My Hero Academia season 7 finale, titled Battle Without a Quirk, aired on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at 5:30 pm JST. In the final episode of this season, the narrative first centers on Ochako and Toga, revealing the aftermath of their battle. Ochako nears death from blood loss due to Toga's earlier stab wound, but Toga ultimately saves her by transforming into Ochako and performing a blood transfusion, giving her all her blood.
The second half shifts focus to the climactic showdown between Armored All Might and AFO, marking the beginning of their highly anticipated confrontation. The season ends on a gripping cliffhanger note, with both the intense All Might vs. AFO and Shigaraki vs. Deku battles unresolved, to be continued in the show's final season.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from My Hero Academia season 7 finale.
My Hero Academia season 7 finale wraps up on an emotional and suspenseful note as Ochako vs. Toga concludes and All Might vs. AFO kicks off
My Hero Academia season 7 finale opening events: Toga and Ochako resolve their differences as Toga sacrifices her life to save the hero
My Hero Academia season 7 finale picks up where the previous episode left off, with Ochako and Toga's battle ending as the effects of Twice's blood wear off, bringing Toga's Sad Man's Parade to a close.
All the clones start vanishing from the battlefield. One clone nearly avenges Twice's death by stabbing Hawks, who accepts his fate, calling Jin a great man. The clone disappears before landing the blow but Toga learns about it, finding closure in Jin's passing.
Meanwhile, Toga reflects on her life choices as she experiences new emotions Ochako triggered. She also notices how despite being on the brink of death from blood loss, Ochako is still considerate of others. Remembering Ochako's earlier words about giving her blood for life and calling her smile the cutest in the world, Toga feels genuine happiness.
Rather than trying to erase or deny Toga's past, Ochako accepts her as she is, prompting Toga to declare she can't let her die. She transforms into Ochako, tends to her wound, and performs a blood transfusion to save her.
Despite knowing this may be fatal for her and struggling to maintain her transformation due to earlier strain, she keeps going. Ochako tries to stop her but is too weak to intervene.
As she weakens, Toga apologizes for stabbing Ochako and reflects on how her life might have been different if she'd learned to give blood instead of taking it. The scene ends with Toga finding peace, content that she lived her life on her own terms.
My Hero Academia season 7 finale: The highly anticipated faceoff between Armored All Might and AFO kicks off
In My Hero Academia season 7 finale, the narrative shifts back 20 minutes before Toga's rampage ends, focusing on All Might as he prepares to confront AFO. Equipped with his Armored suit and Hercules, his AI car, All Might aims to embody the Symbol of Peace once more.
Aiba starts streaming the battle live, while Tsukauchi worries about how a Quirkless man will face the strongest villain, fearing for All Might's fate. All Might successfully draws AFO's attention, prompting the villain to launch a massive attack. As everyone dreads the outcome, All Might uses Red Riot to absorb the hit, emerging unscathed and shocking everyone.
However, Hercules' shield depletes by 66%, warning All Might that he can't withstand such a blow again. Undeterred, he continues to confront AFO directly, who claims this fighting style was only feasible when All Might possessed One For All.
Using Blackwhip and Chargebolt, All Might slows AFO's regeneration, asserting that the villain's methods only work against those with Quirks. He explains how he acquired his suit and presses the attack, employing techniques inspired by Class 1-A students through technology.
AFO retaliates, but All Might notes that the villain's sloppy response indicates his growing agitation. Despite sustaining multiple injuries, All Might persists. Flashbacks reveal memories with his master, the seventh OFA user, Nana Shimura, and past conversations with Deku.
The showdown escalates as All Might surprises AFO with Superacid Injection Pinky, causing AFO to Rewind and regress even further in age.
My Hero Academia season 7 finale ends in suspense, with the epic All Might vs. AFO and Deku vs. Shigaraki fights unresolved
In the closing scenes of the My Hero Academia season 7 finale, another flashback reveals how All Might chose to become the Symbol of Peace and became Nana's disciple, despite being Quirkless.
In the present, All Might is shown enduring multiple severe injuries. He recalls a past conversation with Deku, where he emphasized that even someone Quirkless can become a hero. He also remembers his last encounter with Stain, who reminded him of his duty to uphold the Symbol of Peace.
These memories empower him to continue facing the Demon Lord. All Might realizes that the damage AFO takes accelerates his Rewind process, which he plans to exploit against him. Thrilled to be of service once more, All Might starts laughing maniacally as he prepares to confront AFO with everything he has.
Angered by All Might's laughter, AFO readies himself to subdue him. Meanwhile, during the ongoing showdown between Deku and Shigaraki, Deku sees All Might's vestige, leading him to understand that All Might is currently battling AFO.
The episode concludes on a cliffhanger, with the two thrilling fights—AFO vs. All Might and Deku vs. Shigaraki—continuing simultaneously, as All Might declares, "Let's win, Young Midoriya."
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