One thing fans of My Hero Academia love about the series is the intense and stunning fight scenes that they can appreciate. Most of these fights focus on the students of U.A. High, showcasing their progress as they become stronger.
However, some of the best and most intense fights in the franchise feature those with the most combat experience, the Pro Heroes. So, in order to give these amazing characters the respect they deserve, let's go through the best 10 fights between villains and Pros in My Hero Academia.
Nana vs All For One and other 9 amazing Pro Hero battles in My Hero Academia
10) Nana vs All for One
While this battle has not been shown in its entirety in My Hero Academia, it is one of the most pivotal moments in All Might’s history. After he was given One for All by his teacher Nana Shimura, All for One tracked both Heroes in order to steal his late brother’s Quirk.
The battle was intense and difficult for the One for All users, as both seemed to be in critical condition, with everything around them destroyed. Just as things were about to get worse, Nana pushed Toshinori away from the fight, asking him to live.
It may not be a long battle, but it is one of the most significant and crucial moments in My Hero Academia.
9) All Might and Deku vs Wolfram
During their time on I-Island in My Hero Academia’s first movie, Deku and All Might had to save all the island's residents and guests from Wolfram’s clutches. The villain used one of David Shield’s experiments to increase his Metal Manipulation Quirk, as well as to augment his muscle mass.
All Might’s time limit was getting increasingly low, but he soldiered on, trying to take the villain down by himself. It was only thanks to his student’s help that he was able to get his fighting spirit ignited once more. Together with Deku, the Number Hero proved just how powerful One for All truly is.
8) Hawks vs Dabi and Twice

After Hawks revealed himself as a double agent to Twice, he asked the villain to come with him and be rehabilitated. Twice refused and tried to kill Hawks, his desire to protect his friends in the league pushing him forward.
The hero lamented what he was about to do, but he counter-attacked, trying to kill the villain. Just before Hawks could kill Twice, Dabi arrived to save his partner, blasting Hawks away with the full power of his fire.
Twice tried to escape, but Hawks was faster than him and Dabi’s flames, so he caught up to the cloning villain and killed him instantly. Twice’s last clone warned his friends before dissolving in front of Toga, thanking her for being his friend.
A heartbroken Dabi tried to carbonize Hawks, not caring for his own body being consumed by the flames. It was only because of Tokoyami and Todoroki that the feathered Hero is still alive to fight in My Hero Academia.
7) Eraserhead vs League of Villains
To protect his students from the several villains attacking USJ, Aizawa jumped between all of them with the intention of defeating as many as he could. Most of the villains mocked him since they thought he was crazy for facing so many opponents.
Aizawa revealed that he was trained for such a situation by dispatching multiple villains with ease. Thanks to his Quirk and his capture weapon, he was able to control the situation momentarily.
But alas, an angry Shigaraki sent his Nomu to face the Hero that was messing with his plans. The beast proved to be too much for Eraserhead, who was taken down in seconds, but even then he tried to protect his students.
6) Endeavor vs All For One

A recent and amazing fight from the My Hero Academia manga, as well as one of the most inspiring. After Endeavor was temporarily knocked out, Hawks, Jirou and Tokoyami tried to keep the infamous villain at bay, but failed in their attempts.
When the situation seemed most hopeless, Endeavor jumped in to save his fellow heroes, losing an arm in the process. After a touching and revealing flashback, Enji’s fire started to burn brighter than ever, damaging All For One in a manner only All Might was capable of in the past.
Endeavor tried his best to kill the villain, carbonizing his hand to prevent him from stealing his quirk as well as burning his body with a Prominence Burn. Nevertheless, the villain was prepared for something like this and started to regenerate in a grotesque and terrifying way.
5) Mirko vs Nomu

One of the most gruesome battles the Rabbit Hero has ever been a part of was against the high-end Nomu protecting Tomura’s tank. Mirko was decided to be the one to destroy the capsule containing the new Shigaraki to prevent him from awakening. However, there were five enormous monsters in her way.
Brining honor to her position as the number 5 Hero, Mirko fought valiantly against all the Nomu, even after she lost her left arm. She managed to take down one of these powerful enemies, but the other overwhelmed her soon after.
In a desperate attempt to end the fight, the My Hero Academia heroine dashed towards the pod containing Shigaraki and attempted to break it. One of the Nomu caught her with his tentacles before she was able to, piercing her leg and torso in the process. Endeavor had to come save the Heroine before it was too late for her, helping her cauterize her wounds.
4) All Might vs Nomu
The first time fans saw All Might use his full power in My Hero Academia was against the first ever Nomu. The monster was about to kill Eraserhead when the number one Hero arrived at the USJ to dispose of the villains.
At first, not even his mighty Smashes could harm the monstrous creature, who took control of the fight early on. It was only thanks to his students that All Might had enough time to recover and give more than his 100%.
Toshinori started attacking the beast with punches too fast for anyone to track, figuring out the monster’s hyper regeneration and shock absorption had a limit. By going Plus Ultra, All Might was able to deliver a finishing blow that sent the creature flying away.
3) Tomura Shigaraki vs Star and Stripe
Just like Japan has All Might, the United States had Star and Stripe, the most powerful woman in the world. Star’s Quirk, New Order, was capable of changing the rules that govern any two objects she touched.
Using this amazing power, Star tried to stop Shigaraki in any way possible, using lasers, explosions and even the air around him. At one point in their fight, Star tried to use her quirk against Shigaraki himself, but the villain was not sure who he was at the time, so it was not effective.
Sadly, Star was unable to defeat the monstrous opponent and accepted her demise with a smile on her face. However, before her death, she changed the rules of her Quirk so Tomura would not be able to use it.
2) Endeavor and Hawks vs Nomu

After All Might retired, the My Hero Academia world needed to feel safe again. So Endeavor and Hawks took it into their hands to become their new beacons of hope. While patrolling a high end Nomu appeared in town, causing destruction all around it.
The Many Quirks of the beast were causing the Heroes trouble, seeing as nothing they would do was enough to harm him. While Endeavor distracted the creature, Hawks took care to rescue the civilians, allowing the Flame Hero to fight without distractions.
In a horrible twist of events, the monster released two other Nomu that started attacking innocent people. Endeavor decided to fight with all his power despite the harm that would come to his body, but even that wasn't enough to defeat the creature, who scared him for life.
In the end, Endeavor was able to completely vaporize the monster, proving to the world that he was ready to become the new number one.
1) All Might vs All for One
This battle is not only amazing to watch, but it is also one of the most iconic ones in My Hero Academia. After the raid to save Bakugou was a failure, All Might ran to face his oldest enemy for the last time.
All for One was quickly gaining control of the battle with his multiple Quirks. Added to this fact, All Might was weakening just as rapidly because of his injury. Still, the number one Hero did not allow this cruel villain to put him down.
Fans still remember the amazing moment from My Hero Academia, when All Might tricked his archnemesis into lowering his guard to deliver the finishing blow. His United States of Smash will always be one of the most beloved final attacks in anime history.