TOHO Animation Studios recently unveiled a teaser for My Hero Academia season 7. Hinting at the next installment of Deku's journey, the teaser took the internet by storm. Fans cannot wait to see the aftermath of Deku's vigilante lifestyle after he was finally reunited with his fellow classmates.
My Hero Academia season 6 animated the Dark Deku and Paranormal Liberation War arcs of Kohei Horikoshi's widely acclaimed manga. As such, the upcoming installment is likely to cover the U.A. Traitor and Final War arcs of the manga.
Disclaimer: This article will contain anime and manga spoilers.
My Hero Academia season 7 teaser features a montage of Deku's classmates trying their best to reach him
While no official release date has been announced, it is expected that My Hero Academia season 7 will premiere in late 2023 or early 2024.
The teaser featured an outline of Deku's face and upper body, within which a montage of his UA Class IA classmates was shown. One by one, it delved into the various major and minor hero students, notwithstanding their relevance to the story, and highlighted their efforts in bringing Dark Deku back.
The My Hero Academia season 7 trailer recapped the ending of season 6. The next arc, however, is set to focus on the U.A. traitor, which has been teased for a long time.
The reveal has the potential to break the internet, confirming some fans' suspicions while subverting others. The traitor has a tragic story shockingly similar to that of Deku, especially if Deku had not been rescued from his fate by All Might.
Going by the previous seasons, My Hero Academia season 7 is possibly going to animate two arcs. Fans can also expect to see the current manga arc, aka, the Final War Arc, as part of My Hero Academia season 7. The manga has not ended yet, and it is not clear whether the Final War will even be the last arc.
However, manga readers can finally have anime viewers join in the excitement of seeing fan-favorite characters like Stars and Stripes join the cast. My Hero Academia season 7 is likely to begin from manga chapter 329.
A brief recap of My Hero Academia season 6
My Hero Academia season 6 covered Paranormal Liberation War (chapters 258–306) and Dark Hero arcs (chapters 307–328). It focussed on an enormous war break out between heroes and villains before Deku went on to become a vigilante as a result of the traumatic consequences of the same.
His motto, "Plus Ultra" seemed irrelevant as he abandoned his ways temporarily before being brought back by his friends.
It is likely that next season will focus on Deku's mental state as well as how he was affected by recent events. However, as expected from the future symbol of peace, he will bounce back as the protector of the innocent. My Hero Academia season 7 will also focus on Deku honing his skills as the final successor of One for All.
Fans can catch up on the anime on Crunchyroll and Netflix and read the manga on MangaPlus and Viz Media.