Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11: Ritsu reaches 100% as Reigen and Serizawa race towards Mob

Shigeo and Ritsu
Shigeo and Ritsu's relationship comes to a head in Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 (image via Studio Bones)

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 was released on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, bringing with it the continuation of Mob’s uncontrollable rampage throughout Seasoning City. Despite the harrowing consequences of this rampage, the episode has a certain beauty to it.


Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 also lives up to expectations in terms of fight scenes, featuring Mob versus the Suzuki family in fantastic fashion. Additionally, fans see Ritsu and Mob confront each other once more, where the former learns that he’s more similar to his brother than he, or fans, ever thought before.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 serves as the perfect penultimate episode to the series, tying up loose ends and setting up final stages

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11: Suzukis versus Shigeo


Mob Psycho 100 III Episode 11 begins in Ritsu’s Student Council meeting, where he suddenly senses his brother’s powers being released. He departs shortly thereafter, realizing just how serious the situation is. Ritsu believes this to be from the shock of his brother, Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama, being rejected by Takane Tsubomi.

However, as he happens upon the site of the car accident that triggered Mob’s current episode, he sees Mob’s bookbag and a pool of blood and realizes this isn’t the case. Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then cuts to Mob’s current location, where he’s engaging Koyama Megumu and Yusuke Sakurai, former Claw operatives who now work at a supermarket.


The two lament being unable to prevent the store’s destruction as well as being unable to stop Mob’s rampage, when suddenly Toichiro Suzuki crashes down behind them. He applauds his two former operatives for living honest lives following their departure from the group, before approaching Mob and telling them to leave the rest to him.


He tells Mob that he’s come to repay his debt, before apologizing as what comes next may hurt a little. He rushes Mob with a flurry of punches, but they seem to have little to no effect, with Toichiro’s knuckles getting bloodied instead. Mob then grabs Toichiro and emits his powers, sending Megumu and Sakurai flying in Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11.

Toichiro seems to have been able to dodge the hit, landing behind Mob before commenting on how it seems as though the young boy has finally liberated himself. Toichiro says it isn’t a bad thing inherently, but questions who Mob is, implying that he knows the real Mob would never do this. He rushes Mob once more but is quickly batted aside into a nearby wall.


Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then sees Mob approach Toichiro once more, using his powers to apply a heavy gravitational force to him as Toichiro muses on how powerful Mob is. Thankfully, Toichiro’s son Sho is able to save him at the last second, explaining that he’s come to aid his “good-for-nothing father” in helping society.


Sho asks who their opponent is, showing reservations about fighting Ritsu’s brother after learning Mob is their enemy. Toichiro emphasizes that pulling punches won’t help, as Mob launches an attack on the pair, which Sho dodges. He asks his father if he’s okay, but Toichiro explains that he took the hit purposely to borrow some of Mob’s power and close the gap.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 sees Toichiro explain that Mob will eventually run out of stamina if he keeps exerting energy like this, saying that their plan is to buy time until that happens. Both Suzuki men power up as Ritsu continues racing through the city trying to find his brother. He muses on a particular incident, which made them stop speaking their minds with each other.


He continues explaining that Mob would always let his emotions show when they were little, but he suddenly stopped willingly showing his powers and feelings. Ritus explains that the current version of Mob was created as a result of being suppressed and locked away, calling the two connected on too deep of a level to be separated.


Ritsu then happens upon the still-nude Teruki Hanazawa, who remains unconscious despite Ritsu’s words. Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then returns to Mob’s location, where Sho and Toichiro are launching their attack. However, nothing they do seems to be phasing Mob, with the young boy standing there and taking everything.

Toichiro is eventually able to send him flying through several water tanks, prompting the father-son duo to launch a combined attack on Mob. However, he catches it and easily disperses the attack, creating a massive explosion in the process. Sho and Toichiro comment on how Mob’s new play seems to be absorbing their attacks rather than deflecting them.


Sho rushes Mob out of anger and frustration but finds himself caught in an unavoidable blast of Mob’s energy. However, Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 shows that Toichiro stepped in between Mob and Sho, absorbing the attack for his son while cursing their inability to buy time. Sho tells Toichiro that they need to run, but the latter says that’s no longer an option with the injuries he has.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11: Family bonds deepen


Mob begins charging an attack to launch at the two but suddenly stops. Fans then see that, internally, the real Mob is screaming out and straining himself to stop this madness, veins popping from his head and sweat rolling down his face. Toichiro and Sho realize what’s going on, with the former commenting on how strong Mob is.

