Raw scans of My Hero Academia Chapter 337 were released this morning, and many crucial developments took place in this chapter. With Midoriya and Aoyama’s confrontation finally coming to a head, My Hero Academia Chapter 337 moves forward with the U.A. Traitor Reveal segment, and it looks to be properly fleshed out as a mini or full-fledged arc.
Midoriya’s verdict on Aoyama in My Hero Academia Chapter 337 (leaked scans)
Recap of My Hero Academia chapter 336

In My Hero Academia Chapter 336, Bakugou and Todoroki’s improvement is seen, and it is theorized by Yaoyorozu and Bakugou that the heroes are at a disadvantage because Shigaraki has disappeared without a trace again and despite being incomplete, he couldn’t even be properly damaged. Hagakure Toru is revealed to be spying on Aoyama Yuga, who is revealed as the real U.A. traitor. Aoyama was born Quirk-less, so his parents had asked AFO to give him a Quirk. In exchange, Aoyama had to spy for AFO with his parents’ lives were at stake. As Hagakure moves to get a teacher, she comes up on Midoriya and together they confront Aoyama.
My Hero Academia Chapter 337

My Hero Academia Chapter 337 begins with Dabi telling AFO that it would be bad for the traitor if others at U.A. find out about it. AFO compares Aoyama to a cheap lighter, saying he and his parents are nothing but cheap tools, easy to discard. My Hero Academia Chapter 337 then cuts to the forest, and Aoyama’s parents try to carry him out of there.
Yuga thinks back on how difficult it must have been for his parents when he didn't get a Quirk, so much so that they asked AFO to give Aoyama a Quirk following a mere rumor. While the Quirk was incompatible with his body, his parents still got him equipment so that he could use it. He was happy until AFO started giving him orders. My Hero Academia Chapter 337 raw scans reveal that AFO had Aoyama join U.A., because All Might was going to become a teacher. Aoyama also had to update them on the location of Class 1-A multiple times, and the latest order had been:
“Now that Midoriya Izuku has returned to U.A., get him to act on his own again.”

In My Hero Academia Chapter 337 raw scans, Aoyama cries as he shoots his Navel Laser at Midoriya, but Hagakure Toru reflects it using the same combination move they used during training. Hagakure’s face is partially seen, and she is also crying, asking Aoyama what he would have done if one of them died and how did he feel sitting in that classroom, going through all of this. Midoriya restrains Aoyama and his parents using Blackwhip, and tells them that Hagakure only acted so that Aoyama wouldn’t accidentally harm anyone.
My Hero Academia Chapter 337 raw scans then show Aoyama and his parents tied to chairs in a classroom with Nezu, All Might, former Inspector Tsukauchi and other U.A. teachers. They deduce what had been bugging many readers since My Hero Academia Chapter 336, that Aoyama’s Quirk was not set to self-detonate like Lady Nagant’s. The teachers ask the students to leave, but they refuse. My Hero Academia Chapter 337 raw scans then show panels of their reactions with Ojiro wondering what would have happened if Hagakure had not found out and Kirishima being in denial.

Bakugou is surprised to meet another Quirk-less person. As Tsukauchi interrogates them, Aoyama’s parents reveal that they don’t know anything about AFO. They were only given orders that they had to follow and the next panel of My Hero Academia Chapter 337 raw scans show that AFO even dragged to a pile of corpses to show them what would happen if they disobeyed.
My Hero Academia Chapter 337 raw scans then focus on Aoyama, who says that he got close to everyone because they were nice and forgot his initial mission. He was in despair when he read Midoriya’s letter regarding the origin of AFO, and then he was disgusted that the first thing he thought of was himself and not Midoriya. He says that Aoyama Yuga is despicable villain, rotten to his core and Midoriya protests loudly.
Midoriya reminds him that if that was the case, he wouldn’t have tried to save Tokoyami and Bakugou in the summer camp on instinct, wouldn’t have left that message in front of Midoriya’s window, which was a call for help that Midoriya failed to recognize at the time. Midoriya says surely that Aoyama is crying now not due to the threat to his life because he failed to obey AFO, but that he didn’t want to betray his friends. My Hero Academia Chapter 337 raw scans show a panel of lady Nagant as Midoriya states her name as an example, saying that no one should be called a villain for a single crime. Midoriya extends a hand to Aoyama, firmly stating,
“You can still become a Hero.”
My Hero Academia Chapter 337 speculations and where to read
My Hero Academia Chapter 337 reveals that Aoyama had not known of the exact consequences of obeying AFO’s order. While Midoriya might be eager to reform and redeem Aoyama, from Hagakure’s reactions, it is clear that his friends would have a hard time forgiving him even though they understand why he did it. With Midoriya extending his hand to yet another person, his return to his proper heroic ways is cemented, and with his declaration to Aoyama, what All Might told him has come full circle. AFO's latest order to Aoyama might indicate that something sinister is in store for Midoriya.
My Hero Academia Chapter 337 will release on Sunday, December 12, on Viz.com and Manga Plus.