Shoji had to show the Mutants what a real symbol is like in My Hero Academia chapter 371. The Paranormal Liberation Front continued its attack on Jaku's Central Hospital, intending to free Kurogiri. Sadly, the few Heroes and police officers defending the institution did not receive any support.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 371.
Last week's chapter focused on Spinner's backstory and the beginning of the Mutant Rights movement. It was also revealed that AFO gave the lizard-like villain several different Quirks that turned him into a rampaging monster. My Hero Academia chapter 371, titled Together with Shoji, continued the fight between the Hero student Tentacole and Spinner. Keep reading to learn more.
Spinner achieved a new form in My Hero Academia chapter 371
What happened in the previous chapter?

My Hero Academia chapter 370 started with a flashback from Spinner's past. Back in the present, the villain could be seen leading an army of Mutants. AFO and a Paranormal Liberation Front general tricked them into believing they were fighting for their rights. Shoji, Koda, and a small group of Heroes were the only ones available to protect the city.
The tricks continue

My Hero Academia chapter 371 began with Shoji asking Spinner what his plan was to save the innocents inside the hospital. The boy told the rioters that he would not support a cause that aimed at killing bystanders. The Mutants around Shoji noticed the multiple scars that the boy possessed. Confused about what to do, they asked Spinner for advice.
The lizard Mutant, who was having trouble thinking clearly, proclaimed that he did not care about the innocent. This shocked the Mutants, who thought of Spinner as their savior. The PLF general had to intervene, proclaiming that innocent blood needed to be spilled to rewrite history. As he spoke, he complained about how Shoji and Spinner could ruin AFO's plans.

Shoji again addressed Spinner, telling him his actions would set the Mutants Right movement thirty years back. The reptile-looking man did not care about the boy's words, instead accessing the Quirks that AFO gave him. Scalemail gave him a dinosaur-like appearance, with massive scales protecting his body.
As he morphed into his new form, Spinner went back to a conversation he had with Shigaraki about League of Legends. The lizard-man could not afford to care about anything other than his dear friend. Once his transformation was complete, Spinner used his sword to cut one of Shoji's arms.
Shoji's past

My Hero Academia chapter 371 continued with Koda worrying about his friend. As Shoji flew through the sky, the PLF general began speaking again. He claimed that Spinner was trying to show them that those who have been oppressed should find the courage to strike back. The man went as far as to call the rioters 'martyrs' who would create a better world for future Mutants.
Koda could not believe what he was hearing, angered by the general's manipulative words. Koji began having a flashback of when Shoji revealed his face to class 1-A. Mezo explained that he was the first Mutant to be born in his family. Due to his appearance, the people of his town used to attack him in an attempt to rid their home of his Mutant blood.
Shoji continued by saying that Koda and Tokoyami, raised in cities, must have heard about small towns where Mutants were still persecuted. Mina was furious, stating that the world would be better without people as horrible as them. Mineta remembered that he once called Shoji an octopus and apologized profusely for his words.
The coolest Hero

My Hero Academia chapter 371 continued with the flashback by showing Shoji assuring Mineta that he did nothing wrong. He was aware that his appearance could look like that of an octopus to many. He chose the name Tentacole due to the word take, which means octopus in Japanese. The boy also revealed that he was aware of a ranking of Heroes who look like villains.
Mezo continued by saying that he decided to wear a mask to prevent people from believing that he wanted revenge against non-Mutants. Despite all his bad memories, Shoji preferred to focus on the one good moment he had as a child. As he spoke, the manga showed images of Shoji as a kid saving a small girl from drowning in a river.

His friends jumped at him, hugging him and promising they would create millions of good memories together. They also proclaimed that they would always be there for Mezo. As he smiled, Shoji told his friends that he knew the mistreatment of Mutants would not end in a generation.
However, he was still determined to become the most extraordinary Hero, one who could award Mutant children good memories for them to hold onto. Back in the present, Shoji could be seen preparing an attack against Spinner.
Koda, who seemingly awakened his Quirk, used his ability to send a massive flock of birds against the PLF general. The chapter ended with Spinner calling Shoji gross and the boy saying he was not ashamed.
Final thoughts

Like the previous chapter, My Hero Academia chapter 371 was not focused on epic fights or flashy Quirks. The chapter mostly revolved around the horrible realities of being a Mutant. Nonetheless, it was extremely enjoyable and eye-opening for fans. As the series approaches its end, we are seeing the several issues Hero Society refuses to address.
Shoji and his friends will be the ones in charge of changing the world for the better in the future. We will have to wait and see what Horikoshi has planned now that he has revealed this new information.