My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20 brought with it the long-anticipated introduction of the 2nd and 3rd users of One for All. While Lady Nagant had been briefly introduced in a previous episode, here she is revealed in all her glory. The episode also signals the beginning of Deku’s downward spiral.
Season 6 episode 20 of My Hero Academia also reveals details about how OFA originated and why AFO needs Shigaraki’s hatred to overcome the backlash from stealing OFA. It also shows the post-war state of the hero society and the discrimination and fears running rampant among the citizens.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20: Deku gets the approval of the 2nd and 3rd OFA users, Lady Nagant and Chisaki arrive to kidnap him
In the previous episode, after leaving UA and teaming up with the top three heroes, Deku devoted his time to bringing in the Tartarus Escapees. He saved Yo Shindo from Muscular and apprehended the villain using the 4th user En’s quirk, Smokescreen. It was then revealed that All Might had left alongside Deku and was currently taking care of him.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20 is titled Assassin/ Hired Gun.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20: The 2nd and 3rd users of OFA
The episode begins with Deku saving a mutant woman from a few racist civilians who were attacking the woman based on her appearance. Deku defused the situation by assuring them that the woman was another civilian yet to report to a nearby Hero School for shelter. He left the woman in the care of All Might, who had just appeared at the scene, and left to patrol another area with the bento box that his mentor had lovingly packed for him.

As he was surveying the scene, Daigoro Banjo appeared and reminisced that the current situation was similar to the worst of All for One’s rule. Deku lamented that they had not been able to catch any escapees or made any headway into learning about Shigaraki. He thought back to the time when he had last visited the vestige realm. After reaffirming Deku’s intentions regarding Tomura, Yoichi implored the 2nd and 3rd users to help the boy.
The 2nd user protested that they had led a military campaign against AFO where the deaths of comrades were a just price to pay for victory. It is impossible for him to reconcile his utilitarian ideals with Deku’s drive to save their mortal enemy’s successor. However, Yoichi reminded him that despite knowing that he was AFO’s little brother, the 2nd and 3rd users broke him out of his confinement and saved him. One for All was truly born by Yoichi passing it on to the 2nd user. Humbled, the two users decided to help Deku.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20: Lady Nagant

Elsewhere, Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist apprehended a few escapees and stopped an arson. They were heavily protested against by the nearby public, especially Endeavor. Later, as they were tracking Deku via GPS, Endeavor lamented that although the boy was doing this out of his free will, they were essentially using a child as bait for AFO.
The three ruminated that AFO might need Shigaraki’s sturdier body to withstand the powers of the AFO quirk, and he likely needed his overwhelming hatred to overcome the collective will of the nine OFA users. Meanwhile, as Deku was surveying an area while talking to All Might, his phone was shot out of his hand, alerting his four allies of foul play.

Deku was warned by an unseen woman not to move as she was there to capture him. He remembered that Hawks had warned him about his senior, Lady Nagant, who could form bullets out of her hair and shoot them with unfailing precision. Deku soon located the former pro hero on top of a roof, aiming her elbow-rifle at him. He tried to stop her next bullet and masterfully hid in the maze of buildings below.
My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20 then revealed that Lady Nagant has brought Chisaki with her, although he seems to be in a delirious state. A flashback revealed that AFO found her during the Tartarus break-out and convinced her that the Hero Society could not be torn asunder unless Izuku Midoriya died first. He then allowed her to bring Chisaki, whom she had rescued, with her on the mission. He also gifted her the Quirk Air Walk, which she employed at present to go after Deku.
Final thoughts

The bento that All Might packs Deku in My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20 may appear insignificant, but it’s an indicator of their relationship and Deku’s mental state, as will be seen in the next episode. Additionally, the clear parallel between Deku reaching out a hand to Bakugou and the 2nd user doing the same to Yoichi is interesting. The 2nd user is older than Yoichi, which raises the question: Why did Yoichi die before him? It could not be because of the "Overflowing Cup" theory, since the Stockpiling quirk was the only one Yoichi had.

My Hero Academia season 6 episode 20 also raises questions about Lady Nagant’s background and why she deflected from being a hero. The next episode will likely explain her backstory and her relationship with Hawks. Chisaki’s presence at the scene is also quite interesting. Lady Nagant’s confrontation with Deku is one of his most poignant ones and will likely push Deku more towards darkness.