My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 marks the beginning of the second cour of the anime, following the end of the Paranormal Liberation War arc of the manga. Season 6 episode 14 provided viewers with a glimpse of what happened after the disastrous operation and the heroes’ defeat against Shigaraki and his followers.
The Decay villain’s escape was just the beginning of far worse things to come. As revealed in the season 6 episode 15 preview, All For One was already planning his next move. This article breaks down and highlights the major events in My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 to reveal what the series has in store for the rather bleak near future.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the My Hero Academia anime.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 shows AFO’s escape from Tartarus while the public turns against the injured heroes
Nomus break into Tartarus

My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15, titled Tartarus, began with a description of the high-security prison and its occupants. Although known as a “detention center,” Tartarus was a facility for imprisoning individuals who were considered a threat to the nation or its people, with rumors stating that no one imprisoned there was ever seen again.
The episode then revealed AFO, still in control of Shigaraki’s body, declaring that now was the perfect time to unleash his relentless Nomus and free his true form. My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 then depicted the situation at the Bronze Gate of Tartarus at 8 pm, where two guards discussed how Shigaraki had escaped along with seven Nomus and 132 members of the Paranormal Liberation Front.
Motion sensors detected the presence of a threat, alerting the guards, who saw Nomus approaching them. The continuous shower of bullets did nothing to stop AFO’s modified soldiers, one of whom used a shield quirk to cover the other Nomu who took down the guards, allowing Shigaraki to blast away the gates.
The guards in the control room noticed the command to enforce Code Red and immediately cut off Tartarus’ access to the mainland, allowing no one to either enter or leave the island. Shigaraki resorted to invading the high-security prison atop a flying Nomu, with AFO easily dominating his protégé’s consciousness as the Decay villain struggled against his mentor’s grip on his body.
All For One escapes
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 showed Shigaraki using Decay to disintegrate the watchtower and surrounding building while using Search to locate All For One’s real body. Noticing that he was trapped at the deepest level, situated 500 meters underwater, the villain noted that simply destroying the building overhead was not an option if he wanted to prevent AFO’s body from being crushed by water pressure.
Finding no way to attack from outside, the villain decided to use his shockwaves to destroy the power system of the facility, which allowed all prisoners in Tartarus to use their quirks and escape from their cells. The panicked guards began preparing to deal with a prison break, but were interrupted mid-speech as Muscular appeared. The villain, who was last seen in season 3 of the anime, broke into the room and killed the guards, demanding to know where the exit was.

The episode showed Stain looking upon the hoards of escaping villains, among whom was Moonfish, who appeared in season 3 of the anime during the League of Villains’ attack on the UA students.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 unveiled the purple-haired woman featured in the new opening to be a prisoner who released Kai Chisaki, or Overhaul, who was also imprisoned there. As the prisoners reached the surface and found the facility separated from the mainland, AFO took charge and asked the inmates to follow him if they wanted to escape.
The escaped prisoners wreck havoc

My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 depicted the situation six hours after the invasion of Tartarus, revealing that AFO had escaped using an emergency aircraft belonging to the facility. Knowing that Shigaraki’s body needed rest, the villain had sent the Nomus and the escaped prisoners to attack seven other prisons, with several inmates escaping from six of them.
AFO, in Shigaraki’s body, praised his own plan to stir up more trouble for the heroes, preventing them from tracking him down. He asked the League villains for the favor of hiding his body and keeping it safe while he recovered. Spinner pointed out that AFO was not the leader he had followed after being inspired by Stain’s ideology. But the villain reassured Spinner that he would let Shigaraki’s body heal and allow the Decay villain to finish the rest of his work.
The heroes recover amidst the chaos

My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 then shifted its focus to the heroes, two days after the attack on Tartarus. Bakugo woke up to find himself in the hospital, and was immediately accosted by his classmates, who seemed relieved to see him awake. The blonde was more impatient to find out how Deku, Shoto, Aizawa and the other heroes were, remembering the horrific injuries they had suffered.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 showed a severely injured Gran Torino ruminating over Nana Shimura’s ordeal and her decision to sever connections with her son in hopes that it would protect the child from being tracked down by AFO. Aizawa seemed to be out of danger, awake and in conversation with a distressed Present Mic who mourned the loss of Midnight and the other deceased heroes.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 then revealed the chaos surrounding Dabi’s confession, with reporters crowding outside the hospital and demanding to get a statement from Endeavor, who was still in surgery. Meanwhile, Shoto remembered his own obsession with escaping his father’s shadow, which had prompted him to target Izuku during the Sports Festival, realizing that his eldest brother was the same as him.
He realized that Dabi’s flames were stronger than Endeavor’s and concluded that it was up to him to kill Dabi, since their father would be unable to go through with it. My Hero Academia season 6 episode 15 ended with Mineta and Sato trying to drag Bakugo back to bed while the blonde continued to trudge towards Deku’s room after finding out that the green-haired hero had shown no signs of waking up.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 16 preview
The preview for My Hero Academia season 6 episode 16 began with Hawks and Best Jeanist speeding down the streets in a special car that allowed the Fiber Hero to shoot out ropes and capture villains on the go. The narration explained that prisons all over the country had been raided, with criminals attacking civilians in abandon.
Unable to trust the heroes anymore, people had begun using their quirks to defend themselves, leading to lawlessness and anarchy. The public directed their outrage towards Endeavor, and the preview showed Hawks as a child, hugging a toy resembling the Pro hero. The title for My Hero Academia season 6 episode 16 has been announced to be The Hellish Todoroki Family 2.