Only two episodes into My Hero Academia Season 6, and things have already heated up. The Heroes have begun their raid thanks to insider information and prior planning. Thus, the war against the Paranormal Liberation Front has been kickstarted.
To carry out the task in a fell swoop and catch the villains by surprise, the Heroes have chosen to divide themselves into two groups.
My Hero Academia: How the pro heroes are divided during the war
After a briefing by the Police Force, the Pro Heroes divided themselves into two groups. One team was headed by Flame Hero: Endeavor, and the other by Ninja Hero: Edgeshot. The two teams were tasked with storming two different locations simultaneously to get rid of the villains.
My Hero Academia's U.A. High students were also included in the action. They were also divided into two smaller groups and added to each of the main teams. Their role was to provide logistical support to the heroes and aid in the evacuation.
Jaku Hospital
My Hero Academia Season 6's Team Endeavor was tasked with storming Jaku Hospital, where Dr. Garaki was known to be operating. Previously, the police force could infiltrate and gather evidence in the form of pictures of the doctor and a small strange looking Nomu (Johnny).
The briefing also spoke about a room behind the morgue that only Dr. Garaki had access to. The rest of the staff were not allowed in, and only he was seen entering and leaving. It was here that Shigaraki was being kept while he was merging with All For One.
Team Endeavor consists of heroes such as Endeavor, Mirko, Eraser Head, Present Mic, Gran Torino, Ryukyu, the Pussycats, Rock Lock, and others, and also members of the police force. One-half of U.A. students were posted as the Rear Guard. The team consisted of students like Midoriya, Uraraka, Bakugo, Todorki, Iida, Froppy, and others.
Gunga Mountain Villa
The second team to be formed in My Hero Academia Season 6 was Team Edgeshot. This team was allotted the location of the Gunga Mountain Villa. Located roughly 80km from Jaku, it was believed to be the Paranormal Liberation Front's stronghold and main hideout.
According to the intel provided by Hawks, Shigaraki's forces would gather for regularly scheduled meetings there. There was a large assembly hall under the Villa where the warriors were present.
My Hero Academia's Team Edgeshot consisted of heroes such as Edgeshot, Gang Orca, Fat Gum, Midnight, Mt. Lady, Cemetoss, Ms. Joke, Kamui Woods, and others. The other half of the U.A. students formed team Edgeshot's Rear Guard, a little behind the main team. Students such as Creati, Red Riot, Aoyama, Grape Juice, Cellophane, Pinky, and others made up this team.
Final Thoughts
The heroes storming each of the locations at the same time is a good strategy. However, it has left them open and divided for the incoming attack. With the raid in progress, they managed to catch the Paranormal Liberation Front off guard, courtesy Hawks being undercover.
Little to no defense from the villains' end makes the entire endeavor easy. Nonetheless, a reborn Shigaraki is about to be awaken, signaling chaos and destruction. This Paranormal Liberation War Arc will be the Pro Heroes' most intense battle ever and a life-changing fight for U.A.'s students.