Deku is one of the most unique Heroes in My Hero Academia who possesses multiple Quirks. Most characters in the series typically have a single Quirk, so seeing somebody with several abilities is a rare sight. As of now, Deku has access to seven Quirks, namely One For All, Transmission, Fa Jin, Danger Sense, Blackwhip, Smokescreen, and Float.
The basic gist of all these powers is that they all come from the previous One For All users, with their abilities becoming stronger throughout the generations. Interestingly, My Hero Academia doesn't reveal information on all of these Quirks at once.
These powers are usually spread out and don't make their appearance at the same time. People who wish to know more about each power will get some answers in the upcoming sections.
From OFA to Float: Exploring Deku's Quirks in My Hero Academia

It is important to remember that Deku was initially born Quirkless in the My Hero Academia franchise. In a technologically advanced and futuristic world where the majority of the citizens have powers (or Quirks), being Quirkless is considered exceptionally rare in this series. Moreover, the people who are born without it are often discriminated against. However, Deku receives One For All from All Might quite early in the series, an ability that is not only impressive but has a long, rich history as well.
One For All

One For All is an ability that allows the user to stockpile power and transfer it to somebody else. The main benefit of this power is that it makes all of the user's other Quirks much stronger over several generations.
Another aspect of this power is that it allows Deku to interact with the past users of One For All. Naturally, it would make sense to discuss what's known about their Quirks that have been strengthened over the years.

This quirk belonged to the second user of One for All and is the last one to be revealed in the My Hero Academia manga. Izuku created an Ultimate Move using Gearshift called Transmission, which essentially allows him to control the speed of various objects through different gears:
- Low Gear
- Second Gear
- Third Gear
- Top Gear
It is described as a "last resort" type of power that Deku can't randomly use whenever he wishes. While there is a five-minute time limit attached to this power, the full extent of its capabilities hasn't fully been revealed in the My Hero Academia manga.
One of the moves associated with this power is known as Overdrive, which is what happens when Deku uses Transmission on himself. He becomes fast enough to break through the sound barrier.
Fa Jin
Fa Jin is an interesting ability that involves the user doing the same motion over and over again to accumulate kinetic energy. The user then has the option to release all of that energy, either in short bursts or all at once.
It's often used alongside Blackwhip to create powerful attacks without harming the user like a normal One For All attack might do.
Danger Sense

The My Hero Academia manga revealed that Danger Sense essentially allows the user to sense any dangerous situation via a stabbing sensation to the user's head. It lets Deku quickly react to anybody with malicious intent toward him.
However, as of chapter 410, Shigaraki stole Danger Sense during his fight with Izuku. This might put him in a bind as it helped him to land effective hits on the enemy.
Blackwhip is the first new Quirk that Deku got, thanks to One For All. Basically, it allows him to use several black whip-like tendrils to grab anything. The ability to capture people or use Blackwhip for mobility makes it incredibly versatile. It's worth mentioning that the angrier the user is, the more potent their Backwhip's effect is.
Midoriya's remaining powers in My Hero Academia are quite simple. Smokescreen is a power that allows the user to create a lot of smoke, often for the sake of obscuring their enemies' vision.
This ability essentially allows the user to levitate in the air. It's simplistic but also valuable for any combat where the user needs to be in the air for a long period of time. Similarly, the user can fly thanks to One For All's stockpiling effect.
With the recent progress in the manga, much of Deku's potential powers and their creative uses remain yet to be explored. However, as Horikoshi busies himself with the advancement in the plot, let us know which among these has been your favorite Quirks of Deku in the comments below.