcerer. She has no innate technique, but with New Shadow Style, she got into Kyoto Jujutsu High. But a theory has emerged in the fandom that Miwa’s presence in Jujutsu High might not be a coincidence.
The theory is that Kusakabe, a veteran sorcerer and a staff of the school, is Miwa’s uncle who helped her get in. This is hinted at through their interactions and the resemblance between Miwa and Kusakabe’s sister. This connection is hinted at through their interactions and the striking resemblance between Miwa and Kusakabe’s sister.
Disclaimer: the opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Possible relation between Kasumi Miwa and Atsuya Kusakabe
Starting with the obvious, both Miwa and Kusakabe are technique-less users of the New Shadow Style. However, the connections between these two characters delve deeper than their shared fighting style.
First, Miwa clearly knows Kusakabe. In Season 2, Episode 22, when Kusakabe saves her life, she addresses him by name, indicating a pre-existing familiarity. Additionally, they are depicted together multiple times in the manga, further reinforcing their connection.
Second, there is an uncanny resemblance between Kusakabe’s sister and Miwa, which raises questions. Kusakabe has a confirmed nephew named Takeru, and Miwa happens to have two brothers. This coincidence leads to speculation that Miwa’s family might include a cursed puppet brother she has yet to reveal.
Third, the question of how Miwa was recruited into Jujutsu High could be easily explained. As a staff member, Kusakabe could have recognized her potential and facilitated her recruitment, knowing she might possess cursed energy.
The only apparent flaw in this theory is Miwa’s naturally blue hair, which Kusakabe lacks. While this difference might seem significant, it does not necessarily disprove the theory. Despite this minor detail, the theory that Kusakabe and Miwa are related holds substantial merit and cannot be easily dismissed.
Jujutsu Kaisen: All you need to know about Kasumi Miwa
Kasumi Miwa is a second-year student at Kyoto Jujutsu High in the Jujutsu Kaisen series. Unlike some of her more cynical classmates, Kasumi is kind-hearted and diligent, maintaining a grounded and normal demeanor.
Her motivation to become a sorcerer stems from a desire to support her two younger brothers, showcasing her caring and steadfast nature. Although she is a fan of Satoru Gojo, she was visibly uncomfortable with her class’s attempt on Yuji Itadori's life, despite being ordered by Principal Yoshinobu Gakuganji, and later apologized for it.
Kasumi often struggles with self-doubt, fearing that her perceived weakness burdens others who try to protect her. However, when properly motivated, she exhibits bravery, as demonstrated when she risked her life to shield Maki Zenin from Sukuna’s attacks using her Simple Domain technique.
Although she lacks an innate cursed technique, Kasumi can see curses and has mastered anti-domain techniques like Simple Domain and Batto Sword Drawing, the latter being a high-speed, cursed-energy-infused sword draw. Despite her skill, she made a binding vow never to swing a katana again to enhance her abilities, but her sword was eventually destroyed during a confrontation with Pseudo-Geto.
Final thoughts
In light of Miwa's connections, abilities, and the theory suggesting Kusakabe as her uncle, her presence in Jujutsu Kaisen gains deeper significance. Whether through familial ties or shared techniques, Miwa's character is enriched by these potential links, adding layers to her role within the sorcerer world.
Related links:
- Yuji's monologue in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 265 was for Megumi, not Sukuna, and it makes perfect sense
- Jujutsu Kaisen fans should be rooting against Hakari's return, as it could ruin Yuji's Domain Expansion plan
- Move over Gojo, Jujutsu Kaisen has introduced a new physical ability that is all Yuji's, and his Domain proves it