The spoilers for the upcoming My Hero Academia chapter 371 began circulating on social media a couple of hours ago. As many fans expected, the spoilers revealed that the chapter will focus on Shoji and the discrimination he faced as a child. After years of waiting, Horikoshi is finally giving fans a proper backstory to one of the most forgotten characters.
Once the spoilers and raw scans were uploaded, fans made their way to Twitter to express their emotions. From those that became emotional due to Mezo Shoji’s backstory to those that praised Horikoshi - social media has been flooded with reactions from fans.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 371.
Fans are in shock that My Hero Academia chapter 371 made League of Legends cannon
Why were fans so emotional after the spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 371?
My Hero Academia chapter 371 begins with Shoji trying to convince Spinner and the mutants to give up the fight. He will have a flashback to the time he revealed his face and past to his friends. Once he was finished with his tragic tale, his classmates hugged him. Back in the present, Shoji is prepared to fight the monstrous Spinner, and Koda is standing near him with his Quirk apparently awakened.
Twitter reaction
Minutes after the full spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 371 were released, fans began praising Horikoshi for his writing.
Most of the community is extremely happy with how the manga creator is handling the subject. Many others are simply happy to learn more about Shoji and his struggles.
Sadly, not everyone reacted positively to the spoilers. A few fans were unhappy that Shoji’s past was shown in a flashback. They claim that Horikoshi should have shown the conversation between the young Hero and his friends earlier. According to them, only having a flashback for such an important scene makes fans care less about an important topic like discrimination.
Speaking of discrimination, the fandom is mostly in tears after Shoji’s tragic past was revealed. Shoji, also known as Tentacole, is one of the kindest and most caring characters in the franchise, but he is also one of the students who suffered the most. His flashback was heartbreaking for many fans, who noticed that his scars must be linked to horrible experiences that the manga did not show.
However, the fandom is happy that Shoji has the support of his friends. The panel in which his classmates jumped towards him to hug him is being shared everywhere. The community is beyond happy with such a sweet and wholesome interaction. They noted how much the members of Class 1-A care for Shoji, even Mineta.
During the flashback of Shoji speaking about his past, many members of Class 1-A could be seen. Amongst the most notable ones were Deku and Kirishima. Fans were elated to see these two again in the manga series. While Deku was seen only a couple of chapters ago, the community is always happy when he gets attention. On the other hand, Kirishima has not been seen for quite some time.
Shoji stans were overjoyed to see their favorite character prepared to fight Spinner in My Hero Academia chapter 371. This is, without a doubt, one of the best depictions of Shoji in the entire manga. The fandom loves everything from his pose to how angry he looks.
Nonetheless, Heroes were not the only ones to receive praise for their participation in My Hero Academia chapter 371. Spinner fans got to see a new design for their favorite character. The Quirks that AFO gave the lizard villain are slowly turning him into a true monster. Fans are excited about his new appearance, even comparing him to Godzilla.
Spinner’s flashback to the moment he met Shigaraki also wreaked havoc in the community. Many fans did not remember how Shigaraki used to look before being controlled by AFO. Seeing him in his true form made many fans emotional. Some are pleading with Horikoshi to save him from AFO’s grasp.
During this panel, Shigaraki revealed that he and Spinner used to play League of Legends, one of the most popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAs) in the world. This caused many questions to pop into fans’ minds. They wonder how the characters reacted to the Skin Line based on them. Others asked if certain Heroes partnered with the game's developers to be included in the game.
While his appearance in My Hero Academia chapter 371 was small, Koda also became relevant on social media. During the final panel, the shy and polite boy could be seen with significantly bigger spikes coming out of his head. Many fans theorize that this could be a Quirk Awakening. How exactly this evolution will affect his powers is yet to be seen.
Lastly, a minor portion of the fandom is saddened by the fact that Koda had an awakening before Uraraka Ochako. Uraraka has not been given any attention these past few months, despite fans pleading with Horikoshi to focus more on her. Koda’s awakening only caused Ochako stans to become even more disappointed at the treatment of their favorite character.
Final thoughts
Overall, the fandom seems ecstatic with the spoilers for My Hero Academia chapter 371. Once again, the chapter will contain less action than other entries, but it will be vital to develop the conflict mutants face in Hero Society. Shoji is still trying to get some mutants to see that their actions are wrong. He may fail in this upcoming chapter, but he will keep trying.

The real battle between the monstrous Spinner and the Hero Tentacole is about to commence. It is more than likely that the next couple of chapters will focus solely on this fight. Still, if the writing and art style are as amazing as My Hero Academia chapter 371 was, fans could soon read one of the best fights in the arc.