As My Hero Academia progresses through its final arc, fans are excited to see who else will make grand returns to the fray. The latest unofficially released issue of the series has confirmed that La Brava, the sidekick of Gentle Criminal, has returned and is helping the Heroes overcome All For One’s group.
Although not yet officially confirmed, this information from spoilers and raw scans has fans wondering who else among My Hero Academia’s villains may join the Heroes. While there are some easy names that instantly come to mind, other possibilities require an alternative approach to exactly how they may return. Here are 8 Villains who can join the Heroes in My Hero Academia’s final arc and why they’re likely to do so.
Gentle Criminal, Overhaul, and 6 others villains who are likely to join the Heroes in My Hero Academia’s final arc
1) Overhaul

One of the most likely villains to join the Heroes in My Hero Academia’s final arc is undoubtedly Overhaul, also known as Kai Chisaki. Fans were first introduced to Chisaki in the Shie Hassaikai arc, where the eponymous yakuza group was experimenting on Eri. Kai was the one ordering the experimentation in an effort to save the group’s actual boss from a coma.
One of the major reasons why Overhaul would join the Heroes in this fight could be to repent to Eri for everything he has done to her. His hands would most likely grow back from her Rewind Quirk in this scenario, giving him something tangible that he owes her for. Given the sense of loyalty held by yakuza groups, this would be enough (combined with his distaste for Shigaraki) to have him join the Heroes.
2) Gentle Criminal
With the unofficial return of La Brava in the latest spoilers and raw scans for the next My Hero Academia chapter, Gentle Criminal is undoubtedly the most likely to return. While he was arrested in the U.A. School Festival arc, he’s not exactly a villain like many others on this list.
As a result, he might probably be released from prison to fight alongside La Brava and the Heroes. This would also be a fitting end to his character arc, which was predicated on his dreams of being a Pro Hero as a young man. Of all the entries on this list, Gentle Criminal might end up returning and fighting with the Heroes.
3) Lady Nagant
Lady Nagant is first introduced in My Hero Academia’s Tartarus Escapees arc and is characterized as a foil character to Hawks. She was also in the position Hawks was in before he assumed the role, further likening the two’s journeys. As per the manga's events, her fight with Izuku Midoriya helps her to recognize that working with Villains is the last thing she ever wanted to do, for which she pays a great price.
It would be incredibly fitting to not only have her return but to have her come back to assist Hawks in his fight against All For One. In this way, her character arc might progress by overcoming All For One, the man who forced her to become something she didn’t want to be. By protecting Hawks, she might ensure that he doesn’t experience what she once did.
4) Kurogiri/Shirakumo

While Kurogiri is currently in control of his shared body with Shirakumo, the latter personality showed signs of coming forth recently in My Hero Academia, especially when the two were first awakened. As a result, it’s possible that in the upcoming issues, Kurogiri/Shirakumo will end up joining the side of the Heroes due to the latter's personality becoming dominant.
If this takes place, fans will likely see Shirakumo rush to Aizawa’s side. While Present Mic wished to meet Shirakumo again, there was a heavy emphasis placed on how Aizawa’s emotional state would be kneecapped by Shirakumo’s personality submitting to Kurogiri. With this in mind, a return by Shirakumo would certainly benefit Eraser Head.
5) Twice clones

Without a doubt, one of the biggest issues in My Hero Academia’s current story is the seemingly never-ending birth of Twice clones. They are said to have the potential to overrun Japan if left unchecked. Moreover, the Heroes at the Gunga Mountain battlefield seem absolutely clueless about how to stop this massive, continuously growing horde.
One possible outcome could be Hawks convincing a large enough group of the clones to come over to the Heroes’ side that the entire “hivemind” decides to join the Heroes. Hawks and the original Twice were particularly close during the former’s time infiltrating the League of Villains. If there’s anyone who could convince the Twice clones to switch sides, it’s Hawks.
6) Spinner

Spinner is a particularly interesting case, with his most recent actions in My Hero Academia being done out of his love for Tomura Shigaraki. However, Spinner may not appreciate that All For One is trying to eliminate the personality of Tomura Shigaraki by taking over Tomura’s body for himself. With the two being close friends, this would be an understandable reaction.
It may also be upsetting enough for Spinner to have him come over to the Heroes’ side. The final moments of his efforts to reawaken Kurogiri already established that he’s starting to have doubts about his doing the right thing, putting his faith only in saving his friend. Without a friend left to save, Spinner may finally realize he’s on the wrong side of history and try to fight All For One to save Shigaraki.
7) Muscular

Muscular's distaste for Izuku Midoriya is almost second to none in the series, with him seemingly having a particular vendetta against the young Hero. However, this grudge could be leveraged into the classic anime trope of “helping defeat your enemies so I can defeat you.”
In this sense, Muscular would undoubtedly do what he could to help Izuku Midoriya in order to try and defeat him for himself once again. While this may be somewhat of a copout in the eyes of some fans, the implementation of this trope by mangaka Horikoshi would be interesting to see in My Hero Academia.
8) Tomura Shigaraki

Similar to Spinner, Tomura Shigaraki has made it very clear that he doesn’t agree with letting his body be taken over by All For One. While he may not have too big of a choice in the matter, he will likely resist in whatever way he can before being fully taken over. This may even end with Tomura asking the Heroes for help, effectively coming over to their side in the near future of My Hero Academia.
Tomura could further aid the Heroes by letting them know certain weaknesses of All For One’s Quirks or his physical state. While the latter’s use of Eri’s Rewind Quirk has likely done away with most medical issues, there could be some inherent weaknesses of his body that youth can’t take away. In any case, he may join the Heroes in some capacity to preserve his own body and personality.