Naruto fandom finally comes around on this unnecessarily hated character

People tend to hate Sakura less lately (Image via Studio Pierrot)
People tend to hate Sakura less lately (Image via Studio Pierrot)

In the exciting world of Naruto, Haruno Sakura has been the subject of heated debate for a long time. Ever since the series aired, she has often been criticized by many fans, despite her impressive development, accomplishments, and vital role in the story. But times are changing, and more people are beginning to recognize and value Sakura's remarkable qualities.

Sakura faced constant harsh judgment and unnecessary hate from the anime's fans, albeit growing tremendously throughout the series, achieving amazing feats, and playing a crucial part in the narrative's progression. But now, the fandom is gradually realizing Sakura's true worth and embracing her as the exceptional character she is.

Naruto fandom comes to realize the importance of Haruno Sakura

Sakura Haruno is a key member of Team 7 and often faces unfair criticism that overlooks her impressive growth and achievements. Her role in the series cannot be disregarded, especially since she was the first in her squad to defeat an Akatsuki member.

At the age of 17, Sakura courageously undertook a dangerous mission despite advice against participating. She boldly confronted Sasori, a puppet master from the Village Hidden in the Sand who is now affiliated with Akatsuki, in a fierce battle. Sasori himself was surprised by Sakura's formidable skills, requiring him to use his strongest puppets and Jutsus against his remarkable fighting strength and abilities.

Sakura and Chiyo finish off Sasori (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Sakura and Chiyo finish off Sasori (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Sakura's remarkable triumph against such a powerful foe was a pivotal moment that showcased he­r abilities and growth. This victory highlighted her stre­ngth, intelligence, and characte­r development. It was a de­fining achievement that deserved celebration from fans. However, many went on to criticize Sakura, failing to acknowledge her contributions to the Naruto storyline.

Rather than recognizing her accomplishments and evolution, some fans continue to unjustly criticize her for various reasons. They overlook the significance of her victory over Sasori, which marked a turning point in her character arc and demonstrated her skills as a shinobi.

How Naruto fans reacted to this claim?

Sasori rushes in on Sakura (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Sasori rushes in on Sakura (Image via Studio Pierrot)

After the tweet by @kamikorinaa highlighted Sakura's achievements and criticized the negativity she faces, the fandom engaged in lively discussions. Many fans expressed newfound admiration for Sakura, commending her bravery, perseverance, and growth throughout the series.

"Clock it, She LITERALLY carried the first arc. Saved Kankuro from dying and then defeated Sasori, which got them the set up for the New Arc the Tenchi Bridge!," a fan tweeted.

Fans acknowledged he­r victory over Sasori as a significant milestone, showcasing he­r Medical Ninja abilities that marked a turning point in her shinobi journey.

"I mean, Granny did help A LOT with this.. just saying (I’m actually more of a Sakura fan, I really think Hinata is mad overrated)," wrote a fan.
"They gonna give all the credit to Chiyo like Chiyo herself didn’t give Sakura props. Teamwork is also a literal theme in Naruto that they seem to forget," tweeted another fan.

Others used this opportunity to reflect on their initial misconceptions and biases against Sakura. They realized their criticisms were unjustified and unfair and appreciated Sakura as a multifaceted character with unique strengths and weaknesses. They recognized the complexity of her role within the Naruto universe, acknowledging her depth and development.

Final thoughts

Sakura Haruno (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Sakura Haruno (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Sakura Haruno, initially perceived negatively by Naruto fans, now deserves well-deserved recognition. Unfair criticism overshadowed Sakura's pivotal contributions, which were unjustly overlooked for years. Fortunately, rece­nt discussions highlight her achievements, suggesting a positive shift in fan perceptions.

Sakura's journey reminds us not to judge prematurely, as characters evolve significantly throughout narratives. Her story exemplifies the importance of evaluating characters holistically based on their development, actions, and narrative impact rather than harboring baseless biases.

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Edited by Babylona Bora
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