The first episode of the sixth season of My Hero Academia has been released. The episode worked perfectly into setting the stage for the intense moments the heroes will live through during the next few episodes. It also served as a warning to fans about the dark tone the series is heading into this season.
Unlike other seasons, My Hero Academia season 6 began with a shocking first episode, filled with revelations, ominous promises, and villains in power. If the next few episodes follow through with the path set by episode one, we can expect My Hero Academia season 6 to be the darkest entry in the anime series to date. Continue reading to learn more.
Deku and his friends could be about to go through dark moments in My Hero Academia season 6
The first episode of My Hero Academia season 6, titled A Quiet Beginning, put fans on edge after witnessing the events it depicts. At the end of the previous season, the Paranormal Liberation Front was created, a combination of two of the most powerful villain teams in the series. From the moment this new organization was created, fans were scared about what they could accomplish.
During this week’s episode, fans confirmed the theories about this villainous group being nothing but trouble for the Heroes. From the beginning of the episode, the Paranormal Liberation Front was the center of attention.
Shigaraki proudly proclaimed to his followers that they would soon march on the streets of Japan, looking to cause as much chaos and destruction as possible.

Hawks, who is acting as a double agent, went as far as to admit that the Heroes needed to act quickly, or Japan would be doomed. The number two Hero is one of the most optimistic and confident individuals in the series, meaning few things can get him worried. If he is scared of what Shigaraki can fulfill as the leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front, things are looking grim.
Besides the Paranormal Liberation Front’s threat, the first episode of My Hero Academia season 6 also presented the Heroes preparing for an all-out assault against the villains. If their objective was the regular League of Villains they have fought several times in the past, fans would be confident the Heroes will win. Sadly, this new organization is several times as powerful and vile as its predecessors.
Based on the events seen in episode one, it seems as if the series is slowly removing rose-tinted glasses from fans’ eyes to prepare them for the real world. This may be the season where Deku and his friends will leave behind their child-like behavior to face the cruel world of Heroics.
The series is getting more serious

When My Hero Academia began, the series seemed to be another colorful and cheery Shonen anime focussing on incredible fights and charming characters. With each new season, the show began showing fans the true horrors, injustices, and dangers of the world in which the heroes live.
Characters have died, been mutilated, robbed of their powers, and even tortured as the series progressed. This has worked as a reflection of the development the characters have been forced to go through. All the members of class 1-A began the series as innocent children who wanted to make the world a better world by becoming Heroes.

Sadly, they quickly began to understand that being a Hero was not all about flashy fights and signing autographs. The world of heroism is filled with death, regret, hurt, and somber moments.
They were forced to mature earlier than most other kids their age, due to the frequency with which they encountered life-threatening situations. My Hero Academia season 6 will be the moment in which the kids leave behind their innocence and face the real world.
Disclaimer: As of this moment, the article deals with heavy spoilers from the My Hero Academia manga
Final thoughts

Manga readers are fully aware of how much darker the series is about to get in the coming episodes. For months, fans of the manga have been subjected to some of the most gruesome and heartbreaking moments in the franchise. The Paranormal Liberation War arc may be over in Horikoshi’s manga, but things far worse are occurring.
Not only did the kids have to go through the pain of losing precious people like their teacher Midnight, but also witness the decline of Hero Society. Their world is slowly crumbling at their feet, and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

Unfortunately, fans of the manga are aware that the war they are about to witness in the anime war is not the darkest moment in the series by far. Right now, a second conflict has erupted, which has caused the death of many Heroes. Not even the main characters like Bakugo are safe from becoming victims of this horrible event.
For now, anime-only fans will have to deal with the first major tragedies in the franchise. In time, they will have to endure the same pain manga readers have been experiencing over the last couple of months.