The Heroes have returned to fight Shigaraki and AFO with the recent release of My Hero Academia Chapter 365. For the last few chapters, the manga series has focused on the fight against Shigaraki and the Heroes’ attempts to save Bakugo.
Last week’s chapter revealed that AFO is back in his prime body and Edgeshot could be the key to saving Bakugo. This chapter, titled No. 4 and No. 5, continued with Edgeshot’s attempt to revive Bakugo, as well as Mirko’s fight with Shigaraki. Continue reading to know more about the highlights of today’s episode.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for My Hero Academia Chapter 365.
Tenko Shimura could soon wake up after the events of My Hero Academia Chapter 365
What happened in the last chapter?
My Hero Academia Chapter 364 revealed that AFO was using a bullet containing Eri’s Quirk to revert his body to his prime. Meanwhile, the USA was planning to ally themselves with Shigaraki to prevent more deaths. The chapter also focused on Edgeshot sacrificing himself to save Bakugo.
A new heart
My Hero Academia Chapter 365 started with Edgeshot thinning his body as much as possible, with the intention of becoming a thread to stop Bakugo from dying. The Hero revealed that Jeanist did indeed try to save Bakugo, but was unable to stop the bleeding and the internal damage caused to the boy’s lungs.
As Edgeshot worked on restoring Bakugo’s heart, the narrator of the chapter explained how his Quirk worked. Thanks to the intense training Edgeshot went through, he was capable of stretching his body until it was as thin as a surgical suture. Sadly, doing this slowly ate away at his life force too.
Edgeshot, who was aware that he would most likely die while saving Bakugo, asked Jeanist and Mirko to keep fighting. He also begged Bakugo to come back to life, as he was the only one who could cause damage to Shigaraki/AFO.
Mirko’s determination

In My Hero Academia Chapter 365, Shigaraki saw Jeanist and Edgeshot trying to save Bakugo. The villain became enraged after seeing the Heroes trying to revive someone he had already killed. In his frenzy, Shigaraki rushed towards Bakugo’s body in order to completely destroy it but was intercepted by Mirko’s kick.
Shigaraki mocked the Rabbit Hero, asking her if she was eager to be killed. Mirko’s arm was being held by the mouths that sprouted from Shigaraki’s body, leaving her vulnerable to an attack. To free herself, Mirko ripped her arm off, kicking Shigaraki’s head moments after she was freed. Shigaraki became scared because he was able to feel pain from that attack.

Jeanist, seeing his friend lose an arm, used his Quirk to stop Mirko from bleeding out. However, the Rabbit Hero did not stop and charged at Shigaraki once again. Shigaraki was slowly realizing that Bakugo’s attack actually hurt him, which in turn caused him to start feeling pain. Taking advantage of the distracted villain, Mirio used his Quirk to block Shigaraki’s eyes.
Tenko is awakening

My Hero Academia Chapter 365 went on to disclose that Shigaraki was becoming terrified by the idea of being hurt by the Heroes. The villain could not conceive of being that hurt from Bakugo’s attack, as he considered the boy nothing more than a side character. Without hesitation, Mirko capitalized on Shigaraki’s mental state and attacked him with her powerful Luna Rush.
Shigaraki felt all the pain of the kicks, which awakened something inside of him. He looked around and saw all the Heroes fighting to save Bakugo. The villain started to remember his childhood, asking why no one fought that hard to save him, even though he was not as broken as Bakugo. Inside him, Tenko took control, looking absolutely horrified.
The chapter had a small flashback to the time in which Shigaraki said his body was looking for his perfect form. Meanwhile, in the present, his body was once again morphing, although the villain was not in control of this anymore. My Hero Academia Chapter 365 ended with Shigaraki’s family emerging from inside his body.
Final thoughts

Overall, My Hero Academia Chapter 365 did an excellent job in setting the stage for what is coming next in Shigaraki’s arc. The villain is starting to realize that he is not as invincible as he once thought, a revelation that caused him to lose control almost immediately. However, losing control allowed Tenko to take hold of the villain’s body for at least a second.
This could imply that the theories of Tenko being the key to redeeming Shigaraki and saving the world are correct. Regardless of Shigaraki’s present self, the Tenko that resides inside of him is not a villain. He is simply a small child who is scared and alone. He was waiting for Heroes to come save him, like they were doing for Bakugo, something that never happened.

Speaking of Bakugo, while it has not been confirmed that the explosive Hero will survive, his chances are looking better by the second. Edgeshot’s sacrifice will most likely give Bakugo a second chance in life, reviving not only a fan-favorite character, but the hope of the Heroes.
The manga will have a short break after this chapter, so fans will have to wait for a while before figuring out exactly what is happening with Shigaraki’s body. Nevertheless, the next chapter could also focus on an entirely different battle, as Dabi and AFO are still roaming Japan.