In recent years, My Hero Academia has emerged as one of the most hyped shonen series in anime and manga circles. Mangaka Kohei Horikoshi's acclaimed work has generated considerable excitement among fans with the ongoing confrontation between the series' protagonist, Deku, and his archenemy, Tomura Shigaraki.
Ongoing chapters of My Hero Academia showcase Deku's decision to give up all the quirks inherited from the previous One For All users to defeat Shigaraki. As suggested by the second user, Kudo, Deku's attacks begin to have a noticeable impact on the formidable villain, inflicting significant injuries and weakening him from within.
As Deku executes his plan to bring down Shigaraki by relinquishing all his quirks, fans of the series are filled with apprehension about the protagonist's future as a hero. The decision to sacrifice his quirk to defeat the formidable adversary raises concerns among fans about Deku's ability to continue his hero career after this pivotal battle.
Disclaimer: All opinions presented in this list are subjective and represent the writer's perspective. This article contains spoilers from My Hero Academia manga.
Losing all of One For All quirks might not be the end for the hero Deku in My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia fans are hyped by the ongoing intense battle between Deku and Tomura Shigaraki, unfolding in the latest manga chapters. However, as Deku begins sacrificing all of his One For All quirks to defeat the formidable villain, it raises concerns about his future career as a hero.
Losing One For All would mean Deku reverting to being quirkless, which could have a significant impact on his dream to become the world’s No. 1 hero. Despite the anticipation and apprehension among fans regarding Deku's future, a closer look into the story's narrative and past events suggests that all hope may not be lost for the aspiring hero.
Whether through All Might's armored confrontation with All For One or Eri's rewind quirk, Deku is poised to continue his hero career and fulfill his destiny, even in the face of adversity.
Exploring possibilities how Deku can continue being a hero even after losing his quirk
All Might's latest battle with All For One, where the former hero confronts the overpowering antagonist despite being quirkless, serves as a profound testament to the idea that one does not necessarily require a quirk to become a hero, which All Might himself had stated in the past.
Despite his lack of powers, All Might's determination and strategic use of his mecha armor allows him to weaken the formidable villain significantly. This demonstration of heroism without the aid of a quirk reinforces the notion that individuals can still become a hero through sheer willpower and determination. The ex No.1 hero had acknowledged that too before.
As such, it provides reassurance to fans that Deku, similarly driven and determined, has the potential to fulfill his aspiration of becoming the world's greatest hero, even in the absence of his quirk.
Additionally, the entrance of Eri-chan in the closing scenes of My Hero Academia chapter 415 opens up new possibilities for the protagonist. Eri's Rewind quirk, showcased previously in the series, can revert a person to a previous state, as demonstrated by her restoration of Mirio Togata's quirk.
This development suggests that even if Deku were to lose One For All and all its associated quirks, it wouldn't necessarily mark the end of his connection to One For All. With Eri's Rewind ability, there exists the potential for Deku to regain those powers once again, offering hope for his future as a hero.
Final thoughts
Considering Deku's heroism so far in My Hero Academia's narrative, he has already demonstrated the qualities of a true hero. As such, whatever challenges he may face in the future, there's little doubt that Deku will continue to pursue his dream. With his resilience and unwavering determination, Deku is destined to become the hero he has always strived to be.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga updates in 2024. Read more on My Hero Academia here:
Deku possibly faces All Might's fate as the manga finishes || Break after chapter 415 || 4 time Deku saved Bakugo