In the late 1990s, both Naruto and One Piece were released, captivating anime enthusiasts worldwide. Masashi Kishimoto, the brilliant mind behind Naruto, openly acknowledged that One Piece played a significant role in inspiring his work. The success of Naruto can be attributed partly to the triumph experienced by its counterpart, One Piece.
These series swiftly gained immense popularity and became iconic franchises within the anime realm. One Piece was released two years before Naruto, establishing Eiichiro Oda as Kishimoto's senior in all aspects except age. Kishimoto, who admired and aspired to surpass Oda's success, attributed Naruto's publication and triumph to the influence of One Piece.
One Piece Led To The Success Of Naruto series
Kishimoto has expressed that the success of his work on Naruto was greatly influenced by One Piece. Anime enthusiasts are already well acquainted with the comparison between Naruto and One Piece. Both series emerged in the late 1990s and swiftly gained immense popularity within the realm of anime.
During New York Comic Con 2015, Masashi Kishimoto discussed his connection with Eiichiro Oda at a press event as reported by Anime News Network. Here's what Kishimoto said:
"I was very envious in the beginning and yet, at the same time, I wanted to not only be like him, but I wanted to surpass him. In some ways I feel like the reason Naruto was able to be published and was able to succeed was because of One Piece."
Oda managed to have his work, One Piece, published two years before Naruto was even released. This fueled Kishimoto with jealousy and motivated him to strive to surpass his contemporary.
Kishimoto and Oda's inspiration from the Dragon Ball series
Kishimoto and Oda found significant inspiration from the veterans of Shonen Jump, Akira Toriyama's legendary work, Dragon Ball.
Kishimoto has gone on record saying that Naruto was influenced largely by the epic Japanese franchise Dragon Ball Z. Kishimoto has always said that the main inspiration behind his masterpiece is Dragon Ball, as he grew up reading about Goku’s adventures.
Eiichiro Oda holds a deep admiration for Dragon Ball and acknowledges its significant impact on his own work. Notably, Oda has had numerous opportunities to collaborate with Akira Toriyama, one of his favorite manga authors. Their fruitful collaborations have extended beyond joint projects as they have engaged in moderated discussions exploring their artistic endeavors and mutual influences.
Oda's Tribute to Kishimoto when the latter's manga series Naruto came to an end
In 2014, when Naruto concluded, Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, paid tribute to the series by bringing together the two heroes in a friendly encounter. In Chapter 766 of volume 77 of One Piece, there was a special cover page dedicated to Naruto. Oda included hidden references and a heartfelt message from himself to Kishimoto. Although Oda intended for it to remain a secret longer, fans quickly discovered the hidden message within the world of One Piece.
In conclusion, it is evident that One Piece had a significant impact on Naruto's success. Both series were introduced in the late 1990s and swiftly grew into two of anime history's most beloved franchises.
Kishimoto admired Oda's achievements and aimed not just to emulate him but to surpass him as well. According to Kishimoto, One Piece played a crucial role in enabling Naruto's publication and eventual triumph. Despite their friendly competition, both authors spoke highly of each other's work and included subtle references to their respective series.