One of the most beloved My Hero Academia characters in the entire series is none other than Class 1-A’s vice class representative, Momo Yaoyorozu, also known as the Everything Hero: Creati. While her lack of major involvement in the final arc of the series thus far has likewise troubled fans, there’s nevertheless hope for this to be remedied by its end.
Arguably the biggest reason why My Hero Academia fans so desperately want to see Momo make a major contribution in what’s likely the series’ final battle stems from her powers. While they’re used and demonstrated sufficiently throughout the series, her character admittedly lacks a “definitive” moment in this final arc which sees her rise to the occasion as others have.
While some My Hero Academia fans disagree with this sentiment, much of this dispute stems from a lack of knowledge or a misunderstanding of exactly how Momo’s powers work. Without a doubt, her Quirk Creation is one of the most versatile in the series, and would undoubtedly make for an excellent focus in a final arc battle.
My Hero Academia’s Momo Yaoyorozu and her abilities are the definition of “versatility” in-series
Momo’s Quirk and powers, explained
As mentioned above, Momo’s Quirk in My Hero Academia is known as Creation, which is also where she derived her chosen Pro Hero name of Creati from. Although there are some key limitations, the potential of Creation is essentially limitless, being able to create anything that Momo herself understands the molecular structure of.
Once she understands this molecular structure, she can create the object from her exposed skin by changing the molecular structure of the fat cells in her body. Likewise, the more she eats, the more she has to work with, meaning she must have a substantially large diet for her Quirk to be effective.
It’s also been specified in My Hero Academia that the creation time and surface area of skin needed is variable based on what she wants to create. The larger the object, the more time it takes to make and the more surface area on her skin is needed. At times, if the object is large enough, it will rip through sections of her costume in order to be created, such as when a large insulated blanket erupted out of her back and shredded her costume.
However, a key weakness exists in her Quirk given that it relies on fat cells. If she doesn’t replace her calories at a fast enough rate, she can eventually become weak and anemic to completely deplete her body’s fat reserves. Likewise, the act of training and honing her Quirk involves becoming accustomed to very large and highly caloric diets.
Furthermore, her ability is also limited to non-living materials and objects only, which is an important distinction from non-organic. As a result of this key distinction, her Quirk becomes incredibly versatile, and can create essentially any kind of tool or weapon which would be needed for any combat situation.
More likely than not, Momo’s Quirk could be considered the most versatile in My Hero Academia, especially if enhancement- and strengthening-type Quirks are excluded. Likewise, while Creation doesn’t offer any physical enhancements for Momo, she has proven time and time again that she can leverage her Quirk in unique ways to overcome this deficiency.
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