As is usually the case, the ending of My Hero Academia season 6 is filled with easter eggs and references to the events that will take place later in the series. One of the references that caught the fandom’s attention was the inclusion of a scene where Uraraka turns around to see Toga and Twice dancing.
The Hero Academia community immediately began theorizing what this seemingly unimportant detail could mean for the brunette in season 6 of the show. They concluded that Uraraka’s character may encounter the blood-thirsty blonde at some point during the season, which will drastically change the mochi-loving girl’s views. Keep reading to learn more.
Uraraka will awaken to the injustices of Hero Society in My Hero Academia season 6

Regardless of how amazing the world of My Hero Academia may seem, it is still afflicted by many flaws. One of the worst mistakes committed by the people of this world is the treatment of the people they consider to be inferior to them. This prejudice has been shown multiple times in the series. From a Quirkless boy being bullied relentlessly to a person with a Mutant-type Quirk being mocked.
Worst of all is their treatment of people whom they believe to have villainous Quirks. We saw examples of this during the Sports Festival arc of the series with Shinzo. Before arriving in U.A., the purple-haired boy was constantly ostracized and even feared for his abilities. Even though he wanted to be a Hero, his classmates saw him as nothing more than a villain.

Himiko Toga, one of the most iconic villains in the series, suffered a similar fate for most of her life. She was rejected by society for her innate thirst for the blood of others, a condition seemingly caused by her Quirk. This pushed the young girl to run away and become a villain, as she was not accepted anywhere else in the world.
The ending of My Hero Academia season 6 puts special emphasis on presenting Toga as a normal girl simply having fun with her friend Twice. Nonetheless, before showing Toga, the music video portrays Ochako turning her back to see Himiko’s pink handkerchief falling from the sky, an item that will be extremely relevant this season.
During this scene, fans can see Ochako surrounded by Pro-Heroes, who do not seem to be in the least bothered by the pink piece of cloth. For many fans, this symbolizes an awakening occurring inside Uraraka. The girl is refusing to follow the same path that other Heroes have taken and is instead opening her eyes to the injustices of the world.
She sees Toga and Twice for who they truly are, a couple of rejected individuals who just want to be surrounded by people who love them. While most Heroes prefer to ignore this scene, Uraraka is fascinated by it. The space-themed Hero is no longer ignoring the struggles of the villains and is instead choosing to understand them.
Disclaimer: From this point on, the article contains major spoilers for My Hero Academia season 6 and the manga series.
Uraraka vs Toga

Manga readers are aware that during My Hero Academia season 6 Uraraka and Toga will meet once again. After Hawks killed Twice in cold blood, the girl began wondering what the people she loved, Izuku and Ochako, would think of someone like her. She needed to learn if they even saw her as human, or just as a villain they needed to dispose of.
She took blood from an old lady and tricked Ochako into following her to an abandoned house, where the girls began fighting. As they fought, Toga revealed all the struggles that come with her Quirk, like the need to drink the blood from the people she loves. The girl also told Ochako about her Quirk awakening and how she used it to kill Curious.

Ochako was horrified at first, but the longer she spoke with Himiko, the more she understood the other girl’s situation. She did not become a villain to cause chaos, she did it because she no longer belonged in Hero Society. The same Heroes who promised to save everyone failed her and pushed her to become a villain.
Despite this, Uraraka told Toga that her way of life hurt people, and urged her to take accountability for her actions. The blonde girl agreed, before running away from the fight with tears in her eyes. From that point, Ochako’s view of Heroes and Hero Society, in general, changed drastically.
This same event will take place at some point during My Hero Academia season 6. The ending foreshadows this confrontation as well as the drastic change in Uraraka's view of Hero Society that will result from it.
Final thoughts

The Hero Public Safety Commission, the people tasked with running Hero Society, has tried for years to make the masses think of villains as nothing more than criminals. This prevents the public from knowing the struggles, the pain, or rejections the villains have previously faced.
Most Heroes actively choose to ignore this, as facing the inequalities of their world would only make their job harder. Fortunately, heroes like Ochako in My Hero Academia season 6 are becoming more cognizant of the realities surrounding her and are ready to change them.