Madara was arguably Naruto’s most ruthless villain. However, he was not entirely evil as his ultimate goal was to create a world where no one would suffer the way his clan did. He wanted to submerge the world into a perpetual dream where everyone's desires would be met so there could be everlasting peace.
Anime has many other villains who are more devious than Madara and operate with more selfish motives. In some cases, these villains do not even need a motive for their atrocious actions. Follow along as we present ten anime villains who are more ruthless and evil than Madara from Naruto.
Madara from Naruto can never match up to these 10 evil anime villains when it comes to cruelty and ruthlessness
1) Shou Tucker
Madara proved during his time in Naruto that he was not above using child soldiers for his plans. He manipulated Obito from a young age to continue working towards his goal even after his death. Nonetheless, he was not actively hurting children to achieve his goal, nor was he using them to gain money.
Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist cannot say the same, considering that he used both his wife and his daughter as materials for a talking Chimera. Shou was afraid to lose his certification as a state Alchemist, which does not justify his actions at all. Besides this, he had no other real motivation for committing such a cruel and inhumane act.
2) Junko Enoshima

Junko is someone that goes beyond the stereotype of the dumb model as she is one of the most talented and smart humans alive in the world of Danganronpa. Since she was disguised as the Ultimate Fashionista, no one suspected Junko of being the true identity of the world’s greatest evil, Ultimate Despair.
Her hatred for the concept of Hope and general boredom with life motivated her to orchestrate The Tragedy, a worldwide unrest that culminated in chaos and destruction.
After her main plans were successful, she went on to take over Hope Peaks Academy, utilizing the Ultimate Students who used to be her classmates as her pawns to completely destroy Hope in the world. Unlike Madara, she never intended to make the world a better place. She was just bored and wanted to spread Despair to all nations.
3) The Major

One thing that can be said for Madara is that even when he annihilated thousands of people for his plan, he never did so because of a sick sense of enjoyment. Hellsing's Major, a Nazi who fled Germany after World War II, did enjoy all the suffering and bloodshed his war caused.
He was in charge of creating a perfect vampirization process which would allow Germany to create an army of immortal and bloodthirsty warriors who could destroy anything. The Major accepted the job due to his morbid enjoyment of war. This sense of pleasure would later make him destroy London in an attempt to create perpetual conflict in the world.
4) Isabella

Madara would never harm children intentionally. However, the same cannot be said about Isabella, the Mother in Charge of Plantation 3 of the human farms where kids are raised as live stock for vicious demons.
Isabella may appear to be a kind and caring woman who is always trying to give her kids the best life. However, she is a manipulative person who can sacrifice her children without any regrets. Madara had no qualms about killing child soldiers but he only fought against those who knew how to defend themselves.
5) Light Yagami
Light is similar to Madara in that they both thought their actions would improve the world. However, they could not be more different in their approach. Madara knew that his actions were reproachable but he soldiered on to create a dream world.
Light, on the other hand, never questioned his actions, and he developed a God Complex over time because of his new power. During most of Death Note, Light is presented as a sociopathic individual who cannot develop emotions for anyone, and all of his actions stem from selfish desires.
Naruto showed us that Madara was better simply because he aimed to create a better world for his brothers.
6) Frieza

Frieza is another one of the villains who committed atrocities because he found them enjoyable. This galactic emperor never once tried to question the crimes he committed as he believed he was above any consequences.
Frieza is childish, and he constantly boasts about his power and his royal lineage. He is convinced that no one could ever defeat him. When the possibility of a warrior stronger than him reached his ears, he opted to destroy an entire planet while laughing about it. If they were to ever meet, this tyrant would mock Madara for his plans during Naruto.
7) Hao Asakura

Another villain who was convinced that his twisted sense of justice and morality was infallible, Hao was angry with humanity because of all the suffering they caused him in a previous life. They killed his mother, tried to eliminate him several times, and ignored his messages of peace and change.
Hao's wish is to destroy all non-shamans in the world as he believes that those who are unable to see Spirits are wicked and corrupted. In his quest to become one with the Great Spirits, Hao killed hundreds and never regretted a single one of the lives he took.
Naruto's Madara was never as vile as wanting to commit genocide, which is why Hao is more evil than him.
8) Overhaul

Kai Chisaki is convinced that the world is afflicted with a severe disease that causes death and destruction, the Quirk Factor that gives power to most humans on Earth.
He tasked himself with finding a way to stop humans from developing Quirks in the future. In order to obtain the cure for this supposed disease, Chisaki utilizes his Quirk, Overhaul, to collect DNA samples from little Eri .
By destroying and reconstructing her body, Chisaki was able to create a vaccine made with her Quirk Factor that could erase any quirk. However, even if he thought he was doing good to the world, the constant torture and trauma inflicted on a defenseless young girl is something that cannot be forgiven, not even by someone like Naruto’s Madara.
9) Byakuran

Madara was a manipulative person but he never hid his true nature in Naruto. On the other hand, Byakuran always keeps his true intentions hidden behind a smile.
Byakuran is able to transfer his consciousness into his own body from different timelines. This ability quickly gave him the idea of trying to take control of the world in any of them, utilizing the knowledge he acquired from previous iterations of himself to his advantage.
To achieve his goals, he constantly recruits unfortunate individuals he meets in other worlds by promising them a better life. Then, he manipulates them into doing whatever he wants.
10) Yakumo Oomori

All actions taken by Madara during Naruto were carefully calculated and always had an intent behind them. The horrible acts committed by Yakumo “Jason” from Tokyo Ghoul, on the other hand, were devoid of any objectives. Jason was just a powerful ghoul who became obsessed with torturing others.
Causing pain to those he treated like inferiors was the highlight of his day, and he always looked for more twisted ways to abuse his victims. The suffering he caused Kaneki was so gruesome that the young Ghoul became a completely different individual after escaping his torturer.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author's opinion.