My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14 was released on August 24, 2024. Studio Bones continued their usual performance by delivering an episode with amazing direction and decent animation with minimal improvisation to the source material. The only noteworthy improvisation in the episode was the distinction between the moves of Shoji and Koji.
The previous episode saw the most-anticipated battle between TomurAFO and Deku commence, as the star of the episode was Deku's meta-quirk Gearshift. This quirk belonged to the second user, and Deku brought out its maximum potential, which surprised All for One, who considered it nothing more than a party trick.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14 and has the author's opinion.
Comparing My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14 to its chapters
My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14: Spinner goes berserk

My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14, titled Together With Shoji, adapted chapters 370-371 and a part of chapter 372. The chapter commences with a brief flashback from Shoji's past, where he was treated horribly by the people around him because he is a heteromorph.
The chapter then shifted to the Central Hospital, where Spinner, alongside some other members of the Paranormal Liberation Front, was attacking the hospital where Kurogiri was held. Pro Heroes like Mic were assigned to stop them, but considering the amount they were in, nothing was helping. This was the point where Class A's Koji and Shoji entered the battlefield.
Where Koji took care of the underlings, Shoji went one-on-one against Spinner, who was acting strangely. After being overpowered by Shoji, Spinner activated the quirk All for One gave him in case of an emergency. This transformed him into a dinosaur-like beast. This part was the exact same as the corresponding chapters, with a few tweaks needed to make the panels look like motion pictures.
My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14: Meizo Shoji: origins

While everyone called out Meizo Shoji, Koji thought of the time when Shoji told everyone about his origin story in the school dorms. Just like the majority of the heteromorphs, Shoji was also treated as a curse by the people around him. Fortunately, after saving a girl from drowning, the spirit of becoming a hero awakened inside him.
The chapter then returned to the fight between Shoji and a mutant Spinner, where the latter kept overpowering the former and Shoji was also mocked by some of the members of the Paranormal Liberation Front. Just like the first part, there was minimal improvisation; however, the fight choreography between Spinner and Shoji was praiseworthy.
My Hero Academia season 7 episode 14: Koji Koda awakens his quirk

Hearing the villain belittling Shoji, Koji was triggered and awakened his quirk. On the other hand, Shoji also packed a punch, and these two hit their enemies with their quirk techniques, 'Hitchcock Birds' and 'Octospansion.' The anime version was slightly improvised, as both attacks were showcased separately, whereas, in the manga, both attacks were delivered simultaneously.
After delivering the attack, Shoji requested Spinner to rethink his choices because his decision might pass on to their children too. Spinner, overwhelmed by All for One's quirk, couldn't think straight and kept destroying everything until he entered the Central Hospital. Nothing noteworthy was improvised in the last part of the episode.
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