Viewers may be understandably worried about Bakugo's fate in My Hero Academia Season 6.
The Class 1-A student has been a consistently popular character ever since the series was created. His rivalry with fellow classmate Deku is what drives his character arc. Of course, by the events of My Hero Academia Season 6, he secretly considers Deku to be a true friend.
Bakugo did the unthinkable when he risked his own life to protect his rival's. The question remains whether he will live to tell the tale.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views. It will also contain heavy manga spoilers near the end.
My Hero Academia Season 6 viewers may be wondering if Bakugo makes it out alive
Shigaraki has a fierce battle with the heroes in the ninth episode of My Hero Academia Season 6. Just when it seems like he's going to be overpowered, AFO's vestige shows up to lend him a hand. The villain takes over Shigaraki's body as he produces several tendrils with his Rivet Stab Quirk.
Deku is nearly skewered by the maneuver, but a last-minute intervention prevented that from happening. Bakugo pushes his rival away so he could take on the tendrils himself. By the end of the episode, his body has been pierced in multiple places, including his leg and torso.
Some viewers can't help but wonder if this was the end of the line for Katsuki Bakugo in My Hero Academia Season 6.
The aftermath (manga spoilers)

The good news is that Bakugo will survive My Hero Academia Season 6. Right before he's caught by Shoto Todoroki while falling in the sky, Bakugo tells Deku that he shouldn't play the hero by himself. Unsurprisingly, an enraged Deku goes right after Shigaraki once again.
Bakugo is later reunited with his old mentor Best Jeanist and even revealed his real hero name. However, the injuries took their toll, resulting in Bakugo passing out. He would later be admitted to the Central Hospital so he could be treated properly. Bakugo will fully recover within the next two days.
Needless to say, he won't be doing much else in the Paranormal Liberation War. Of course, his character arc was given a major boost in My Hero Academia Season 6. He finally got to repay the favor to Deku for saving his own life. Bakugo does care about him, whether he admits it or not.
Unfortunately, history would repeat itself in the final arc
My Hero Academia Season 6 won't be the last time Shigaraki puts a hole in Bakugo's chest. Chapter 362 is particularly infamous in the manga community. During the events of the final arc, the villain punched the hero so hard that his own heart stopped beating.
His current status remains unresponsive by the most recent manga chapter. The incident caused a storm on social media, with many readers arguing over whether or not it was another death fake-out. It remains to be seen if Bakugo will make it out alive by the end of the series.
In the manga, Edgeshot is still performing a surgery to repair Bakugo's heart, all while the Pro Heroes are keeping Shigaraki at bay. There is still a strong chance that Bakugo will survive. Regardless, the manga does make it harder to watch My Hero Academia Season 6 in hindsight.
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