Animation studio BONES released the preview for My Hero Academia season 7 episode 9 on Thursday, June 27, 2024, a few days before its release through its official sources. The upcoming episode, titled 'Extras,' will be released on Saturday, June 29, 2024. It will initially air locally before Crunchyroll and Netflix air it for international fans.
The previous episode saw Dabi reveal his past, explaining why he did not return home after surviving the fire at Sekoto Peak. With that, the anime revealed Dabi's true origin. Following that, the anime focused on Shoto vs. Dabi. While Dabi was dominating the fight at first, Shoto managed to stop him.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the My Hero Academia manga.
Shoto's win will shift the momentum in heroes favor in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 9
The previous episode saw Shoto Todoroki stop Dabi with his new technique, Great Glacial Aegir. This was the first big win against the villains during the war. Hence, the good news is set to be relayed to other heroes who were fighting in other locations. The news is bound to help the heroes pick up the momentum as they wish to join Shoto as one of the victors.
As fans might remember, many characters were worried about Shoto having to fight his older brother, Toya Todoroki. Hence, hearing this news should help them get their minds off of the matter.
Hawks and Endeavor will fight All For One in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 9
As evident from the preview images and synopsis, Hawks, and Endeavor are set to fight a battle to the death against All For One at the site of Gunga Mountain Villa. The two heroes are ranked the highest amongst all heroes in Japan, which is why they were to fight All For One alone to prevent any other casualties.
However, knowing how All For One operates, he could possibly use the fight result between Shoto and Dabi as a way to get into Endeavor's mind and distract him for a sneak attack. While a sneak attack shouldn't be able to do much damage, given how it's All For One, there is no saying what quirk he would use.
Earphone Jack might join the All For One fight in My Hero Academia season 7 episode 9
Surprisingly, one of the preview images for My Hero Academia season 7 episode 9 features Earphone Jack. Given how the episode was meant to focus on Hawks and Endeavor's fight against All For One, the chances of the preview showing glimpses from another fight seem really low. Thus, it seems like Earphone Jack is set to join Hawks and Endeavor to fight All For One.
That said, fans will have to wait to learn how Earphone Jack plans to contribute to the fight against the big-bad villain. Hopefully, she won't be joining the top two heroes in fighting All For One alone.
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