Season 6 of My Hero Academia premiered on Saturday, October 1. The show promises this season to be one of the best to date, filled with excitement, tension, and epic fights that will leave fans clamoring for more. Among fans, there are some who wait for the series' official dub to be released before starting to watch.
Fans have been waiting for the Paranormal Liberation War arc for a long time, and a large portion of the international fandom is eager to see what the talented voice actors behind the series' dub can do. In this article, we will talk about the expected release date for the official dub of My Hero Academia season 6, as well as all the details fans need to know to watch it.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for My Hero Academia season 6.
My Hero Academia season 6 dub is still a couple of weeks away from its release
When is the dub expected to come out? Where can fans see it?
My Hero Academia season 6’s dub is expected to come out on October 15, 2022. This is in accordance with the season 5 dub release of the show, which came out last year. After the first episode of the last season aired in its original Japanese version, fans had to wait two weeks before enjoying the official dub. The series is expected to receive the same treatment this time around.
As usual, fans will be able to enjoy My Hero Academia season 6’s dub on Crunchyroll as soon as it gets released. We will most likely be getting new information about the official release date for the dub during New York Comic Con 2022. The event will take place on October 6 and 7 and will feature a panel with the cast for the series’ English dub.
Streaming details
Crunchyroll and Netflix will be the platforms to handle the release of My Hero Academia season 6. This means that fans will be able to watch the episodes as they get dubbed on these world-famous streaming services. There is still time before the dub is released because the first episode of the franchise was only released this past Saturday, October 1.
However, once the first episode of season 6 gets an official English dub release, fans can expect a new episode each week. The season will be split into two consecutive cours, which means there will be a few months before season 6 resumes.
Episode 1 recap
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 1 began with Hawks and Twice talking about Shigaraki's plans for the Paranormal Liberation Front. The group wanted to create chaos around Japan and destroy the public's faith in Hero Society. Far from there, the Heroes were ready to raid Dr. Garaki’s hospital, as they believed him to be AFO’s right-hand man.
The heroes arrived at the building and launched the attack, capturing Garaki almost instantly. Sadly, this individual ended up being a body double, as the original doctor was monitoring Shigaraki. Mirko fought several Nomu until she was able to find the real doctor. The episode ended with the Rabbit Hero getting ready to capture Garaki by any means possible.