One of the most exciting relationships My Hero Academia has to offer fans is the one between Izuku and Tomura. From the beginning, these two characters were presented as reflections of one another, with similar backgrounds, circumstances, and even a shared love for Heroes in their childhood. Sadly, Shigaraki's story did not have a Hero who could save him from the darkness like Deku.
These similarities can be better appreciated whenever Izuku and Tenko interact in the franchise. While scarce, the moments these characters have shared on My Hero Academia are genuinely some of the best interactions written by Horikoshi. This list will rank every instance Deku and Shigaraki have confronted each other based on how iconic they have been to fans.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for the My Hero Academia anime and manga series.
Which interaction between Izuku and Tomura in My Hero Academia has been the most iconic?
4) Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall

After being informed by Aizawa about the summer training camp they would have to attend, the students of class 1-A decided to go together to the Kiyashi Mall to get supplies. Once there, Deku decided to look for some personal items he would use during their trip.
As the young Hero walked around the mall, a sinister figure approached him and grabbed him by the neck. This turned out to be Shigaraki, who encountered Izuku by chance. Shigaraki was confused as to why people agreed with Stain and even supported him when they criticized and hated the League of Villains.
Deku explained that the public reacted in such a manner due to Stain being a villain with a motive beyond destruction. Sadly, none of Izuku's words reached Shigaraki, as the young villain alone concluded that it was all Toshinori's fault. Thankfully for our Hero, Uraraka appeared and scared Shigaraki away.
Reasons why it is at number 4

This confrontation between Deku and Shigaraki was primarily philosophical, but it later served a much greater purpose in the series. The two young men refused to let the opinion of the other sway their ideals and beliefs.
This would come into play again a few months later when Izuku had to fight Shigaraki face-to-face. Their encounter at the Kiyashi Mall was the true beginning of their hatred against each other.
3) The U.A. grounds fight

My Hero Academia chapter 366 gave fans something they had been asking for months: Deku's return to the manga series. Since the battle against Shigaraki commenced inside U.A. grounds, fans wondered where Izuku could be, as he was supposed to be a part of the team to take down Tenko.
Seeing that his greatest enemy was nowhere to be seen, Shigaraki decided to cause as much destruction and death as he could before facing his actual opponent. The young villain caused many losses for the Heroes, mutilated a few more, and fatally injured Bakugo, causing Deku to snap the moment he arrived.
The villain did not manage to pull this stunt without receiving considerable damage on the part of the Heroes. This triggered his fight or flight response, which manifested itself in a new and horrifying-looking new form for the villain. After Shigaraki obtained this new appearance, Deku arrived in U.A. with a face reflecting determination and rage.
Reasons why it is at number three

This battle is about to commence in the My Hero Academia manga, but it already looks like the most epic battle between Izuku and Tomura. Not only is this set up to be the final encounter between the two, but it will also decide whether Shigaraki is worthy of being saved or is a lost cause. Deku firmly believes that he must save Tenko, no matter how vile he has become.
It is still unclear if Midoriya will achieve this goal or if Shigaraki will force him to end his life. Nonetheless, as the battle has just commenced, fans can already see that both parties are ready to risk everything to protect their ideals.
2) U.S.J. fight

First impressions are hard to forget, which both Izuku and Shigaraki are bitterly aware of. A couple of days after being accepted into the U.A. Academy, Deku and his friends were taken to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. This facility was created to help students prepare for any disaster.
Sadly, none of the members of class 1-A could practice during their first visit since the League of Villains decided to attack that day. This was the first time Midoriya and Tenko ever saw each other and talked, cementing the hatred that would characterize their relationship.
Izuku did not have the chance to talk with Shigaraki for long, but it was more than enough to understand that the villain would be a significant problem in the future. This was also the first time we saw the two sides of the war between All Might and All for One, as both their mentees became sworn enemies.
Reasons why it is at number 2

The confrontation between Shigaraki and Deku in the U.S.J. may have been short, but it is almost impossible for fans to forget. Not only was this the first time both characters met, but also one of the first villain attacks of My Hero Academia. Tomura also made his goal of destroying Hero Society clear during these moments.
The attack on the U.S.J. facility gave Deku his first taste of the future. The boy found out that being a Hero was not as society made it seem. There will be moments where he will have to risk everything to save people or witness others risking themselves for him.
1) Paranormal Liberation War

The war between Heroes and the Paranormal Liberation Front is undoubtedly one of the most horrific events the world of My Hero Academia has gone through. During this long and grueling conflict, both sides suffered significant losses that would haunt them for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, this arc had some of the most extraordinary battles in the manga series.
One such battle was the encounter between Deku and Shigaraki, and the latter was already given All for One at that point. Izuku fought Shigaraki to incapacitate the villain and end the conflict as quickly as possible. As Midoriya fought his nemesis, the villain gravely injured Bakugo and Torino.
This caused Deku to lose control, lashing out against the villain, who struggled to remain in control of his own body as he fought Izuku. In the end, neither of the fighters could end the job, leaving their opponent behind to fight once again in the future.
Reasons why it is at number one

The story of My Hero Academia has always revolved around the centuries-old conflict between All for One and the users of One for All. Yet, the conflict has shifted to a new and more powerful generation of Heroes and Villains, led by Deku and Shigaraki, respectively. This new hierarchy was shown for the first time during the Paranormal Liberation War arc.
During the conflict, Izuku and Tomura finally took on the mantles from their mentors, becoming the new faces of heroism and villainy. This was the first time both characters stepped into the light, proving who they were and what they would accomplish. Fans will forever remember this as one of the greatest fights in the entire series.
Final thoughts

Deku and Shigaraki are by far two of the most iconic characters in the series. They are the living embodiment of the two sides at war inside My Hero Academia. While Izuku is the perfect example of what a Hero should be, Tomura is a reflection of how cruel a villain can become. In a way, they complement each other, like old rivals who push each other past their limits.
The unique and fantastic relationship Horikoshi created for his manga is why their interactions are so iconic to the fans. Right now, we are at the beginning of what could be the final fight between these two characters, and fans cannot wait to see how My Hero Academia will handle this final conflict.