Under the production of Kinema Citrus, My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2, titled New Ordeals, witnessed a perfect intertwining of two narratives, running concurrently. Miyo Saimori's unyielding resolve to get along with her fiance, Kiyoka Kudo's mother, and Kiyoka Kudo's determination to unravel the truth regarding the mysterious Order, were the major narratives for the episode.
One of the best aspects of My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 was how Kinema Citrus paced the narrative within its stipulated timeframe. As we know, it's difficult for an anime studio to faithfully adapt the events from the light novels. However, the esteemed studio has dexterously articulated the essence of the light novels and brought them to life in the anime format.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2.
My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 review: Evaluating Kinema Citrus studio's approach to Miyo and Kiyoka's ordeals
Following the narrative scaffold set by the premiere episode, My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 extends Miyo Saimori and Kiyoka Kudo facing their respective ordeals head-on. Although Miyo realized that Kiyoka's mother disapproved of her as the better half of the Kudo household's heir, she earnestly devoted herself to getting along with her.
Miyo wanted to win Fuyu Kudo's heart since she knew that her fiance, Kiyoka, needed her. Likewise, Kiyoka Kudo immersed himself in investigating the strange case regarding the Demon-shaped Grotesqueries' sightings. Even though Kiyoka was aware of his mother and Miyo's situation, he had full faith in his fiance that she would handle the situation perfectly well.
Rightly so, My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 saw Miyo Saimori keep a calm front when Kiyoka's mother ordered her to work as a servant at the Kudo household. She wanted to see whether Miyo had the resolve. Fuyu expected Miyo to give up and run away. However, when the girl surpassed her expectations and embraced her orders, she became even more irritated.
My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 was truly a symphony of many voices, echoing through the corridors of the Kudo household. Miyo Saimori's earnest work won over the Kudo family's caretakers and maids, who apologized to her later because they had initially thought that being a girl from a respected family, she wouldn't be able to do an adequate job.
On the other hand, Kiyoka's father, Tadakiyo Kudo deeply apologized to Miyo for his wife's rash behavior. Miyo Saimori already began to have an influence on others. She lit up the household, something that Fuyu Kudo didn't expect. She couldn't believe a "meager-looking girl" (she used the phrase in the episode) would do well to become the wife of the Kudo family's heir.
Although she knew deep inside that her son, Kiyoka, needed Miyo, and that, she was the perfect bride for her son, Fuyu still couldn't bring herself to accept the girl. Fuyu Kudo's refusal to accept Miyo partly stemmed from the strong exterior she built throughout the time she spent in the Kudo household, as Tadakiyo stated toward the end.
She perhaps thought Miyo was too soft-hearted for her son. That's why, she always made insulting remarks to Miyo, without showing any remorse. However, Miyo Saimori listened to Fuyu's harsh words, without even reacting. Yet, fans must understand that it was only possible because she knew that Kiyoka Kudo watched over her.
Miyo's strongest support, Kiyoka, was always behind her back and it lent her the strength to push on. Although Kiyoka Kudo was busy with the investigation, he was aware of everything. That's why, even though Miyo Saimori's ordeal was chiefly hers, Kiyoka Kudo had a deep share in it too.
Undoubtedly, Kinema Citrus has done a remarkable job of portraying Miyo Saimori and Fuyu's narrative in the anime format. The studio has injected vibrancy into the written words of Akumi Agitogi's light novels. The characters illustrated by Tsukiho Tsukioka are also enlivened by the studio's stunning production.
Notably, My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 covered almost the entirety of volume 3, with the key chapters left to be adapted. Aside from the major focus on Miyo Saimori and Fuyu Kudo's narrative, the episode showcased Kiyoka Kudo grappling with the case he was assigned to.
In My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2, Kiyoka Kudo wanted to get to the bottom of the Grotesquerie case in his neighborhood. The production team ensured the narratives of Kiyoka and Miyo would run concurrently, with scenes alternating throughout the episode's runtime.
For example, the opening scene, where Fuyu Kudo ordered Miyo to work as a servant, switched to Kiyoka's narrative, showcasing his investigations. Notably, Kiyoka Kudo discovered the location of the run-down mansion from one of his neighbors and went inside.
He witnessed several vials and other research items, as well as an unusual crest symbol. Kiyoka Kudo realized it was the same symbol he and his team at the Special Anti-Grotesquerie Unit had been trying to figure out. Just then, a mysterious man confronted Kiyoka and demonstrated a special power to self-destruct.
Before dying, the man mentioned that the "Founder" had blessed him with such power. Additionally, My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 implied that the Order, named Gifted Communion, could be behind the whole case. It has to be mentioned that Miyo Saimori remained absent throughout the case. In other words, the Grotesquerie case was Kiyoka Kudo's ordeal.
At least, that's the initial impression fans may have had. However, on a deeper inspection, it would seem that the case would bring Miyo and Kiyoka together, just as the familial troubles have brought the duo closer. Although neither Miyo nor Kiyoka explicitly disclosed their respective ordeals in the episode, their narratives eventually coalign at the end of the episode, when Miyo decided to use her Dream-Sight powers on a man to save him.
Miyo Saimori was prepared to die if it meant helping her husband. However, she was stopped midway by Arata Usaba, who appeared at the Kudo household in My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2's end. Yet, even though Miyo was prevented from using her powers, there's no doubt she would play a crucial role to aid Kiyoka in his mission, the same way, Kiyoka would shield Miyo from her mother's harsh words.
Likewise, Miyo would try to mend Kiyoka's relationship with his mother. So, My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 has given the impression that Miyo and Kiyoka's narratives would eventually clash, which would only bring them closer than ever.
My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 was another fascinating exposition from Kinema Citrus. The esteemed studio vividly captured Miyo and Kiyoka's chemistry in the episode, in addition to their respective troubles. However, both Miyo and Kiyoka learned some vital pieces of information about their respective ordeals.
Miyo realized that Kiyoka and Fuyu were more alike than she had imagined. She also understood the burdens of responsibility Fuyu carried on her shoulders as the mother of the Kudo family's head. On the other hand, Kiyoka Kudo learned the name of the Order that was involved in shady research. It remains to be seen how the narrative unfolds from here.
Also read:
- My Happy Marriage season 2 complete release schedule
- My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 1 review
- My Happy Marriage season 2 episode 2 full highlights