Chainsaw Man has quickly ascended the ratings among groundbreaking forces in the anime world, particularly because of its creative power system. Compared to Jujutsu Kaisen, which revolves around a traditional battle between sorcerers using curses and dark arts, Chainsaw Man brings a fresh and dynamic approach with its devil-based abilities.
In Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuji Itadori joins an exorcism faction after devouring the mighty cursed object. On the other hand, Chainsaw Man opens up to a parallel storyline where Denji is a youth bonded with a devil and becomes a devil hunter to clear his father's debt.
This difference illustrates how Chainsaw Man's power system sets it apart and pushes the boundaries of creativity, something that is lacking in Jujutsu Kaisen.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the writer's opinion and includes spoilers from the manga.
How the power system in Chainsaw Man is more creative than Jujutsu Kaisen, explained
In anime, power systems often define the creative scope of a series.The power system in Jujutsu Kaisen revolves around cursed energy. Characters use it to carry out various techniques ranging from the simplest attacks to complex curses.
Sorcerers like Yuji Itadori fight with curses through their abilities, which are a form of strength and the power to manipulate them. In that aspect, the power system draws upon traditional ideas of spiritual warfare, emphasizing a battle of good and evil through the eyes of curses and exorcism.
Chainsaw Man’s power system is unconventional, based on the human and devil relationship. People are granted devil powers through contracts or transformation.
The main character, Denji, gains abilities by merging with a devil, allowing him to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. This introduces various abilities derived from the nature of the devils and their strengths.
In Chainsaw Man, devils are born from human fears, and every devil represents a certain concept such as blood, war, or death. The potency of the devil relates directly to the degree of fear evoked by that concept. Devils regenerate through the ingestion of blood, whether from humans or other devils.
The most powerful among devils are the Four Horsemen: Control, War, Famine, and Death, who embody the most basic fears and hold authority over others. There are also the Primal Devils, who denote anxieties sown in human instinct and never were killed. Fiends are devils that occupy human corpses, granting them physical forms but limiting their full power.
The creativity of its power system comes from its unpredictability and innovative scale. In chapter 177, Yoru's attack epitomizes this innovation. She bends her finger, leading to a huge and instantaneous loss of fingers for about 400,000 members of the National Pistol Association in the United States.
Imagination and scale beyond the traditional, localized impact are illustrated by Yoru's ability to influence a large number of people through a single gesture.
Final thoughts
While Jujutsu Kaisen has a more conventional cursed energy system integrated with traditional spiritual combat, CSM offers a refreshingly unique approach with its devil-based abilities.
The power to influence vast numbers of people with a single gesture, such as in Yoru's attack during chapter 177, demonstrates the creative and broad nature of the system.
Related links:
- How old is Denji?
- How did Denji survive being cut in half? Explained
- Why Pochita is the key to everything, explained
- Every Weapons Hybrid introduced in the series (so far)