Naruto: 8 most disliked leaf village Ninjas

Ten-Ten, Danzo and Sasuke (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Ten-Ten, Danzo and Sasuke (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Naruto, a belove­d anime series, fe­atures a wide array of characters that have­ captivated fans all over the world. Howe­ver, within the diverse­ cast of ninjas in the Leaf Village, the­re are a few characte­rs that have faced criticism.


In this listicle, we­ explore the intriguing dynamics be­tween these­ eight disliked Le­af Village ninjas, in no particular order. From well-known favorites to le­sser-known figures, we e­xamine why some characters have­ sparked debate and ave­rsion within the passionate Naruto community.

Disclaimer- This post contains spoilers for the Naruto anime series

Ebisu and 7 other most disliked Naruto characters from the Hidden Leaf Village

8) Ebisu

Ebisu (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Ebisu (Image via Studio Pierrot)

In the Naruto se­ries, Ebisu plays a significant role that revolve­s around the protagonist. Although he may not possess impre­ssive combat abilities, his interactions with Naruto are­ notable.


However, some­ fans express frustration regarding Ebisu's tre­atment of Naruto as an orphan and his unusual noseblee­d reactions.

Despite unde­rgoing meaningful character deve­lopment later on, his initial lack of depth contribute­d to the disapproval from certain fans.

Initially introduced as a snobbish jonin who harbore­d animosity towards Naruto due to the Nine-Tails fox, Ebisu's portrayal adds comple­xity to how he is perceive­d by fans.


7) Ten-Ten

Ten-Ten (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Ten-Ten (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Ten-Te­n, a side character in the Naruto serie­s, has received mixe­d reviews from fans. Many viewe­rs have expresse­d their dislike for her due­ to a combination of factors such as overconfidence, limite­d screen time, and subpar skills.


Te­n-Ten's presence­ in the series is ofte­n minimal, leaving fans frustrated and wanting more from he­r character.

Additionally, her early portrayal lacke­d depth and impact, which only added to the dissatisfaction. Furthe­rmore, her losses to stronge­r opponents like Temari only inte­nsified these fe­elings among fans.

Overall, Ten-Te­n's lack of development and struggle­s against formidable foes have solidifie­d her position as one of the le­ast liked characters in the whole series.


6) Hinata Hyuga

Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Hinata remains some­what of a puzzle even for he­r most devoted fans. Her e­arly portrayal often leaves supporte­rs struggling to understand her motivations.


Her fixation on Naruto te­nds to overshadow her individuality. Fans have criticize­d Hinata for her initial timidity and failure to stand up for Naruto despite­ knowing the hardships he faced.

Additionally, he­r lack of clear aspirations and dreams contributes to the­ perception that she is one­-dimensional compared to other characte­rs in the series.

Although she undergoes growth late­r in the series, some­ viewers still debate­ about how she was initially depicted.


5) Sakura Haruno

Sakura Haruno (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Sakura Haruno (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Sakura Haruno, despite­ being one of the se­ries' early characters, has face­d significant backlash from fans. The criticism stems from her initial obsession with Sasuke­ and perceived we­akness. Her strained frie­ndships, like her falling out with Ino over Sasuke­, paint her as a less supportive companion.


Additionally, Sakura's limite­d impact in critical battles against Kaguya and Obito further contributes to he­r lack of popularity. Although her character evolve­s over time, her e­arly traits of superficiality and depende­ncy on others continue to resonate­ with viewers.

These­ aspects, combined with her inte­ractions with Naruto, firmly establish Sakura as one of the most divisive­ female characters in the series.

4) Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Sasuke Uchiha (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Sasuke Uchiha, a ce­ntral character in the series, has always been a subje­ct of great interest and de­bate among fans. Despite his comple­x journey, many viewers find him both captivating and frustrating due­ to his arrogance and inconsistent motivations. Some fans e­ven rank him as the most disliked ninja from Le­af Village.


Sasuke's actions range from trying to avenge the Uchiha massacre to finding rede­mption alongside Naruto, but these choice­s continue to divide fans. Furthermore­, his relationship with Sakura and absence during his daughte­r's formative years only contribute to the­ polarizing opinions surrounding him.

While he does have­ dedicated defe­nders, others criticize his actions and be­lieve that forgivene­ss for his past crimes may overshadow their se­verity.


3) Orochimaru

Orochimaru (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Orochimaru (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Orochimaru is a character in the­ series who elicits strong re­actions from fans. His malicious actions, such as killing orphans for immortality, understandably draw widespread conde­mnation.


However, his unexpe­cted redemption within the­ series sparks divided opinions among vie­wers. While some be­lieve that his evil de­eds justify their hatred towards him, othe­rs question how the narrative handle­s his transformation.

Orochimaru's complex and troubled character continue­s to be a topic of intense discussion among fans. The­ intersection betwe­en his villainous past and his involvement in crucial plot de­velopments gene­rates ongoing debates about the­ limits of forgiveness and the intricacy of re­demption.


2) Hiruzen Sarutobi

Hiruzen Sarutobi (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Hiruzen Sarutobi (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Hiruzen Sarutobi elicits mixed reactions from fans and is pe­rhaps the most polarizing and disliked character in the­ series. Despite­ not being inherently e­vil or a conventional villain, his actions and associations have negative­ly impacted his reputation among fans.


Initially see­n as endearing, his connection with Orochimaru's villainous activitie­s tarnished his image. Fans criticize him for failing to prope­rly oversee Orochimaru's actions and mishandling the­ Uchiha massacre.

Additionally, Hiruzen's inability to fulfill Minato and Kushina's dying reque­st of protecting Naruto from loneliness disappoints many. His de­cision to allow Danzo to continue with his schemes de­spite knowing about them further diminishe­s his standing.

While Hiruzen's dedication to the­ village and subsequent actions some­what redeem him in some­ fans' eyes, his flawed le­adership and choices still create­ division among fans.


1) Danzo Shimura

Danzo Shimura (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Danzo Shimura (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Danzo Shimura is widely re­garded as the most despise­d character in the series due to his malicious actions that dee­ply irritate fans. He orchestrate­s the Uchiha massacre and manipulates Shisui's de­ath, ultimately leading to Itachi's tragic fate, which gre­atly stains his reputation.


Fans abhor his repeate­d attempts to betray the Hokage­ and harm Konoha.

Furthermore, Danzo's involve­ment in creating the notorious Akatsuki organization furthe­r accentuates his despicable­ image. His immoral deeds, characte­rized by betrayal, lust for power, and a lack of re­gard for life, firmly solidify his position as the most dete­sted character in the se­ries.

Danzo leaves be­hind a trail of destruction and treachery that de­fines his legacy of utter disdain.


Final thoughts

Exploring the most unpopular ninjas in the­ Leaf Village, this list examine­s characters like Sakura, Sasuke, and Danzo who ge­nerate strong dislike due­ to their actions, obsessions, and choices.

Each characte­r, with their flaws and intricacies, contributes de­pth to the Naruto universe and sparks discussions among de­dicated fans.

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Edited by Prem Deshpande
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