My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14 commences the second cour of the season and the Villain Hunt/Tartarus Escapees arc. Returning after a break, the episode gives the viewers a brief recap of the first cour and provides some hitherto unknown insights into the inner workings of the war.
The episode features a new opening theme called “Bokura no (Our)”, sung by EVE, and a new ending theme song called “Kitakaze (North Wind)”, sung by Six Lounge. There are 11 episodes left of this season, which are expected to cover the remaining 10 chapters of the Paranormal Liberation War arc and the 22 chapters of the Tartarus Escapees arc.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14 is titled Hellish Hell.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14 introduces a new opening and ending, the heroes struggle while the villains regroup

My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14 begins with a flashback. Before the start of the war, the Public Safety Commission called Re-Destro for a meeting under the guise of forming a contract with him regarding his business. However, it turned out to be a ruse as the president of the Commission herself ambushed Re-Destro.
The officers of the Commission were defeated and the president was killed by what turned out to be a Twice-clone impersonating Re-Destro. The Commission’s chain of command was broken, but both the Gunga and Jaku operations were carried out regardless.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14 then gave a succinct summary of everything that took place during the first cour of the season. While Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki were taken off the field with severe injuries, along with Endeavor and other Pro-Heroes, Uraraka and the remaining heroes continued their rescue work.
In the aftermath of the war in Jaku, the hero students, especially Uraraka, came to understand the true horror of violence. In the Gunga Mountains, Class 1-A grieved over the death of Midnight. They were further shocked after learning that Majestic had also perished. While some villains escaped, most of them were caught.

However, the people’s faith in the heroes was shaken, and they, specifically Endeavor, became despised overnight. The chaos and unrest pleased the amalgamation of Shigaraki/AFO, and AFO’s true body inside Tartarus also became privy to this knowledge. He invited his followers to come and liberate his true body.
State of affairs after the war

My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14 states that Kyudai Garaki was arrested on account of several offenses. Gigantomachia was apprehended and air-lifted to a secure location. Mr. Compress was arrested and hospitalized and is yet to regain consciousness. The Nomus were kept immobile inside Iron Maidens.
The equipment left behind at the Jaku Hospital was confiscated for further investigation. Shigaraki, Dabi, Spinner, and Toga escaped with seven Nomus. The Commission and the heroes involved in the Jaku incident denied any involvement of the hero students despite eye-witnesses claiming otherwise.

In the Gunga Mountains, Re-Destro was defeated and captured by Edgeshot, while Cementoss imprisoned Getten. Koku Hanabata was also arrested. Amongst all the people who participated in the Gunga Mountains assembly, 16929 were captured, and 132 remain at large.
During the war, several Paranormal Liberation Front hideouts were raided and their occupants were captured. The civilians and heroes who aided the Front were also apprehended.

According to Garaki’s statement, Shigaraki’s development was truly incomplete, and he was dead when the heroes brought him out of the chamber. The electricity that touched the liquid, which everyone assumed was what brought him back, was far too weak to do so. Only his intense hatred had brought him back to life. The total casualty of this war was incalculable, several heroes lost their lives, and several more quit their jobs.

With the Public Safety Commission currently in disarray and their top two heroes being injured, the Hero society is in dire straits. Their numbers are dwindling, their morale is non-existent, and public opinion is decidedly against them. While the villains lost the war, they achieved their goal of throwing society out of balance.
They destabilized the messiah-like image of the heroes in a way that left them free for AFO to exploit. One such point, according to the end of My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14, is Tartarus. AFO plans to liberate his own body, which is only possible by organizing a raid on the high-security prison. Spinner seems disillusioned with AFO, but he is equally concerned about Shigaraki.
In My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14, Deku claims to remember that Shigaraki looked like he needed help. In the manga, this feeling will drive Deku further in his understanding of himself and his duty towards the villains. Additionally, now that he knows that OFA cannot be taken from him, his already reckless tendency towards self-endangering will grow by leaps and bounds. The new ending theme also hints towards that.
Final Thoughts

While it lacks the impact the slow pace of the manga had, My Hero Academia season 6 episode 14 manages to depict a chilling picture of the aftermath of war. The lack of supplies leads to the doctors choosing to only treat those who have a chance of survival, the massive number of casualties makes the heroes unable to reach everyone in time. The bloodshed, the noises, the general air of despair, and the sight of their dead comrades compel several heroes to leave their work altogether.
This is captured most hauntingly through the eyes of Ochako Uraraka. Uraraka begins this episode with the determination to help everyone she can reach and ends it by realizing that she cannot reach everyone in time. Her slow descent into hopelessness comes to a close when she witnesses a Pro-Hero decide to leave Hero-work. Uraraka is one of the key figures in this arc, and the experience of the war will help her navigate the challenge that Deku is about to throw at her.