He also says that this is their best chance, telling Sho to run away while explaining that he will be a vessel for all of Mob’s energy, like the young boy once did for him. Sho says he will die if he does it, but Toichiro says he’s prepared to sacrifice himself. As he begins approaching Mob, however, Sho calls out to him, calling him “dad” in the most genuine way heard in the series yet.


Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then sees Toichiro remembering when he first walked out on his wife and son, prompting him to, in the present, choose to run away with Sho. He apologizes to Mob, saying it seems he can’t be as strong as the young boy is, before telling Sho they need to run away.


As Mob’s powers seemingly regain control, Sho and Toichiro are nowhere to be seen. In the helicopter, Joseph and Hatori are seen lamenting the fact that not even Toichiro could stand up to the berserk Mob. They then elect to pick Toichiro back up, while Toichiro is commenting on how terrifying psychic powers can be, and how Mob must’ve known his were taboo.

Sho says he won’t be using his anymore, commenting on how living normally is the most important thing from now on. Toichiro says it’s difficult, but that’s how Mob has lived his entire life thus far. Sho asks what will happen to him, prompting Toichiro to say no one can stop him as Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 cuts to Ritsu saying that his brother has gone too far as he overlooks the destruction.


Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then shows that the Body Improvement Club has caught up to Mob, telling him that they’re here to help him and that they should take shelter. Some of the members comment on how this doesn’t seem like Kageyama, almost prompting Mob to use his powers to blow the group back with wind.


Musashi Goda says that Mob must be sleepwalking, which means that they can’t leave him alone. The group tries to rush Mob, but he easily blasts them back with wind from his powers. Jun Sagawa is able to make contact with Mob, who grabs his hand while Jun monologues about how they always looked up to Mob.

Jun asks him to consider going back to normal, horrifying the real Mob, who is trapped behind his powers. However, the berserk Mob sends Jun flying into a metal beam, but he’s thankfully stopped by the appearance of Ritsu Kageyama. Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then sees Ritsu greet this side of Mob like an old friend, saying it’s been a while since the two have met face-to-face.


Ritsu continues to say that he’s always been terrified of and cowering over this side of Mob, and the possibility that it would one day return and be uncontrollable. However, he says he’s not scared anymore, since he realized that this isn’t a separate, scary version of Mob, but rather a part of him. He says there’s no reason to be scared or tremble at the sight of Mob’s current state, since he’s Mob’s little brother.


A stress percent log appears here, with the number ticking from 34 to 35 percent. The trapped, real Mob says that Ritsu is wrong and that this monster isn’t a part of him, while Ritsu approaches Mob. The real Mob continues, saying that Ritsu needs to get away from “that thing” as a stress percent log appears once more and ticks from 51 to 52 percent.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then sees Ritsu tell his brother he doesn’t need to suffer alone like this. He remembers a time when they were young and Mob wouldn’t discuss something clearly bothering him, saying that he must’ve been holding something in that he couldn’t tell Ritsu by putting a lid on his powers. The stress percent log appears once more, ticking from 52 to 53 percent.


The real Mob says he doesn’t want to hurt Ritsu but says the same will end up happening at this rate. Ritsu says he doesn’t want Mob to change anymore, saying that he shouldn’t bear this on his own since Ritsu is here for him. A stress percent log appears going from 68 to 69 percent and then 81 to 82 percent as Mob says he can’t hold his berserk self back any longer.


Ritsu is then frozen by Mob’s powers and curses his inability to help his brother as a stress counter appears once more, ticking from 89 to 90 percent. Mob, meanwhile, is pleading with his berserk self to stop, saying that they’re his powers and they need to listen to him. Meanwhile, Mob’s body is approaching Ritsu as a stress percent log appears to be going from 94 to 95 percent.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 sees Mob realize that he can’t stop himself and Ritsu is in danger, while Ritsu worries about Mob unintentionally hurting Tsubomi in this state. A shot of what appears to be a young Ritsu with blood spilling from his head appears, possibly being the incident Ritsu mentioned earlier, which caused Mob to begin suppressing his feelings and powers.


