Deku continued his fight against the Symbol of evil in My Hero Academia chapter 369, which was published only a couple of hours ago.
Deku is no longer holding back, as he has realized the danger of keeping AFO alive. Not only are the pro-Heroes inside U.A. barely standing, but his friends have been gravely injured as well. Seeing what the villain did to Bakugo made the boy snap.
In the last chapter, Izuku used the Second User’s Quirk for the first time, which granted him the power to control the speed of anything he touched. By making use of this ability and OFA’s stored strength, Deku gravely injured the villain.
My Hero Academia chapter 369, titled A Chain of Events, Across the Ages, continued right where the fight left off. Continue reading to learn more about the highlights.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 369.
The fight between AFO and the Second User was revealed in My Hero Academia chapter 369

My Hero Academia chapter 368 started with Deku asking AFO if Shigaraki remained inside of him. The villains mockingly answered that Tomura was no more, but Mirio and Nana knew he was lying. Using the Second User’s power, Deku managed to beat down the greatest villain of all time. Yoichi appeared, telling his brother that they would end their long-lasting battle that day.
The will of the vestiges

My Hero Academia chapter 369 began with AFO remembering his battle against the Second User. The villain had beaten the Hero and was preparing to end his life when a bullet came flying towards AFO.
Sadly, the villain stopped it without issue. AFO explained that the Second’s Quirk was only capable of working on small objects, which made the Hero merely a small annoyance.
However, Deku did not use the Quirk to control smaller objects, and could seemingly control anything. As Deku flew over Shigaraki/AFO, the evildoer noticed the vestiges of the previous users of OFA. Once again, Izuku activated the Second’s power, Gearshift.
The Second User explained that his ability became stronger thanks to OFA, to the point where it could control the speed of any object to a cellular level. Combined with the raw power of OFA’s stockpile factor, Deku’s punches could bend the laws of physics. The green-haired boy flew down at the villain to hit him with 5 consecutive Smashes.
Gearshift’s true power

My Hero Academia chapter 369 continued with AFO claiming that he could predict Izuku’s next attack and catch the boy by surprise. He attacked, believing he had defeated the young Hero. However, Deku’s speed suddenly changed, making him several times slower. Changing into Low Gear, Midoriya managed to stop himself before AFO could hit him.
The Second User mocked the villain, reminding him that his Quirk allowed him to change the speed of any object without considering inertia. Enraged, AFO began flying towards Deku, ready to kill the young man. Our hero, however, used Smoke Screen to disappear and fly over the villain. Midoriya immediately proceeded to capture AFO with his Black Whip.
A reason to fight

My Hero Academia chapter 369 went on to show Deku explaining to AFO how he managed to use all his Quirks. The young Hero used Danger Sense to find out when he was about to be harmed, to later use Smoke Screen, confusing the villain. Using Nana’s float, Deku gained height and captured AFO with Black Whip.
Then, Deku activated Fa Jin, using the energy that his Quintuple Smash gave him, and combined it with Overdrive, ready to take down the villain once and for all. As Izuku prepared his attack, the Second User told the villain that he should not have been afraid of the power but rather what people use the power for.
While remembering all the pain the villain caused his friends, Deku approached AFO, claiming that he would never hurt anyone again. With a final Smash Deku opened a hole in the villain’s chest. Unfortunately, for the Heroes, the wound began healing. AFO understood that he was able to see his brother because OFA and his Quirk were resonating. The Second user told Deku he could not rest yet.
AFO’s last resort

My Hero Academia chapter 369 continued with the Symbol of Evil falling through the sky. The man internally mocked everything Izuku and OFA’s vestiges had said. AFO claimed that the Second User had to be joking with his speech about Quirks, as he had not been able to use a single ability. He complained that every single action taken by the Heroes was a disadvantage for him.
Aizawa and Monona were still canceling his powers and U.A. had separated him from his original body. Desperate, the villain began to scream, with nine different lights shining behind him. My Hero Academia chapter 369 ended with AFO claiming that he could still win, to then show a monstrous-looking Spinner.
Final thoughts

My Hero Academia chapter 369 gave fans one of the most intense and thrilling fights in the entire franchise. Now that Izuku has access to all of his Quirks, AFO does not stand a chance, at least not for now. Despite seeing his opponents as nothing more than pests, the Symbol of Evil is getting desperate as his defeat seems to be getting closer.
Still, many questions remain inside the fandom’s head. Why did the Second User tell Deku he could not rest yet? Is the boy using more power than he can handle? And most importantly, why did Spinner’s appearance change so drastically? All these questions and more will be revealed in later chapters of the manga.