Within the immense and intricate world of Naruto, the destiny of its characters revolves in an area of fascination. One such mystery in this area revolves around the untimely passing of Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage of Konoha and one of the mightiest shinobi in the series. While Hashirama was widely considered nearly invincible, his death at a relatively young age continues to puzzle fans.
Though the anime and manga never directly state how Hashirama's life came to an end, fans have crafted many theories and ideas over time. Some fans think that Hashirama met his demise at the hands of Kakuzu, a member of Akatsuki. While the show left the details of his death unanswered, this antagonist provides an option for those pondering Hashirama's past.
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Naruto: Was Hashirama Senju Killed by Kakuzu?
While no conclusive proof exists, some have wondered if Kakuzu played a role in Hashirama's passing, given his formidable skills. Known for his ability to prolong his life by taking others' hearts, this experienced shinobi uses unique life-extending means making him a dreaded foe.
Though speculation alone connects him to Hashirama, Kakuzu maintains a feared reputation through his ability to manipulate lifespan by stealing hearts, complementing his history as a hunter of targets.
Kakuzu has been alive since Hashirama's time. He was once tasked with a mission to end Hashirama’s life, which he didn't succeed. Because his mission failed, he had to leave the village. Apart from Kakuzu, Uchiha Madara also aimed at killing Hashirama but was unsuccessful. So, it's unclear who brought Hashirama down.
Who is Kakuzu in Naruto?
Throughout the Naruto series, Kakuzu is portrayed as a ruthless yet calculating person primarily motivated by money. Through cunning and a willingness to employ brutal tactics when needed, Kakuzu has survived numerous battles and accumulated vast resources over several decades to expand his Jutsu collection.
Kakuzu used unusual Jutsu, like his Earth Grudge Fear technique, which empowered him to rework his body and increase his life by assimilating the hearts of others. Despite his powerful capacities, Kakuzu's part in Hashirama's passing remains a subject of speculation.
Naruto: Who is Hashirama Senju?
Hashirama Senju, respected as the God of Shinobi, was an iconic character in the Naruto universe. As one of the founders of the Hidden Leaf Village and the chief of the impactful Senju clan, Hashirama held a pivotal position in forming the ninja world. Through his achievements and efforts, he helped deliver peace between the clans in Konoha, setting the stage for future generations.
Hashirama stood alone at the top with his immense power and unmatched skill with wood techniques and sage abilities. His devotion to Konoha's prosperity and relentless quest for harmony earned him great admiration as their guiding chief.
Final thoughts
The details surrounding Hashirama Senju's end in Naruto remain intriguing to fans, with different theories and speculations developing. Even though it has not been straightforwardly expressed that Kakuzu murdered Hashirama, viewers have theorized about the potential link in the middle of the two characters.
Kakuzu brought intriguing nuances to theories surrounding Hashirama's death through his distinctive talents and ruthless character. However, without more formal confirmation, it remains uncertain who was responsible for Hashirama's death.