He then realizes what he must do, saying that some shock will cause a change before apologizing to his brother. As a stress counter reaches 99 percent, Ritsu has a flashback of his life with Mob, from early childhood all the way up to the series’ events. Ritsu says his brother shouldn’t be held down by trauma, saying that what he can do for Mob is continue being the little brother he can talk to at any time.


Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11: 100% not enough as Mob confronts his inner self


He adds that he needs to be the little brother Mob can speak his mind with, as it’s revealed that Ritsu has reached a 100% state similar to his brother’s. His powers begin overflowing to the point where he’s able to hold Mob back, saying he finally figured out the reason he wanted powers was for this moment.

As Ritsu says this, Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 sees him shockingly able to restrain Mob with his powers. However, Mob seems to quickly break free, being able to use his powers to preserve Tsubomi’s bouquet. Ritsu strains to keep Mob in place, while the real Mob recognizes what his berserk self is about to do and pleads with him not to do it.


Winds begin swirling around Mob as Ritsu is sent flying into the sky, his vision fading as he falls back to Earth. Meanwhile, the news reveals that a giant tornado has now appeared in Seasoning City, as various characters from the series are seen digesting the news. The news rattles off various theories as to why this is happening, but obviously, none are correct.


Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 then sees Reigen Arataka and Katsuya Serizawa sprinting past a police line in order to find Mob, while Ritsu is revealed to be alive and well after his fall. He stares up at the sky while musing that it was all he could do to restrain his brother, before begging Mob to return to them.

The screen then shows a ball of scribbles inside of Mob’s consciousness, which are revealed to be his powers. Mob asks him why he’s doing this and what he is, prompting the scribbles to form an outline of Mob and say they’re Shigeo Kageyama. The entity asks Mob who he is, prompting Mob to respond by saying he’s Shigeo Kageyama.


In Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11, the entity then calls him “Mob,” saying he’s the fake Shigeo Kageyama. Mob responds that the entity is the fake one here, saying he doesn’t need his powers anymore and that the entity needs to disappear. However, it responds that Mob is the one who should disappear so it can live freely. Mob says he will stop the entity, but it responds that no one can stop him.


Reigen and Serizawa, meanwhile, are approaching the tornado as Reigen asks Serizawa if he feels sluggish too. Serizawa says it might be dangerous to go further, but Reigen says Mob is in the center of the tornado. Serizawa responds that they might not make it out in one piece, but Reigen begs him to get him inside the tornado.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 sees Serizawa agree, pulling out his umbrella and following Reigen as he approaches the tornado. Meanwhile, Mob is asking the entity why it’s doing this, as it in turn responds that it needed to move through “sheer will” once Mob’s body was broken from the car accident.


Mob says this isn’t his will at all, but the entity responds that he has a strong desire to see Tsubomi, which is the most important thing to it. Mob says that seeing Tsubomi isn’t something that should be done at the cost of harming others, saying that this behavior is not normal.


The entity questions what normal is, accusing Mob of trying to invalidate it once more before saying that if the real Mob just breaks and disappears, it won’t have to hold back anymore. As it says this, Mob’s face begins to crack and peel off, while Mob’s physical body outside is shown to be the epicenter of the massive tornado.

The entity says it’s going to do what it wants and that the next time Mob wakes up, the entity will be him. As a piece of the real Mob’s face floats onto the entity and attaches itself, the entity says goodbye to Mob, bringing Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 to an end.


The next episode is entitled Confession ~The Future~, and it is set to premiere on Wednesday, December 21, 2022.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11: In summation


Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 is, overall, an exciting and engaging penultimate episode of the series. With the next installment marking the final episode of the anime series, having Mob confront his powers in the final moments of this episode makes for an incredibly intriguing setup for their final confrontation.

Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 also gives Ritsu his time to shine as a little brother, making for one of the best sequences of the season and possibly the series overall. It’s an incredibly emotional and heartbreaking moment, which emphasizes how much Ritsu cares for his older brother, while also showing how much Mob wants to fight back against his powers.


In this sense, Mob Psycho 100 III episode 11 feels like the culmination of all the themes, morals, and lessons that the series has provided up to this point. Now, all that’s left is for Mob to overcome his final fear; himself.

Be sure to keep up with all Mob Psycho 100 anime news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.

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Edited by Adelle Fernandes
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