Quirks are the foundation of My Hero Academia’s world, as every aspect of society tends to revolve around the abilities people possess. Nonetheless, these powers are even more vital than for Heroes, who mostly rely on their Quirks when fighting villains.
Some individuals inside the series had the fortune to be born with outstanding powers, which automatically made them fit to be a Hero.
These Quirks could virtually turn anyone into a top Hero by just acquiring them. On the other hand, many characters had to work to control their Quirks to the point they were prepared for working as a Hero.
In this list, we will give five examples of both Quirks that could turn everyone into a powerhouse and Quirks that take work to master.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author’s opinion. It contains spoilers for the My Hero Academia manga
All for One and 4 other Quirks that would turn everyone into a top Hero in My Hero Academia
1) Half-Hot and Half-Cold

It is rare for a person to be born with two Quirks in the world of My Hero Academia, which is why dual-type users are always among the most powerful. The perfect example of this phenomenon is Shoto Todoroki himself.
Shoto was born with his father’s fire abilities, as well as with her mother’s ice ones. By themselves, these two element-based Quirks were already powerful but came with drawbacks.
Endeavor is not capable of using his full power without overheating his body, and Rei’s ice could turn her body into a human ice statue if she abused it. Shoto has the advantage that having both ice and fire nullifies the drawbacks of his parents’ Quirks.
2) Explosion

Bakugo Katsuki grew up hearing how amazing and strong his Quirk, Explosion, was. As much as some fans who despise the boy hate to admit it, his ability is indeed extremely powerful and deadly for villains.
Bakugo’s Quirk turns his body into a substance similar to nitroglycerin, one of the most flammable liquids in existence.
He can also ignite to produce explosions of different sizes and magnitudes. It was recently revealed that Bakugo can also store sweat in his body to create explosions throughout his body, boosting his speed and agility.
As of yet, Bakugo’s Quirk has been the only one that has been able to cause significant damage to Shigaraki. A power of this magnitude could help anyone to become a Hero.
3) New Order
The people of America may not have had All Might to make them feel safe, but they did have the most powerful woman on Earth, Star and Stripe. Due to her incredible Quirk, New Order, Star was capable of controlling the laws of nature that ruled any person, object, or natural phenomenon she knew the name of.
These alterations could be something as simple as making herself stronger than the average person, to turn lasers into spears to use against her enemies. With some imagination and the correct equipment, anyone can use New Order to become one of the top Heroes of My Hero Academia.
4) One for all

Created during the Dawn of Quirks, One for All has been an example of how powerful a Quirk has been since the beginning of My Hero Academia. This power was created when the original Quirk of the first user, who allowed him to pass his abilities onto others, merged with a stockpiling Quirk.
This fusion resulted in a Quirk that stored both energy and powers.
With each new generation, One for All has done nothing more than store more energy and new Quirks. Izuku Midoriya, the current user of One for All, was the first person capable of accessing the previous users’ powers.
With a lot of physical training and a bit of luck, anyone could have been as powerful as Midoriya is at the moment.
5) All for One

Without a doubt, All for One is the most broken and overpowered Quirk in My Hero Academia. As the name implies, this ability allows the user to steal, store, and give any Quirk they come across, with the only requirement of touching the person with the desired power. Only two people have been shown to possess this Quirk in the franchise, the appropriately named All for One and Tomura Shigaraki.
By using this power, both have caused havoc and destruction throughout Japan for decades. The fact that the Quirk only becomes more powerful the more abilities the user steals only increases how useful it would be for anyone. Realistically, this Quirk could turn anyone into a top Hero, or a terrifying villain.
Creation and 4 other My Hero Academia Quirks that require their users to work hard
1) Earphone Jack

It was said during the beginning of My Hero Academia that people without flashy Quirks end up having a much rougher time becoming Heroes. Jiro’s Quirk, Earphone Jack, is not only one of the least flashy abilities but is also extremely specific. Using her jack-like earlobes, Jiro can plug into any surface to hear everything around her or use the beating of her heart to create tremors.
Jiro’s ability was not designed for combat, and yet, Jiro found a way to become a lethal long-range fighter. By training hard and designing boots that incorporated amplifiers into their soles, Jiro was able to use her power to incapacitate enemies from afar.
She still struggles with hand-to-hand combat, but no one can deny how hard she worked to turn her Quirk into something useful for a hero.
2) Creation
Creation is another one of the Quirks that can be considered overpowered. Still, this ability requires hours of training and studying to master, as proven by its user Momo Yaoyorozu.
Using the fat stored in her body, Momo’s Quirk allows her to create any object, substance, or material in the world, as long as she knows the exact chemical composition of what she wants to create.
To master this Quirk, Momo spent her entire life researching and memorizing chemistry books, to the point where she no longer needs to consciously remember the formula for an object. This is an outstanding feat that few people in My Hero Academia would have been able to achieve.
3) Permeation

Sometimes, even the most seemingly useless Quirks can become powerful with the aid of the right user and a little training. This is the case for Mirio’s power, Permeation, which allows its users to phase their bodies through any physical matter.
For many years, this power caused nothing but trouble for Mirio, who could not see, hear, or breathe when using his ability.
Nonetheless, by training hard and adapting to the unusual conditions his Quirk forced him to work under, Mirio not only mastered his power but also became one of U.A.’s Big Three. The blonde boy turned the Quirk that was once a curse into a well-honed ability that allowed him to fight villains as powerful as Overhaul.
4) Erasure

Most of the professional Heroes in My Hero Academia have fighting styles that are created based on their Quirks. Mirko, for example, focuses mainly on powerful and devastating kicks, as her ability hives her outstandingly strong legs.
Shota Aizawa, also known as the Hero Eraserhead, did not have the privilege of having a combat-based Quirk that would help him become stronger.
What he did have, was the ability to even the playing field by using his power to negate his enemies’ Quirks. Sadly, this ability does not affect mutant-type powers, which meant Aizawa had to train harder than most to become a proficient martial artist. Even when his Quirk does not always work, Aizawa is prepared to fight any villain who stands in his way.
5) Tape

My Hero Academia has shown us many unique and seemingly useless abilities throughout its story. Some people can slightly extend their fingers, pull out their eyes, or even have a cactus for a head.
However, that does not mean that any weird ability is ineffective for Hero work, as proven by Hanta Sero and his Quirk Tape. This power, as the name implies, gives the user the ability to create tape.
Sero’s tape is several times more durable than other materials, although it can still be cut through with the right power. Many fans have underestimated Sero and his power since he first appeared in the series.
Yet, Sero has demonstrated that hard work can turn any Quirk into a dangerous weapon. Sero can now use his tape for movement, evasion, capturing villains, and even as a weapon in certain situations.
Final thoughts

My Hero Academia is a show that operates under the premise that anyone can become a powerful Heron through hard work.
While this is indeed true, it never hurts to have a powerful Quirk that automatically turns its user into a one-man army. As much as characters like All Might want us to believe differently, sometimes Quirks do make the Hero.
Fortunately, the show has many examples of people with apparently useless powers, who were able to become powerful Heroes by training hard. They may not be as powerful as their comrades with more broken abilities, but they are respectable Heroes and amazing fighters, nonetheless.